After kicking Wang Feng hard with his knee, Wu Xiaofeng immediately raised his right palm, aimed at Wang Feng's Tianling Gai and slapped down - this move was exactly the trick he used to kill Wang Li: five thunders!

However, he didn't expect that after two broken ribs, he was already having difficulty breathing, and he couldn't gather all the internal energy in his palms. In addition, Wang Feng had also practiced "Iron Head Kung Fu", and his ability to resist blows was extraordinary.

Therefore, when he shot the "five thunders on the top", his strength was much weaker than before.Moreover, as soon as his palm touched Wang Feng's head, it was as if he had slapped it on a piece of hard granite. Not only did he not hear the cracking sound of skull cracking as he expected, but his palm shook. It was a dull pain.

Just when he used the move of "Five Thunders Booming the Top", Wang Feng raised his head and received his palm forcefully.Then, while he was a little dazed, he suddenly threw out both fists, like a storm, and used one of their royal family's unique skills: "Wind and Thunder Palm".

Wu Xiaofeng never expected that Wang Feng would still be able to counterattack after being hit by his own "five thunders". He was caught off guard and wanted to dodge, but it was too late.I saw Wang Feng's fists that were as fast as the wind and rain hit Wu Xiaofeng's abdomen and chest continuously, every time he hit Wu Xiaofeng's body shaking.But after a while, Wu Xiaofeng fell to the ground, spouting mouthfuls of blood...

It turned out that this process was pre-designed by Wang Feng: After his brother died, he bought the game video recorded by the casino itself at a high price from the casino owner in Macau, and then played it over and over again, looking for his brother's defeat. to find the trick to crack Wujiaquan and defeat Wu Xiaofeng.

In the video, he found: Wu Xiaofeng's most powerful moves are "knee-bending", second "giant python entanglement", and third "five thunder strikes", all of which are some close combat killings.

His elder brother Wang Feng, after breaking Wu Xiaofeng's two ribs with the "Whirlwind Kick", became careless, and then used the "Wind Thunder Palm", trying to get close to Wu Xiaofeng and beat him to death in one go.

Unexpectedly: Wu Xiaofeng was at the age when he had the best internal strength, physical strength and endurance. After breaking two ribs, he still had strong attack and explosive power.

Therefore, when Wang Li waved his fists and approached him, he made a move of "wild horse splitting his mane" to push his fists away.Then, he suddenly took a step closer, wrapped his arms around, and used the move "Giant Python Enveloping", wrapping around Wang Li's waist tightly.Then, bend and extend the right knee, pushing it up, just touching Wang Li's crotch.

At this moment, Wang Feng could almost hear the sound of his brother's two testicles shattering from the video.At the same time, he also saw the extremely painful expression on Wang Li's face.

And Wu Xiaofeng, after bending his knees and bumping Wang Feng's crotch, swung his right palm without hesitation, and hit Wang Li's sky cap with one palm, and then pushed his body forward.

Wang Feng saw: after being hit by Wu Xiaofeng's "five thunders", his elder brother didn't even groan, just fell straight on the ground like a piece of wood cut by an axe, and never moved again...

Every time he sees this place, Wang Li will feel his blood rushing, his eyes will be torn apart, and he will feel that his chest is full of hatred, almost making him breathless...

After repeatedly watching the video and studying the fighting process between Wu Xiaofeng and Wang Li, Wang Feng finally thought of a trick: use his iron head skills to bully Wu Xiaofeng and hit his chest.Then, take the risk of being attacked by him with the "five thunder strikes", and then use his family's "wind and thunder palm" to knock him down--the fact proves: his strategy is completely effective, Wu Xiaofeng's "five thunder strikes" is no longer as powerful as before; Moreover, because he has practiced "Iron Head Kung Fu", the top of his head is often smashed with bricks, beaten with sticks, and chopped with knives, making it look like a piece of iron. Therefore, Wu Xiaofeng's "Five Thunders" did not cause much damage to his head. , just made him feel dizzy for a while.

So, taking advantage of Wu Xiaofeng's surprised timing, he used "Wind and Thunder Palm" like a storm, knocking him down at once...

The moment Wu Xiaofeng reached the bottom, Ye Ming said "ah", stood up from his seat, and stared anxiously at the stage to see if Wu Xiaofeng could get up.

At this time, the people on the red side also stood up and shouted in unison: "Wu Xiaofeng, stand up! Wu Xiaofeng, stand up!"

In order to minimize death, according to the rules of the game, when one player is injured and falls to the ground, the other player cannot attack until he gets up by himself.If the downed side cannot get up within 1 minute, the other side wins.

Therefore, after Wu Xiaofeng fell to the ground, the people on the red side stood up and shouted in unison, hoping that Wu Xiaofeng could stand up and fight again.

At this moment, the people on the red side showed disappointment: Wu Xiaofeng is the secret weapon and magic weapon for their side to win today. If he is defeated by Wang Feng now, none of the people who will appear on the stage below may be this Wang Feng's opponent.In that case, as long as Wang Feng wins two more games, the blue team will win...

After Wang Feng knocked Wu Xiaofeng down, he stared at Wu Xiaofeng on the ground with cold eyes like ice, and said in a contemptuous tone: "Wu, don't pretend to be a bitch. Let me tell you: I am here today to attack you, to attack you!" It came from your cowhide Wujia boxing. Wujia boxing has been passed down in the world, saying that you have ten unique skills, three moves to kill, and you are invincible in twelve provinces in the south. I just don’t believe this evil! As far as I know, you should be the last descendant of the so-called Wujiaquan, and your son is also dying in the hospital. So, today I am here to kill you, to ruin your Wujiaquan After you die, the Wu Family Fist will disappear completely in this world, and there will never be such a name as the Wu Family Fist in the martial arts world! I never thought that I, Wang Feng, would become the founder of the famous Wu Family Fist today. Tomb man. Hahaha!"

Hearing Wang Feng's brazen and provocative words, Ye Ming's face was livid with anger, panting heavily, and couldn't help but want to jump up to the stage, to compete with that arrogant, ignorant Let him experience the strength of the "Witch Family Boxing".

However, considering that he is a national civil servant, he must not go to such an illegal stage to do that kind of illegal thing.Therefore, he had no choice but to swallow a few breaths with difficulty, suppressing the anger in his heart, and waited to see what Wu Xiaofeng would do after hearing these words.

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