After Lu Nianzi tried on the sable fur coat, Ye Ming took out the six bottles of "Royal Dignity" perfume from the bag, smiled and said to Lu Nianzi: "Sister Lu, these bottles of perfume are also Our secretary Shen bought it, I don't know if you like it or not."

Lu Nianzi squatted down, picked up a bottle of perfume, looked at the label carefully, and said in surprise: "Xiaoye, this is the authentic Royal Dignity brand perfume. I remember that the price of each bottle is more than ten thousand US dollars. I dare not accept such an expensive gift. How about this, since you bought it, I can't thank you for your good intentions. I will take a bottle here, and you can take the rest back and return it to the place where you bought it. Go to the store, okay?"

Ye Ming heard that her tone was serious, and he didn't dare to force it, so he agreed.

Not long after, Zhang Linjiang cooked two dishes and stewed a pot of cuttlefish sparerib soup. The four of them sat around the dining table, drinking red wine, and talking about Xinleng County's application for a resource-exhausted city.

Lu Nianzi continued to pick up vegetables for Ye Ming, and said, "Xiaoye, go back and tell Secretary Shen: let a few specific handling personnel work overtime tonight, and complete the declaration materials in your county. You must highlight your strategic goals and specific ideas for industrial transformation. At the same time, you must also emphasize the huge catastrophic impact on the environment caused by the overexploitation of resources in your county. This must be written in a serious way, and it is best to have some pictures And specific examples. Ask people in your county to find me tomorrow morning, and I will report to you in the afternoon after my preliminary review."

Ye Ming nodded happily, and asked: "Sister Lu, after our information is reported, do you want us to go to public relations with the leaders of the old industrial base revitalization department and the expert review team? Will they embarrass our county? ?”

Lu Nianzi shook his head and said: "You don't need to worry about this matter in the county, you can't worry about it, because the leaders above and the members of the expert review team will not deal with people in your county, only me He and Lin Jiang will do the work in person. However, you can rest assured: Lin Jiang and I are on the side of the department and the expert review team, and there are classmates or teachers who are in charge there, and I am here for the first review, and the leaders and review team experts are also in charge. I will fully respect my opinions and suggestions. Therefore, it is estimated that after your information is submitted, the possibility of being rejected is not high. Now I feel a little embarrassed: Lin Jiang has promised their municipal party secretary Now, I want to go to their side. Now that Xinleng County has squeezed them out, I'm afraid they will have something to think about. If they get into trouble, it will be a bit difficult to deal with."

Zhang Linjiang is always ready to share his wife's worries. When he heard that Lu Nianzi was worried about Zinan City, he volunteered and said, "Nianzi, don't worry about this. I'll call Secretary Lin right now and tell him directly. : This selection of Xinleng County as a resource-exhausted city in Tianjiang Province is the intention of the leaders of the Development and Reform Commission. We have no choice but to find a way to compensate them. I believe they will understand: After all, I In his position, he has also helped Zinan City a lot, so he shouldn't have too many thoughts."

Lu Nianzi looked at her husband gratefully, nodded and said, "Then you should call Secretary Lin, I will review the materials tomorrow morning."

Zhang Linjiang dialed Secretary Lin's phone number, and after chatting with him for a few words, he said tactfully, "Secretary Lin, I have some bad news to tell you: before you left, Nianzi and I went A leader? This leader came to us, nothing else, just about Xin Leng County’s declaration of resource-exhausted cities. His opinion, Xin Leng County must be reported this time. The reason for this is that I won't say anything, I believe Secretary Lin can understand. So, you Zinan City, this time, you may have to give way to Xinleng County. If Nian Zi forcibly submits your information, it is estimated that the leader will also Get it done with the expert review team. So, what Nian Zi and I mean is: This time, you Zinan City will not submit information to the top, and put it in the next batch."

As soon as he said this, he heard Secretary Lin say "ah" on the phone. He was obviously very surprised and disappointed, but he didn't dare to say anything to complain for a while, so he could only listen to Zhang Linjiang's continuation in silence.

"Secretary Lin, you are our parent officer. Usually when we go back to our hometown, you are very kind, warm and polite to me and Nianzi. I am very sorry that I couldn't help you this time. So, I I want to get a financial support fund for your Zinan City after the Spring Festival, about [-] to [-] million yuan, although it is not as much as the transfer payment funds for resource-exhausted cities, but with this money, you can also do things for your city It's a little real."

Secretary Lin was already very desperate. Hearing that Zhang Linjiang promised to get another financial support fund for their city, it was considered "a loss in the east and a gain in the harvest". Chief, since this is what the leader means, I still understand the rules, and I won’t complain to you. Thanks to Director Zhang and Director Lu for taking care of Zinan, let’s go home tomorrow!”

After Zhang Linjiang made the phone call, he said to Ye Ming: "Xiaoye, you can call the leaders of your county right now, and ask those specific handling personnel to start working overtime immediately, supplement and improve the information, and try to get to work tomorrow morning. Send the information to Nian Zi and their office."

Ye Ming quickly took out his phone, dialed Shen Youbin's cell phone, and repeated Zhang Linjiang's words.

When Shen Youbin heard that Lu Nianzi had made a decision to squeeze out Zinan City and directly report the application materials of Xinleng County to the above, he laughed happily on the phone and said repeatedly: "Xiaoye, thank you, thank you We are done! Please also convey my thanks to Director Lu and Director Zhang, and tell them: We will work overtime tonight, and we must follow Director Lu’s instructions to complete our declaration materials, and tomorrow morning At eight o'clock, it must be delivered to Director Lu's office."

After supper, it was almost midnight, Ye Ming bid farewell to Lu Nianzi, and prepared to go back in Zhang Yan's car.

When he walked to the door, Lu Nianzi took out a large "good luck" red envelope from his bag, which was stuffed bulging, and it was estimated to be about 8000 yuan. While stuffing the red envelope into Ye Ming's hand, he With red eyes, she said: "Xiaoye, it's the first time you come to my house today, you accept this red envelope, I wish you good luck in your work and life in the future, and you will be promoted every step of the way!"

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