When Wu Xiaofeng heard that he was indeed Wang Li's younger brother, his heart sank: Eight years ago, his last fight in Macau was to compete for the title of boxing champion with that devilish Wang Li, and in the end, both sides suffered: Wang Li was used by Wu Xiaofeng. Wu Family Boxing's "Five Thunders Booming the Top" and "Giant Python Enveloping" shattered the Tianling Gai and died on the spot; before that, Wu Xiaofeng was also hit by Wang Li with their Wang family's "Wind Thunder Palm" and "Whirlwind Kick". He broke three ribs and kicked his left shin, and was forced to withdraw from the underground boxing arena to recuperate his injuries. This support lasted for eight years, until all the money he had earned to treat his ten-year-old son's poison was exhausted. Under the kind invitation of the head, I came to the capital to participate in this boxing match, which was much higher than before, hoping to raise another treatment fee for my son.

And the reason why he wanted to play three games in a row was because he took a fancy to the high appearance fee and bonus at the end of the winning streak: as long as he won three games in a row, he could get an appearance fee of 120 million yuan and a bonus of 200 million yuan, a total of 320 million yuan. ten thousand yuan.As long as he got the money, he could follow the doctor's request to transplant bone marrow to his son and replace it with a set of hematopoietic stem cells, so that he could permanently get rid of the torment of the poison.Moreover, after the operation, I can still leave a large sum of money for family expenses, so I won't come out to box again in the future...

However, he never expected that Wang Li's younger brother would follow his own trail and come to this arena to avenge his elder brother.Moreover, looking at his appearance and hearing his tone, he obviously came prepared—it is very likely that he has been studying and studying his Wujia boxing in recent years, looking for flaws and loopholes in his boxing, and possibly There has been something to gain, to feel that you can beat yourself.Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to utter wild words like this from the very beginning, saying that he was here to break his own Wu Family Fist...

Ye Ming has practiced martial arts all year round, and his hearing is much sharper than ordinary people.Therefore, even though the scene was full of people and noisy, he still heard the conversation between Wu Xiaofeng and Wang Feng on the stage, and he couldn't help being surprised: from the tone of the person surnamed Wang, he didn't seem to be here for the competition, but came here specially to find Hatred.Since he came to seek revenge, he must have been fully prepared.Wu Xiaofeng still has hidden illnesses, and his body seems to have not fully recovered.If you really run into a well-prepared and powerful opponent, I'm afraid it will be more or less auspicious.

Moreover, judging from Wang's actions on the stage just now, and the sharp energy in his eyes when he faced Wu Xiaofeng on the stage, this person is not only full of hatred in his heart, but also seems to have strong internal strength.Even if Wu Xiaofeng had no hidden illness, the two of them might be evenly matched.

But now, Wu Xiaofeng had already played a match and had consumed part of his strength.If you want to fight this vicious fight with this hatred-filled Wang with a sick body, the consequences are unpredictable-you know, extreme hatred can sometimes give people strong motivation and fighting spirit, and it can even inspire a person. the full potential of man.And this person surnamed Wang is full of hatred at this moment.Looking at the way he stared at Wu Xiaofeng, it seemed as if he wanted to eat him alive immediately...

What made Ye Ming even more worried and annoyed was that when this man surnamed Wang was talking to Wu Xiaofeng just now, he said bluntly that today he was here to break Wu Xiaofeng's Wujiaquan, and he was a disciple of Wujiaquan.If he really broke Wu Xiaofeng's Wu Family Fist and defeated Wu Xiaofeng, then he, a Wu Family Fist disciple, would also be ashamed.

So, he opened his eyes wide, stared at the two people on the stage, and kept cheering for his senior brother Wu Xiaofeng in his heart.

After the host in the audience introduced Wang Feng's basic situation, he announced the start of the competition.

Since the two people on the stage are very familiar with each other's boxing techniques and routines, at the beginning, the two people fought each other tentatively. You punched and I kicked. After the fists and feet intersected, they separated immediately and walked around the field. , looking for the opponent's flaws.

After a few rounds, Wang Feng seemed to have seen Wu Xiaofeng's weakness, and his sharp eyes specifically looked at the calf of his left leg, which was broken by kicks and is still slightly limping, and from time to time, he also glanced at his right rib cage— —And these two places are exactly the focus of Wu Xiaofeng's injury by Wang Li, and he still hasn't completely healed up to now.

Finding the opponent's Achilles' heel is exactly what the masters on the competition stage are best at, and it is also the most critical factor for them to win.

Obviously, this Wang Feng is indeed a master, and may be even stronger than his brother Wang Li...

Of course Wu Xiaofeng understands Wang Feng's intention to focus on his two lesions, and he can't help but feel a little nervous: Wang's "Wind and Thunder Palm" and "Whirlwind Kick", he has experienced it before, not only the speed of punching and kicking, but also the strength They are fierce and fierce, and they must not face head-to-head with their fists and thighs. Instead, they must choose to dodge first, and then wait for the opportunity to find their weak points. Only by hitting them can they win.

However, at present, my left calf has an old injury, and if I move too violently, it will cause severe pain.Moreover, if one is not careful, the healed wound may break again.Therefore, my own evasion action will definitely not be very fast and flexible. How can I resist the stormy attack that the opponent may launch later?

At this time, the audience on both sides saw that the two of them were just walking blindly on the stage, and they separated immediately after touching each other for a while. one slice.

Wang Feng was not moved by the hustle and bustle below, he still played hide-and-seek with Wu Xiaofeng patiently.

After the two of them swam around for a few more rounds, Wu Xiaofeng finally couldn't bear it any longer, and suddenly took a step forward, with both palms out, using a move of "Double Face and Three Swords", hitting Wang Feng's temples on both sides respectively.

Wang Feng seemed to have figured out the routines of the Wu family boxing for a long time. When he saw him stepping forward, he knew which move he was going to use, so he shrank his body in advance to let Wu Xiaofeng's sharp and thunderous aura His two palms hit the empty space.

Then, taking advantage of his shrinking momentum, he suddenly rushed forward obliquely, pointed his head at Wu Xiaofeng's unprotected chest, and slammed forward fiercely, just hitting Wu Xiaofeng's right rib cage. place.

Wang Feng had practiced Iron Head Kung Fu since childhood, the force of this impact was overwhelming, and Wu Xiaofeng's right breast rib was injured before, how could he withstand it now?He heard two "clicks, clicks", and the two ribs on his right chest were broken again, and he almost fainted from the pain.

Wu Xiaofeng fought for a long time, although he was seriously injured, he gritted his teeth and insisted not to fall down. When Wang Feng's head hit his chest, he suddenly bent his right knee and slammed the pestle upwards. On Wang Feng's chin, several of Wang Feng's teeth were knocked out at once.

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