Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 443 A Beautiful Legend

After Ye Ming returned to the hotel, Shen Youbin and the others were still waiting for him and asked him about his relationship with Zhang Yan today.

Ye Ming didn't dare to say that he went to participate in an underground boxing match, he just vaguely said that he went to the "Cloud Club" in the eastern suburbs with Zhang Yan today, and met some wealthy celebrities and movie stars.Then, he told Shen Youbin: Zhang Yan has made an appointment with Lu Nianzi to have dinner together tomorrow night, and she will call him over then.

Shen Youbin, Shi Xing and others were very happy when Ye Ming said that Zhang Yan had already made an appointment with Lu Nianzi.

Shen Youbin told Ye Ming: According to those who knew Lu Nianzi from the National Development and Reform Commission, although Lu Nianzi likes a high-quality life, he likes luxury goods and high-end consumer goods.However, because she has been taught very strictly since she was a child, and she is also self-sacrificing, so under normal circumstances, she will never accept gifts from people who ask her to do business.Unless you are very familiar with her, or it is a gift from relatives and friends, she will accept it.

So when you go to dinner with her tomorrow afternoon, you'd better hide that sable coat and six bottles of perfume before she sees it.Then, find another opportunity to ask Zhang Yan to come forward and give it to her, and then tactfully state our request to see if she has any other options.If there is really no other way to think about it, it doesn't matter, Quan Dang this time is paving the way for our county to apply for a national resource-exhausted city next time...

When he said the last few words, Shen Youbin couldn't help but feel a bitter taste in his heart: who knows who will be the secretary of the county party committee next time.I pave the way for him this time, but I don't know if he will be appreciated or not!If the declaration is unsuccessful this time, it doesn’t really matter to me whether I pave the way or not. Anyway, it’s not my credit, it’s just making wedding clothes for others...

In the afternoon of the next day, Ye Mingzheng, Shen Youbin and others played poker in the hotel room to kill time, waiting for Zhang Yan's call.

When it hit four o'clock, Ye Ming suddenly remembered something, stopped his hand to grab the poker, and said to Shen Youbin: "Secretary Shen, Zhang Yan made an appointment with Director Lu yesterday. The Hair Art Center of "Beautiful Legend" does hair. I just thought about it: Should I rush over there now, and talk to Director Lu at the hair art center to get acquainted first. Then, by the way, give them both I bought a haircut. I thought: Director Lu would not refuse to buy them a haircut."

It turned out that when playing poker, Ye Ming had been thinking about how to approach Lu Nianzi and how to avoid embarrassing situations.Because he himself is a very thin-skinned person, he doesn't like to curry favor with others.Moreover, his self-esteem is also very strong. Once he is left out when he takes the initiative to make friends with others, he will feel extremely uncomfortable.

Therefore, he kept thinking: If he rushed in when Lu Nianzi was eating with Zhang Yan, even though Zhang Yan was there, Lu Nianzi might be displeased on the spot and give him a cold look.By then, it was very embarrassing.

However, if you find "Beautiful Legend" when they wash their hair, accompany them to wash their hair briefly, chat with them by the way, and finally buy the bill together.In this case, it seems logical, and Lu Nianzi will definitely not say anything - after all, it is normal for two girls and a boy to spend together, and the man will pay the bill.

Moreover, Ye Ming had an experience when he was working in the office of the Xinleng County Bureau: Generally, superior leaders come to the county bureau to guide the work or do some inspections and evaluations. When engaging in entertainment activities at night, the male leaders like to sing and massage, while the female leaders are almost the same. All of them like to wash their hair or have their hair done, and the cost of washing or doing their hair is not at all lower than that of singing and massage-because they don't just wash their hair or cut their hair, but want to pay for it. What kind of ion perm, steam perm, some want to straighten the hair, some want to curl the hair, some want to dye the hair yellow, some want to dye the hair brown... And, in the process of dyeing and perming In the process, they will use the most expensive potions, the most expensive conditioners, and the best technicians.A haircut often costs thousands of dollars.

He guessed that Lu Nianzi and Zhang Yan, like those female leaders, like to toss their hair: curl it for a while, straighten it for a while; dye it red for a while, and then dye it yellow for a few days; Cut into a fresh middle school student head...

So, in the middle of playing poker, he suddenly came up with the idea of ​​going to "Beautiful Legend".

Shen Youbin's eyes lit up when he heard his proposal, and he said, "Yes, this is a good way to allow you to enter the role in advance and leave a good impression on Director Lu. This is a good idea!"

After saying this, he thought for a while, and said, "Xiaoye, since you are going to Beautiful Legend, you should bring a little more money and buy a consumption card for each of them at the hair art center. I know Lesbians like to play with their hair, and I guess that beautiful legend hair art center may be the place where Director Lu decides to get hair done. We issued a consumption card for her and Zhang Yan, which is a trivial matter , but Director Lu may like it very much and be very happy, because this is exactly what she needs, and it also provides her with convenience, don't you think?"

Ye Ming nodded and said, "That's right, that's exactly what I thought too."

Next, Ye Ming called Zhang Yan and said that he would also come to Beauty Legend to wash his hair, and asked Zhang Yan if it was convenient.

Zhang Yan said happily: "It's convenient, why is it inconvenient? Come here quickly, my sister-in-law and I are doing hair, and it happens to be boring, come and chat with me."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Youbin ordered a financial officer to give Ye Ming 5 yuan in cash and put it in his bag, ready to go to the beautiful legend and places to eat to pay.Then, he put the sable fur coat and six bottles of perfume in a bag, and asked him to take them with him, so he wouldn't go back to the hotel to get them later.

According to the address Zhang Yan told him, Ye Ming took a taxi to Fumin Lane, Dong'an Street, found "Beautiful Legend Fayi Leisure Club", left the bag of clothes at the bar, and went to the VIP department on the third floor Look for Zhang Yan and Lu Nianzi.

In the perm room behind a screen, Ye Ming saw Lu Nianzi.

At this time, she was wearing a permed translucent high-power curling iron on her head, and was leisurely flipping through a casual magazine.Zhang Yan was sitting on another chair next to her, with the same thing on her head, looking around boredly.

Seeing Ye Ming walking in, Zhang Yan's eyes lit up, she quickly waved to him, and said with a smile on her face, "Mr. Ye, I'm here. Come quickly, let me introduce my sister-in-law to you."

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