Lu Nianzi never dreamed that her younger brother's idol and dream lover was a colleague in their bureau, and she was also a married woman.Therefore, she took it for granted that that person was Xia Chuchu, and persuaded him, "Xiaoye, we must be ambitious. If Xia Chuchu's parents look down on you, then no matter how outstanding she is, no matter how charming she is, you have to have nothing to do with her." Cut off your thoughts about her without hesitation. It is hard to find three-legged toads in this world, but girls with two legs are everywhere. There may not be any girls who are better than Xia Chuchu. For example, our little Yan, no matter how you look at it, she is only better than that Xia Chuchu, not the slightest inferior, right?"

Ye Ming thinks that Zhang Yan and Xia Chuchu have their own merits, they are both beautiful, lively, generous, sincere and kind, and their reputations are similar, they are both well-known stars in the industry, so there is no one who is better than the other among them The problem.

However, since Lu Nianzi said that Zhang Yan is better than Xia Chuchu, he was too embarrassed to deny it, so he said vaguely: "I think Miss Zhang and Xia Chuchu have their own characteristics, they are both big stars and great beauties , It’s not easy to compare. However, I’m not hiding it from you: I never thought of finding a big star as my girlfriend at the beginning. The life of being chased by paparazzi for gossip news everywhere. Xia Chuchu and I just met by chance, and we may not really get engaged to her."

At this moment, Zhang Yan knocked on the door outside and shouted: "Sister-in-law, open the door quickly! The things I'm carrying are dripping with oil, and my clothes and pants are almost dirty."

Lu Nianzi smiled and said, "Cao Cao Cao Cao is here", and hurried over to open the door, only to see Zhang Yan carrying two packed plastic bags, which contained braised beef, spicy pig's feet, iron plate squid, and grilled chicken wings , Red oil spicy tofu.Because of Zhang Yan's incorrect posture for carrying the plastic bags, red oil dripped out of both bags, staining a large area of ​​the granite floor at the door red.

Lu Nianzi smiled and took the two plastic bags, and said, "Xiaoyan, you are too careless. Such a big girl, and she is so careless. If you get married and start a family in the future, your husband will have to do it for you. Nanny will do!"

When Zhang Yan heard that Lu Nianzi said that she was sloppy in front of Ye Ming, and that she would find a husband who would be her nanny in the future, Zhang Yan was very unhappy, so she pouted and said, "Sister-in-law, I'm not married yet. People? When I get married and start a family in the future, I will naturally learn to do all kinds of housework, and I will definitely be a good wife and mother. I am still thinking about learning from the movie star of the last century in the island country, Baihui, who quit the film industry completely after getting married , quit the showbiz, and focus on caring for husband and raising children, living a happy, sweet and warm life!"

When Lu Nianzi heard her words of determination, she knew that she was speaking for her younger brother, so she smiled and patted her head, and said, "Xiao Yan, if you have this idea, that's the best. Woman Well, no matter how beautiful and powerful she is, she will eventually return to her family, her husband and children. Otherwise, this woman's life will be incomplete and incomplete."

After saying this, she handed the snacks in her hand to Zhang Linjiang, and said to the kitchen, "Husband, please go to the kitchen to cook two more dishes, stew a squid rib soup, wait for our family Let's chat while drinking some red wine to create some atmosphere."

Zhang Linjiang hurriedly agreed, took the things in her hand, and went into the kitchen.

Zhang Yan looked at her brother's back, smiled and sarcastically said: "Sister-in-law, the so-called people don't know how ugly they are, and horses don't know how good they are. I think these two sentences are used to describe you. You just criticized me for not being able to take care of myself, not being able to take care of myself. Knowing how to do housework, I think you are similar to me! In this house, don’t you just stretch out your clothes and eat and open your mouth? My brother worries about everything for you. I think it’s better to give my brother the nickname of a male nanny. Pretty apt."

Lu Nianzi also laughed, and said: "Xiaoyan, you have a strong desire for revenge! I am in a different situation from you. It is because your brother spoils me and loves me, and doesn't want me to do housework. Let's talk about housework." In terms of ability, I am no worse than anyone else. I said that to you just now, but for your own good, don’t bite Lu Dongbin, who doesn’t know a good heart!”

At this time, Zhang Yan glanced at the bag that Ye Ming brought over by the coffee table, and hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Sister-in-law, Ye Ming brought you two gifts, don't you want to see them? You will definitely like them after reading them." .”

Lu Nianzi also turned his head to look at the bag, and asked Ye Ming with a smile: "Xiaoye, what's in there? I didn't accept gifts from people who came to work in the local area, but this gift was brought by you. I'll make an exception and take care of the situation in your county. Just now I said that I would invite people from your county to dinner tomorrow, and I also know that you brought me a gift, so I want to invite everyone to have a glass of wine together to express my gratitude , It can be regarded as a kind of reciprocity! However, I hope that the things inside are not too expensive, otherwise, I will not be able to repay the favor!"

Ye Ming hurried over to open the bag, took out the sable fur coat first, and said, "Sister Lu, these are not particularly expensive things, they are just some daily necessities, which Secretary Shen personally chose to buy. This is also to express our gratitude to you for your help. This is a sable fur coat, which is a real imported genuine leather coat from the Commonwealth of Independent States, you should try it first to see if it fits you.”

When Lu Nianzi saw the purple mink fur coat, she couldn't help but her eyes lit up: she likes to wear this kind of noble, fashionable and dignified mink fur coat the most, and this kind of sable fur coat is very rare. Can't even buy it.

So, after Ye Ming shook off the fur coat, she immediately walked over, took the fur coat over, fondled it for a while, and then walked to the bedroom, saying to Ye Ming and Zhang Yan: "You guys Wait for a while, I'll go inside and try it out to see how it works on my body."

A few minutes later, Lu Nianzi came out of the bedroom wearing the sable fur coat with a flushed face, and asked Zhang Yan and Ye Ming how well she wore it.

Ye Ming saw that the fur coat was worn on her body, as if it was tailor-made for her. , the temperament is more elegant, the figure is more beautiful, I admire our secretary Shen's vision very much now. Hehehe!"

Zhang Yan also said: "Sister-in-law, this dress seems to be specially made for you. It not only fits well, but also shows a noble attitude. It's really good!"

When Lu Nianzi heard the praise from the two of them, his eyes were full of smiles, and he said to Ye Ming, "Xiaoye, thank you so much! Thank you, Secretary Shen, too!"

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