Heads of public security bureaus or procuratorates like Zeng Huajun like to deal with powerful and rich departments such as local taxation, national taxation, and finance.Because, as long as we have a good relationship with the leaders of these units, we can usually walk around with each other, have a meal, drink, sing a song, etc., and these units will take the initiative to pay the bill.

Moreover, as long as they have a good relationship with these rich units, they can also use the name of "case-handling funds" to get tens of thousands of dollars in sponsorship from these rich units and seek some benefits for the cadres in the department-this kind of The "sponsorship fee" is business-to-business, without fear of anyone suing, safe and secure, without any side effects.Department heads like Zeng Huajun especially like to earn some extra money for their brothers in this way.

Therefore, when he heard Zou Wenming say those words of thanks, he immediately smiled and said again and again: "Should, should! This is our duty, and it is too polite for you to say thank you. Director Zou, my name is Zeng Huajun , is now the captain of the Anti-riot Brigade of the County Public Security Bureau. He has just taken office and has not had time to visit you. In the future, we need a lot of support from God of Wealth Bodhisattvas like you!"

Of course Zou Wenming knew what he meant, so he said bluntly: "Captain Zeng, we are all from administrative agencies. We also need the support, cooperation and help of your Public Security Bureau for many tasks in our land tax. For example, in today's situation , you have to work hard to deal with it. Let’s do it this way: Tomorrow night we have a treat in the bureau, you invite all the officers and police from your anti-riot brigade, and we have a meal together. In the future, if you have financial difficulties in your team, you can also find Me, let's study it, and try to solve it for you within the scope of our ability."

It turned out that Zou Wenming just heard from Liu Pengcheng that Ye Ming broke Kang Genxin's arm and beat him until his mouth and nose bleed, which may cause serious injuries. When writing the on-site report, put more responsibility on Kang Genxin.

Zeng Huajun was overjoyed when Zou Wenming took the initiative to bring up the "funding for handling the case", and quickly said, "Thank you Director Zou. I will definitely call all the brothers over tomorrow night and have a good drink with the brothers from the Local Tax Bureau. Don't worry, Director Tao has given me instructions just now, we must take good care of the authority and image of the Municipal Bureau. We will never tolerate criminals who violently resist taxes, and we will definitely punish them severely by law! "

That afternoon, after Ye Ming finished recording the statement at Zeng Huajun's place, he, Zou Wenming and other party members came to the County People's Hospital to guard Ouyang Ming for the operation.

Ou Yangming's hand did not hurt any bones, so the operation was relatively simple, that is, to cut open the wound, clean up the broken small bones at the shoulder blade, clean the wound, and suture it.Although the operation was relatively simple, it took several hours.

Zou Wenming and others waited until 05:30 in the afternoon. Knowing that Ouyang Ming would have two or three hours to come out of the operating room, he went back to eat first.But Ye Ming insisted on staying until Ouyang Ming's operation was over before going back.

The next morning, as soon as Ye Ming went to work, he went to the bank to withdraw 1 yuan, wrapped it in an envelope, bought a large bunch of carnations, and rushed to the county people's hospital to visit Ouyangming.

Ouyang Ming was under local anesthesia during the operation yesterday, so he was very conscious all the time. After he came out of the operating room, he even talked to Ye Ming.

Now, when he saw Ye Ming coming to see him with flowers again, he was very moved. He stretched out his left hand to hold Ye Ming's hand and said, "Ye Zi, I did have some opinions on you. But since you helped me last time After meeting me, I felt: You brother is not only open-minded, but also kind-hearted. In your bones, you have a chivalrous feeling of helping the poor and the weak. As long as you really make friends with you, you will often feel like a spring breeze. Moreover, the biggest advantage of your brother is that you only remember the kindness of others and ignore the hatred of others. You have the style of an ancient benevolent gentleman. For example, this time, I just did something that everyone should do in that situation. What I did. But you will keep it firmly in your heart. You stayed with me for the operation until seven or eight o’clock yesterday, and you didn’t eat dinner on time. You came to visit me again early this morning. I’m a little uneasy!”

Ye Ming hurriedly said: "Brother, what are you talking about? Why do you feel uneasy? You really saved my life yesterday! Don't say anything. If you do this, you know that in today’s society, it’s a bit of a declining world and people’s hearts are not old. There are many things that we used to regard as the golden rule, such as helping others, being brave, giving up one’s life for righteousness, helping the weak and helping the poor, etc. Sentiment is now forgotten or even dismissed by many people. Therefore, you pushed me yesterday, which seemed accidental, but it was actually a manifestation of the beautiful and noble sentiments in your heart. If it were someone else, they might not dare Push me away at the risk of being hit by a bullet. Another point, I hope that when we talk together in the future, you will stop talking about the words I helped you. Those are all stories that have been exposed. You're a completely different person now. I'd be disturbed if those things were brought up again."

At this time, Ouyang Ming's wife was also listening to their conversation, and she thanked him very much and said, "Brother Ye Ming, I really want to thank you for bringing this up. You told me everything, including how you helped him pay off those usury loans and get rid of the predicament of debt collection. By doing this, you not only helped Ouyang, but also saved our whole family. You don't know: he is burdened with During those days of loan sharks, I almost never went home, and I couldn’t get through to him on the phone. Even when I went home once in a while, I was sad, didn’t think about food and drink, and had insomnia all night. At that time, I really thought that our family would be destroyed. His wife and children separated. But then, he suddenly seemed to be a different person. He commuted to and from work on time every day. When he got home, he just watched TV and read books, or helped his children with homework. Moreover, he now eats a lot and sleeps less at night. Well, people are getting fat. These are all thanks to you, a good man! So, yesterday when I heard someone said that Ouyang blocked a bullet for you, even though he was injured, I was very happy and relieved , I feel that this has finally repaid you a little bit of affection!"

At this point, tears welled up in her eyes and her voice choked up.

Ye Ming was also very excited, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, took out the envelope containing 1 yuan from his briefcase, handed it to Ye Ming's wife, and said sincerely: "Sister-in-law, this is my little Xinyi, buy some nutritional supplements for Director Ou after he recovers, please accept it!"

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