Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 500 The New Year 3

Seeing Ye Ming's surprised look, Shen Youbin smiled smugly, pulled him aside, and asked quietly: "Xiaoye, how do you feel about the decoration of this house? Are you satisfied?"

It turned out that in order to decorate Ye Ming's house before Secretary Lu arrived, Shen Youbin assigned the director of the county party committee office to sit in Donggang Village and mobilized three construction teams, divided into exterior wall group, interior wall group, ground group, and cleaning group. , working overtime around the clock, it only took five days to renovate the house.

Ye Ming couldn't help admiring Shen Youbin's efficiency at this time, nodded and said: "Secretary Shen, from the outside, the decoration is very good: high-end atmosphere, beautiful but not luxurious, but I don't know how it looks inside."

Shen Youbin said confidently: "The inside is more beautiful than the outside, and all the furniture is up-to-date. I went in and looked at it just now, and it is very neatly furnished, and there is no smell of new decoration - this point, I have repeated I told the renovation team. If there is a pungent smell left during the renovation, the renovation will be in vain, and it will be counterproductive.”

Next, Xu Lizhong, Wei Zhong, Shen Youbin, and relevant security personnel from the Xinleng County Public Security Bureau held a short meeting in the main room of Ye Ming's house, and made arrangements for the security work during Secretary Lu's inspection.

Although Ye Ming didn't take part in the security work, but because Secretary Lu lived in his home, and Wei Zhong heard from Xu Lizhong that Ye Ming had super kung fu, he took the initiative to invite Ye Ming to attend the security work consultation meeting.

At the meeting, Wei Zhong informed everyone that Secretary Lu set off from the Provincial Party Committee at [-]:[-] noon on New Year's Eve and arrived at Donggang Village at about [-]:[-], where he had a New Year's Eve dinner with the villagers.On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Secretary Lu will visit several farmhouses in Donggang Village and watch local folk performances such as dragon dance and "jumping officials". After lunch, he will leave Donggang Village and visit a poor village in another city.

This inspection, due to the Spring Festival, was not accompanied by many people, only Director Xu Lizhong, Secretary Guo Zhijun, several cadres from the Security Department, and a few reporters from the provincial TV station and the provincial newspaper.As for the accompanying personnel in the local area, we will have to wait for Secretary Lu to arrive in Donggang Village, and then make a temporary decision according to the situation...

At the meeting, Tao Yong expressed his position on behalf of the Xinleng County Public Security Bureau, saying that the County Public Security Bureau will attach great importance to the security work of Secretary Lu’s inspection this time, and will deploy political workers, legal system, public security, criminal investigation, traffic police, command center, national security, and police affairs. Security room, police station and other police types are divided into eleven security teams.All departments and groups perform their duties, coordinate and cooperate with each other tacitly, and implement various tasks and measures in place to ensure the absolute safety of Secretary Lu's inspection and inspection activities and the safety and smoothness of the roads to ensure the successful completion of security activities.

In the morning of the next day, Qing Tao, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of K City, brought the director of the Municipal Party Committee Office, the head of the Propaganda Department, Shen Youbin, secretary of the Xinleng County Party Committee, and others to Donggang Village in a mighty manner, and made specific arrangements for the preparations for the inspection by Secretary Lu.

Secretary Qing took everyone around Donggang Village, learned about the situation of several impoverished families in detail, and told these families: Secretary Lu is likely to come to their home for the New Year's Eve dinner, and everyone must be careful when they speak One point, don't keep whining and complaining.If you really have any difficulties, you can directly go to the county party committee and county government to solve them, and try to make as few specific difficulties and requests as possible to Secretary Lu, so as not to affect Secretary Lu's mood during the New Year...

Next, Secretary Qing also held a meeting at Wantou Town Middle School, and made several decisions: First, the K Civil Affairs Bureau allocated money to each household in Donggang Village, calculated on the basis of their head, and each person was given 0 Second, arrange a few guest rooms in Wantou Town Middle School to accommodate the entourage and reporters brought by Secretary Lu; third, Xinleng County Civil Affairs Bureau pays for each household in Donggang Village A [-]-ring firecracker is set off on the morning of the first day of the new year, trying to make the atmosphere of the New Year more intense...

That night, Ye Ming slept in his newly renovated house, waiting for the arrival of Secretary Lu the next day.

At about nine o'clock, he received a call from Lu Nianzi.On the phone, Lu Nianzi first asked him about his recent situation, and then told him regretfully: Although she, Zhang Linjiang, and Zhang Yan have all arrived in Zinan City, there is a temporary emergency in their hometown, so they can't It's too cold.

By the way, Zhang Yan also called him and wished him a happy Chinese New Year in advance, and said that she was very sorry that she could not come to Xinleng this time, and hoped to have the opportunity to see him next time.

Of course, Ye Ming couldn't think of it at all: Lu Nianzi and the others couldn't come to Xinleng. In fact, there was nothing wrong with it, but Secretary Lu firmly opposed their family's coming. There are two reasons: one is that he went to Donggang Village as the secretary of the provincial party committee. The inspector, if his daughter and son-in-law follow him to celebrate the new year, they will leave a story for others; second, and the most important point, Secretary Lu is afraid that Lu Nianzi will show some flaws when interacting with Ye Ming, exposing their The relationship between siblings is very difficult...

At about five o'clock in the afternoon on New Year's Eve, Secretary Lu arrived at Donggang Village on time with his entourage and accompanying personnel such as Qing Tao, Xu Lizhong, Guo Zhijun, and Shen Youbin.

As soon as he arrived in the village, Secretary Lu didn't have time to take a breather, so he went to the few families he knew about the last time to express his condolences and gave condolence money.After condolences, he had a New Year's Eve dinner at the last family, and came to Ye Ming's house around seven o'clock.

Before entering the house, he took a closer look at the newly renovated house under the hazy skylight, and with a satisfied expression on his face, he turned his head and said to Shen Youbin who was following behind him: "Little Secretary Shen , Please trouble your county! In fact, I don’t come here many times, and you guys don’t make such a fuss. However, this decoration looks pretty grand, and it shouldn’t be expensive, right?”

Shen Youbin hurriedly laughed and said: "Secretary Lu, this decoration is very simple and cheap. It's just a little porcelain board and tiles, and a little bit of painting. It doesn't cost much."

Secretary Lu nodded, walked into the room, and saw a steaming New Year's Eve dinner on the table. Ye Ming was standing there with the girl from the Land Tax Bureau he had seen last time, looking at the table with a little embarrassment. he.

It turned out that Ye Ming thought that Secretary Lu liked to eat the food made by Chen Yi, and that Chen Yi also wanted to celebrate the New Year with him, so he called her over. The excuse he made was to ask her to cook for Secretary Lu to avoid suspicion .

Secretary Lu was worried that Ye Ming would see some flaws, and because Chen Yi was present, he did not show too much enthusiasm this time. After drinking a few glasses of wine with Ye Ming, he started looking for Qing Tao, Shen Youbin and others Talking, talking until one o'clock in the morning before going to bed.

The next day, Secretary Lu left Donggang Village after lunch.

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