After finishing the "fourth account", Ye Ming took a look at Ouyang Ming's face intentionally or unintentionally, and saw that his eyes were downcast, his face was gloomy, and he looked distraught, and he couldn't help but feel even more suspicious of him.

However, Ye Ming did not ask Ouyang Ming anything on the spot, but picked up the cup on the table, drank a sip of tea, and continued: "Comrades, what I said above is not aimless, nor is it groundless, but I really feel a kind of crisis, and I really worry about our cadres. Why do I say that? Because just this morning, in just one hour, I received five taxpayers I think everyone can guess the content of these calls without me telling them. They just want to invite me to dinner and come to give me New Year greetings. To put it bluntly, they just want to come and give me red envelopes and gifts.

"This is what I thought: I just came to take charge of a sub-bureau, and there are so many people ready to come to give me New Year's greetings. Then, some of our cadres who have been in the front line of collection and management for many years, will they also encounter this phenomenon? Well, I I dare not say for sure. However, if I want to speak my mind, I believe that this phenomenon will happen, and it may not be one or two, or once or twice! I say this because I am going to offend some comrades. However, I have offended people, so I have to say it here, because I am doing it for your own good, leading you to the right path, sounding the alarm and vaccinating you!

"So, I hope that all of you here will think carefully about what I just said, and carefully calculate the four accounts of politics, economy, reputation, and family. Don't lose big because of small losses, and don't take personal risks. I also hope that everyone can understand : I don't want you to collect red envelopes or gifts from taxpayers. I don't want to cut off your money. On the contrary, I am protecting your jobs, protecting your jobs, and preventing you from cutting off your money.

"As the saying goes: good medicine is good for the disease, and good advice is good for the ear! What I said today may sound a little harsh to some comrades, and they may also feel a little uncomfortable. However, if I don't say it now, I will only be able to do it in the procuratorate in the future." Or the detention center told you. If it really came to that point, you might blame me, the director, for not ringing the alarm for you in advance.

"So, I would like to make two requests to you today: first, from now on, any taxpayers who come to you to pay New Year's greetings must be rejected, and don't take any chances; Those who have received gifts from taxpayers should find a way to return them as soon as possible; if they cannot be refunded, they should hand them over to the county bureau's supervision and examination room, which will register.

"Finally, I wish you all a happy, peaceful, happy and harmonious Spring Festival!"

Ye Ming's words can be said to be heartfelt and earnest. Many cadres showed ashamed expressions on their faces and lowered their heads involuntarily, not daring to meet Ye Ming's eyes...

After the meeting was over, Ye Ming saw Ou Yangming walking straight to the door of the meeting room with his head down, he smiled and shouted: "Director Ou, please come to my office later, I have something to discuss with you."

Ou Yangming clearly showed a flustered expression on his face, thought for a while and said: "Director Ye, I'm really sorry, I have a headache right now, I probably have a cold, and my mind is in a mess, I'll talk to you tomorrow, is that okay? "

Ye Ming saw that his face was pale, and there were fine beads of sweat on his forehead in the cold weather, and his body seemed to be shaking. He thought that he was really sick, so he hurried over and said in a concerned tone. : "Well, you go to the hospital to see a doctor first. I don't have any urgent matters. Let's talk about it after you recover!"

In fact, Ouyang Ming already guessed what Ye Ming wanted to talk to him about, and he definitely wanted to ask him about the source of the money last night.Therefore, he wants to return the money to Li Zhi first, to give himself a buffer time, and then tomorrow he can have a good talk with Ye Ming, admit his mistake to him, and tell him that he has returned the money to Li Zhi. Li Zhi, I will never do such a stupid thing again.In that case, I will feel much better...

After leaving the office building, Ou Yangming came home in a hurry, took out the brown briefcase containing 17 yuan in cash from a locked cabinet in the study, and hurriedly told Liu Yun that he was going out. Something happened, and then he walked outside, calling Li Zhi while walking, asking where he is now.

Li Zhi said that he was playing cards at the "Yunhai Tea House", if there is anything, he can go there to find him.

Ouyang Ming took a taxi and hurried to the "Yunhai Teahouse". He found Li Zhi in the largest box and saw him playing "Cheating Gold Flowers" with a few old gamblers he also knew. The bets were compared. Big: The base is 1 yuan, the starting point is [-] yuan, and every game you win is basically thousands of dollars.If there are many followers in that game and they all draw good cards, it is very common to win [-] yuan in a game.

According to such bets, if the players involved in gambling are unlucky and cannot catch good cards, it is not difficult to lose several 10 yuan in one night.Of course, if you're lucky, it's very easy to win 20 or [-]...

Ou Yangming's favorite way of gambling was "cheating gold flowers".Because this kind of gameplay is relatively simple, but it requires a lot of people's psychological quality, judgment ability, opportunistic adaptability, etc.In other words: "Fraud Jinhua" sometimes compares not the size of the three cards caught, but who can hold their breath, who has a strong psychological quality, and whose judgment ability is stronger. See who has more money - because if you have more money, you can pile a lot of banknotes on the table to "cheat", and you can bluff many people with less money and force them to give up the big cards in their hands...

Ouyang Ming thinks that he has higher intelligence and better judgment than others, but his psychological quality is poorer and his money is less than others. Otherwise, he thinks that he will definitely win the game of "fraudulent gold flower".Moreover, he usually wins more and loses less when he plays "Fraud Golden Flower".He really loses money because he loses in gambling methods such as "pull the tuozi" and "bullfighting". He basically won't lose a lot in the gambling methods with advantages and technical content such as "fraudulent gold flower" and "running fast".

However, today he was not in the mood to watch Li Zhi and the others "cheat gold flowers". After going in and saying hello to those old acquaintances, he dragged Li Zhi out of the box and said, "Brother Zhi, let me delay you!" A little time. It’s like this: In this case, we are paying close attention to building a clean government and work style in our bureau, and we are cleaning up the cadres’ acceptance of red envelopes from taxpayers. Therefore, the 20 yuan that your company gave me and Director Ye, Ye The director firmly refused to accept it, and severely criticized me, and ordered me to return the money to you immediately. I have already brought the money, please pass it to the cashier of your company. But—"

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a moment, and said a little embarrassedly: "Brother Zhi, you also know: I owe some foreign debts, so after receiving your 20 yuan, I will take out 2 yuan of it to pay back I can’t afford to make up the debt for a while. But don’t worry, the county government will reward each of our cadres with 1 yuan in two days. At that time, I will borrow another 20 yuan to make up the 18 yuan. This package is 2 Ten thousand yuan, please accept it. I will issue you an IOU of [-] yuan now!"

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