Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 444 Lu Nianzi's Wish

In fact, without Zhang Yan's introduction, Ye Ming had already recognized Lu Nianzi.

After walking into the screen compartment, Ye Ming saw Zhang Yan at a glance.Then, he glanced to the side subconsciously, and saw a beautiful and dignified young woman sitting on the leather chair to the left of Zhang Yan.

This young woman's skin is smooth and white, her expression is noble and reserved, her eyes are big and clear, her nose bridge is high and straight, her lips are moist, her body is plump but curvy, and she exudes the charm of a mature woman from top to bottom.

At this time, she was reading a book with a curling iron on her head, and when she heard Zhang Yan's voice greeting Ye Ming, she looked up at Ye Ming in surprise.It was this glance that made Ye Ming conclude: This is definitely Lu Nianzi—because her facial features and demeanor are very similar to Secretary Lu.It's just that her face is smaller than Secretary Lu's, and her facial features are more delicate than Secretary Lu's.But the way she looked at people, as well as the look of inquiry and surprise on her face, were almost exactly the same as the expression on Secretary Lu's face when he saw her for the first time.

As for Lu Nianzi, the moment he saw Ye Ming, he was also shocked. He stared at Ye Ming for a long time, and his expression became more and more surprised.

It turned out that Ye Ming's appearance and demeanor had inherited all the advantages of his parents.Although his facial features resembled his mother Zhao Han, they were quite different from Secretary Lu.However, his eyes and the expression on his face, including his voice, are very similar to his father Lu Zhiyao.

It is difficult for others to detect this similarity in demeanor.However, Lu Nianzi is Lu Zhiyao's daughter, so she is very familiar with her father's expression and behavior, so familiar that when he closes his eyes, he can imagine his expression when he speaks, as well as the distinctive characteristics of his words and deeds.

And when Ye Ming appeared next to the screen just now, when she raised her eyes to look for someone, especially after he stared at her for a few times, she only felt a sudden jump in her heart: the boy's smile, expression, and the way he looked at him. Why do I feel so kind and familiar with the focused eyes when I was a human being?

Then, after thinking about it carefully, she realized that the boy's expression and demeanor were actually very similar to her own father.No wonder, I suddenly felt a sense of kindness and familiarity towards him in my heart.

Thinking of this, she herself felt a little ridiculous: what's wrong with me?How could he connect such an irrelevant young man with his father?Is it because I miss my father too much?

Although Lu Nianzi looks fashionable and trendy, she is actually a very traditional woman in her heart. She is extremely filial to her parents and has a strong sense of family affection.

Since she was six or seven years old and sensible, she knew that her father and mother had a bad relationship, and the two often quarreled.Several times, she heard her parents mention a woman named Zhao Han when they were quarreling.

At that time, she had vaguely understood that the woman named Zhao Han was another woman her father had found besides her mother.And it seemed that his father had a deep affection for that woman. When he was arguing with his mother, as long as his mother insulted Zhao Han, his father would be furious, which was very scary.

This kind of quarreling, until the mother died of illness a few years ago, the two of them never reconciled.

Although their parents have been at odds all their lives, they love their only daughter very much.Although my father is very strict with herself, but because she is well-behaved and sensible, she rarely does anything wrong, and her grades are also very good in school.Therefore, besides strict requirements, her father actually loved her very much.After she grew up, she often chatted with her and had a heart-to-heart talk.

From the information her father occasionally revealed, she knew a little about the woman named Zhao Han, and also knew the pure and beautiful love between her and her father.Moreover, she also knows that the combination between parents is purely a political need, the result of an exchange of interests.

Although Lu Nianzi sympathizes with her mother Gu Huaying, she feels that it is a tragedy that she has not received her father's love all her life.However, at the same time, she also sympathized with the woman named Zhao Han, and even admired her a little: for her father's career and future, she would rather abandon her studies and the happiness in the second half of her life, and resolutely chose to drop out of school by herself in order to fulfill her father What a selfless love this should be!

Although Lu Nianzi is traditional in his bones, his thinking is not rigid and narrow, nor does he blindly protect his mother Gu Huaying.She felt that her mother had many character flaws, some of which were hard for men to tolerate.

For example: my mother is very aggressive and arrogant, always using her family's influence to subdue my father, and often ridiculed that my father climbed to a high position because of her family's influence; another example, for those subordinates or friends who came to visit my father at home , Mother never pays attention to them, not even make them a cup of tea, let alone leave them to eat at home.For this reason, many of my father's subordinates and friends, after coming to his house once, did not dare to come again, which made my father lose face outside and offended many people...

After his mother passed away, his father had several long talks with Lu Nianzi, during which he also talked about the girl Zhao Han he met when he was in college.

From her father's nostalgic tone and lonely eyes, she knew that for decades, her father had always had that woman in his heart, and had always loved that woman.However, because of his identity and status, it was impossible for him to find her, contact her, let alone have anything to do with her.

For this reason, she developed a strong sympathy for her father: although his father was in a high position, he looked very beautiful.But in fact, his heart is lonely and desolate.Because in the past few decades, he has endured his mother's unruly, aggressive and unreasonable troubles, and he has endured the coercion of his mother's prominent family.In domestic life he never enjoyed any pleasure except teasing her when he was a child.

Therefore, when her father was going to serve in Tianjiang Province, she was in favor of it [-]%.She felt that her father had suffered and been lonely all his life in his emotional life.If you can find that woman in Tianjiang, even if they can't be together, you can always give him some comfort, and you can always make him happier and happier—and this is exactly the biggest wish in her heart as a daughter .

She sometimes even thinks: as long as that woman is not married, or married and divorced, she is willing to rush to Tianjiang to facilitate her father's marriage with her, so that father can have a happy old age in the future...

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