Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 287 Concerns of all parties

The person who asked Ye Ming in surprise was none other than Zou Wenming, director of Xinleng County Local Taxation Bureau.

It turned out that Zou Wenming just received a call from Liu Pengcheng, saying that Ye Ming had a physical conflict with the behind-the-scenes boss of the Green Field Restaurant, and the boss even pulled out a pistol, asking him to come over quickly.

Zou Wenming was taken aback: If it was just a physical conflict, Ye Ming would not suffer, only others would suffer from him; however, if the other party had a gun, with Ye Ming's character of preferring to bend rather than bend, the more frustrated he becomes, the more courageous he would be if he went If you confront this gunman head-on, you may suffer a big loss, and your life may even be in danger...

Thinking of this, Zou Wenming became anxious. He didn't care to inquire about the rest of the situation. He quickly hung up Liu Pengcheng's cell phone, and immediately summoned all the members of the party group and the middle-level managers who hadn't left. I rushed over to the East Station.

On the way, he called Liu Pengcheng again and learned that the other party had fired a shot. Ouyang Ming was shot through his arm to save Ye Ming, but his life was not in danger. He was waiting for an ambulance to arrive; The uniform was fired, and the gun was also taken away. It is estimated that the police will arrive at the scene soon...

When he heard that Ye Ming was fine, Zou Wenming's hanging heart finally let go: what he fears most now is that Ye Ming's life will be in danger.Because, his own future is now closely linked with Ye Ming.Once Ye Ming has an accident while performing official duties, such as being injured or even sacrificing his life, he will not only lose one of his strongest backers, but he will also not be able to explain to Director Xu of the Municipal Bureau in the future, let alone the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Secretary Li explained.

Now, when he heard that Ye Ming was fine, his mind cleared up, and he immediately remembered the procedures and responsibilities he should perform.

So, in the car, according to the relevant provisions of the "Major Incident Reporting System", he reported to Li Yong, the executive deputy county magistrate, Shen Youbin, secretary of the county party committee, and Xu Fei, director of the Municipal Local Taxation Bureau, that a cadre of a sub-bureau was held with a gun while enforcing the law. Ou Yangming, deputy director of the anti-tax and sub-bureau, was injured.

When Shen Youbin heard Zou Wenming's report that the gun-wielding taxpayer was Kang Genxin, captain of the judicial police of the county court, Shen Youbin was extremely furious, and told Zou Wenming on the phone that he would immediately call Tao Yong, director of the Public Security Bureau, and ask them to set up a special case. The team will thoroughly investigate the case and will definitely bring the perpetrators to justice.

After saying this, he asked again with great concern: "Old Zou, did Ye Ming participate in this operation? Is he all right?"

Zou Wenming hurriedly said: "Secretary Shen, the target of Kang Gen's new shooting is Ye Ming, but a deputy director of the first branch of our county bureau pushed him at a critical moment and let him avoid Kang Gen Xin's first shot gave him a chance to counterattack and subdue Kang Genxin. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous!"

Shen Youbin also said with some fear: "Xiaoye is an auspicious person! By the way, what is the name of the cadre who saved Ye Ming? My opinion is: for such a brave and fearless cadre who sacrificed his life to save others, We must widely publicize, vigorously commend, and award corresponding honors."

Zou Wenming originally had great opinions and prejudices against Ouyang Ming.However, when he heard Liu Pengcheng say that he gave up his life to save Ye Ming's life today, more than half of his prejudice against him disappeared at once, and at the same time he sighed secretly: Ye Ming, this boy, really answered the sentence: A good man must be a good man. Good news!At the beginning, Ou Yangming planned to frame him, but he didn't hold grudges. He repayed his grievances with kindness, and tried his best to protect Ou Yangming in front of him, preventing him from being dealt with by the bureau's party group.Today, Ouyang Ming repaid him at a critical moment.If he had made trouble for Ouyang Ming back then, Ouyang Ming would never stand up and take that shot for him today...

Therefore, when Shen Youbin proposed to promote Ouyang Ming, Zou Wenming immediately agreed: "Secretary Shen, I have the same idea as you: Comrade Ouyang Ming's spirit of standing up and saving others in times of crisis, ours It must be vigorously advocated and commended and rewarded. At that time, the Propaganda Department of the county party committee and the TV station must cooperate with our publicity work."

Shen Youbin immediately stated: "It's easy to say. When the time comes, your county bureau will write a material, and I will make a comment on the material."

And Xu Fei, director of the Municipal Local Taxation Bureau, after receiving a call from Zou Wenming to report the incident, his first reaction was to ask Ye Ming if there was anything wrong.After hearing Zou Wenming say that he was fine, he let out a long sigh and instructed, "Old Zou, in my impression, our tax system, no matter whether it is local tax or national tax, so far, there has not been any incident of national cadres holding back money." The case of tax resistance with guns. Therefore, the case that broke out on your side today is very typical and very bad. Please attach great importance to it. Before five o'clock this afternoon, you must ask the people in the office to write down the history of the case and report to the police. Come to the Municipal Bureau Office. The Municipal Bureau Office has to report to the Provincial Bureau Office and the Legal Affairs Office overnight, and strive to be published in the news media tomorrow. We must fight against the tax criminals to form a high-pressure situation, and finally bring them to justice.”

After Zou Wenming and others rushed to the scene, they saw Ye Ming surrounded by several heavily armed riot police with handcuffs on his hands. He couldn't help being extremely surprised, so he asked.

Captain Zeng saw that there were people in tax uniforms in the group, and heard Ye Ming call out "Director Zou". He guessed that these were Ye Ming's leaders or colleagues, so he hurriedly said to Zou Wenming: "This Hello, leader! There was a little misunderstanding just now, so Director Ye was handcuffed. We will help him open it immediately."

As he spoke, he grumbled at a policeman next to him, and that policeman immediately stepped forward and uncuffed Ye Ming.

Zou Wenming looked around again and asked, "Where's Ouyang Ming? Is he seriously injured?"

Liu Pengcheng replied from the side: "Director Zou, the ambulance from the People's Hospital has just sent Director Ou to the hospital. Hao Jinbin and two other cadres are accompanying him in the car. As for his injuries, according to the doctor's examination, he said : It seems to be a penetrating wound. The bullet did not stay in the arm, but penetrated the flesh and then rubbed the shoulder blade and went out from the other side. Therefore, it is estimated that most of his wounds were flesh and flesh, and the bones were only damaged a little, so it is not a big problem. "

When Zou Wenming heard that Ouyang Ming's injury was not serious, he breathed a sigh of relief again, walked over to shake Captain Zeng's hand, and said with a smile, "Comrade policeman, hello, I'm Zou Wenming, director of Xinleng County Local Taxation Bureau. This time I really have to work hard for you! Please investigate this case carefully, and bring the criminals who resisted taxes with guns and shot and wounded people to justice as soon as possible, so as to create a good law enforcement environment for us. On behalf of the New Cold Land Tax Bureau More than 100 cadres and workers, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you in advance!"

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