Li Zhi didn't expect that Ouyang Ming came to return the spoils, holding three poker cards in his hand, after a moment of stunned, he rolled his eyes and said very unhappy: "Director Ou, when did you become so serious Favor? Did you learn from that wooden skull named Ye? My father has long told you the truth: You have completed the tax reduction and exemption procedures for us, and the money is all your hard work. If you don’t want it, others will do the same Yes, why do you bother to be taken advantage of?

"Think about it: if you refund the money now, you offended me and my dad first, right? If the leaders above you get the money and know you don't want it, you offend them again, right? So, I I advise you to take this money back. I believe that based on your friendship with Ye Ming, you can persuade him to accept the money. You can also tell him: The 20 yuan is just a gift for the holidays, and the tax reduction and exemption procedures are pending After it is done, we will pay you the hard work you deserve according to the rules.

"Director Ou, we have known each other for many years, and I know your land tax system very well. So, please forgive me: our company pays you and Ye Ming hard work, and you give the green light to our company's tax reduction and exemption application. To put it bluntly, This is a mutually beneficial transaction. You don’t need to feel ashamed for accepting this money, and you don’t need to feel that you owe us any favors. As long as you complete the tax reduction and exemption for us, our transaction will be considered a success. You don't owe anyone anything, do you?"

Ouyang Ming knew that Li Zhi had been doing business outside for many years, he was more talkative than his father, and he was very good at fooling people by saying one set of fallacies.

So, he smiled wryly and said, "Brother Zhi, let me tell you the truth: I tried to give the 10 yuan to Director Ye last night. But when I met him face to face, my heart It's empty, and I dare not bring up this topic at all. You said that he is a wooden head that is not enlightened. From your point of view, this may be true. However, there is a sense of righteousness in this wooden head, which makes those who want to win him over , Those who corrupted him were beating their hearts, and didn’t know how to persuade him. So, after much deliberation, I still have to return the money to you. However, please rest assured, even if I don’t want the money, I will still help you The company is doing persuasion work with Director Ye, trying to make him not take it too seriously, don't poach his eyes and look for snakes, and handle it flexibly. Based on the friendship between me and your brother Zhi, you should still trust me on this point. !"

Hearing the meaning of his words, Li Zhi seemed to have to refund the money today, so he rolled his eyes and said, "Director Ou, if you insist on refunding the money, please wait a moment, and I will give it to my father first." Make a phone call and ask his opinion - after all, I didn't give you the money, did I? If you have to refund it, you have to go to my father and refund it in front of his face Well, it's good for you too, isn't it?"

Ye Ming heard that what he said was reasonable, nodded and said: "Okay, Brother Zhi, please call Uncle Li immediately to see where he is now, and I will send him the money later."

After saying these few words, he knew that when Li Zhi discussed with his father later, there must be some words that he should not hear by himself, so he took the initiative to open the door of the box and walked in, leaving Li Zhi alone in the corridor to beat his father phone.

After Ouyang Ming entered the private room, Li Zhi walked a few steps away to a corner of a corridor in the teahouse, then dialed Li Botang's cell phone, and told about Ouyang Ming's plan to refund the money.

Li Botang pondered for a moment, and then said in a gloomy voice: "Li Zhi, we can never get this money back. I told you last time: sending 20 yuan to Ouyang Ming and Ye Ming is a strategy that kills two birds with one stone." : First of all, the main purpose is to let them not get stuck with our tax reduction and exemption report, and strive to successfully approve the tax reduction and exemption; secondly, we have to use this money to tie the neck of that kid surnamed Ye and give him a Shackles, let him not be so arrogant, not so arrogant. Every time I think of the arrogance of the kid surnamed Ye when I interceded with Kang Wenxiang at the Sanduo Jinhua Restaurant last time, I hate the arrogance of the boy-that It is also the most embarrassing and embarrassing thing for me. So, you have to leave the money in Ou Yangming's hands today no matter what. As long as he doesn't refund the money, it doesn't matter whether he gave 10 yuan to Ye Ming in the end , Ye Ming will not be able to get away with it anyway."

Li Zhi was a little embarrassed and said: "Dad, if Ouyang Ming insists on refunding the money, I can't refuse it! Besides, if I insist on not accepting it, he really won't be able to refund it. I will hand over the money to them when I go back." County Bureau Supervision and Inspection Office, isn’t it a waste of time for us to fetch water from the bamboo basket? Besides, this way, our tax reduction and exemption will be even more difficult to obtain!”

Li Botang remained silent for a while, obviously thinking about countermeasures.

About a minute later, he suddenly asked, "Are you playing cards now?"

"Well, I'm playing cards with some friends at Yunhai Tea House."

"Is it a big fight? How much is the win or loss?"

Li Zhi was stunned for a moment, and said with a guilty conscience, "It's average! If you're unlucky, you'll probably lose 30 to [-] yuan."

"Okay, then, you find a way to drag Ouyang Ming to the poker table, and then find a way to get him to output the money he plans to refund today. At that time, I'll see what he will refund!"

Hearing his father's cold tone, Li Zhi couldn't help but shuddered in his heart. After a long pause, he said, "Dad, Ouyang Ming doesn't play cards at all now. I have asked him out several times, but every time he They all refused without hesitation, and it is no longer like before, when they heard that there was a card game, sometimes they ran over without eating. Besides, today we are playing so big again, he may not be at the table."

Li Botang sneered, and said, "Li Zhi, let me tell you something: dogs can't change their shit! This sentence is especially applicable to gamblers. As far as I know, Ouyang Ming is an out-and-out gambler. All the characteristics of gangsters: poor self-control, impetuous, always have a fluke mentality, always want to get rich overnight, lack of self-discipline, always forgive their mistakes...

"As for a gambler, he is not afraid that he will not enter the water, but he is afraid that he has no money. As long as he has money around him, you don't need to do more work, he will always be unable to restrain himself, his hands will always itch, just like a drug addict Almost. So, you just need to find an excuse later, say that I have something to do, and I can’t see him for the time being, let him sit in the teahouse and wait for me. He will naturally watch you play cards from the sidelines. Watch and watch , he will always be unable to bear it - because he has money in his bag today, so he will definitely go into the water."

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