As Shen Youbin knew, not long after going to work during the Spring Festival, the Tianjiang Provincial Party Committee made a major adjustment to the leadership teams of various cities, prefectures, and provincial agencies. Some county and city leaders also took advantage of this adjustment. , Relocation, and relocation are basically adjusted in place after the first month, and they all go to work in new positions.

The leaders who are familiar with Ye Ming have basically been promoted this time: Qing Tao, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of K City, was transferred to the mayor of the provincial capital.Prior to this, the former mayor of the provincial capital city was isolated and examined by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection because of his involvement in the economic crimes of executive deputy mayor Su Wei, and was suspected of hiring a murderer to murder Secretary Li Runji. The mayor of City K, Wang Xiuguang, was transferred to the director of the Provincial Department of Land and Resources.Shen Youbin, secretary of the Xinleng County Party Committee, after a long talk with Secretary Lu in Wantou Town, got his wish this time, and was transferred to the deputy director of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission...

The three leaders transferred to K City and Xin Leng are almost all direct descendants of the "Iron Triangle" camp headed by Governor Qin Ge: the new Municipal Party Secretary Zhou Tong, known as the "Little Overlord", has a tough style, even a little Overbearing, he was Qin Ge's secretary when he was the deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. Before he was transferred to K City, he was the mayor of Meishan City, and he was also the direct descendant of Qin Ge's direct line; the new mayor Ji Yufei, before being transferred to K City, was the provincial The director of the Political Research Office of the General Office of the Party Committee is Wang Hai's confidant; and the new secretary of the Xinleng County Party Committee, Tan Yijian, is a fellow of the organization minister Xie Hongda. Before being transferred to Xinleng, he was the county head of a minority county.

This major adjustment of the province's middle-level leadership is actually the result of a game between the "Secretary faction" headed by Secretary Lu and the "Governor faction" headed by Qin Ge.The reason why the top leaders of the party and government in city k are all occupied by people from the "governor's faction" is because Qing Tao, the original party secretary of city k, and Wang Xiuguang, the mayor of city k, have now become members of the "secretary faction" and have been transferred to the "governor faction". A good department serves.Therefore, the "governor's faction" simply supported their own people, and firmly occupied City K, a transportation hub and a major economic city, and used it as a bargaining chip mobilized by Qing Tao and Wang Xiuguang.

Although Secretary Lu, Secretary Li and the others were very unhappy that City K would be completely occupied by Qin Ge and Wang Hai's people, it was because this was a transaction without money, and it was also a war without gunpowder.Since it is a deal and a war, both sides must make certain concessions if they want to avoid losing both sides, otherwise there will be a stalemate.Therefore, they had no choice but to make a compromise and agreed to Qin Ge and others' proposal for the leadership team of City K...

Regarding the adjustment of the leadership team of City K, Li Botang is the happiest.

It turned out that Li Botang had always had a close relationship with Wang Hai, Secretary General of the Provincial Party Committee.In the name of his sister-in-law, Wang Hai invested 1000 million shares in Zhenxing Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.Therefore, Wang Hai is actually a secret major shareholder of Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant.

Because of this relationship, Wang Hai's direct relatives basically have a good relationship with Li Botang.Especially Ji Yufei, who is now the mayor of K City, when he was the director of the Political Research Office of the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee, he visited Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant twice, wrote several "soft advertisement" research articles for the plant, and published In some major newspapers and magazines in the province.

In these articles, Ji Yufei vigorously advocated the great contribution made by revitalizing the iron and steel plant in relocating laid-off workers, promoting social harmony and stability, promoting the economic development of Xinleng County and even the entire city of K, and promoting the growth of local tax sources and financial resources. He waved the flag and shouted for the revitalization of the steel plant, and spared no effort, which was highly praised by Wang Hai.

Of course, Li Botang did not treat him badly.Every time Ji Yufei came to Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant for research, Li Botang gave him a red envelope of at least 200 yuan.During the holidays, I would go to his house to pay him New Year's greetings.Over the past few years, the money and gifts he gave Ji Yufei, converted into cash, amounted to no less than [-] million...

Because of this relationship, on the second day after Ji Yufei was transferred to work in City K, Li Botang personally drove to the government of City K, invited Ji Yufei to have dinner, and gave him another "settlement fee" of [-] yuan .

A few days later, Ji Yufei went to the county and urban areas for the first time to investigate, and the first stop was Xinleng County, and he was called to visit the "Pioneer of Reform and Opening Up" Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant.

When Ji Yufei inspected the steel factory, Li Botang took the opportunity to raise the issue of corporate income tax reduction and exemption in the factory, and said that their application for tax reduction and exemption had been sent to the first sub-bureau of the Xinleng County Local Taxation Bureau, but it has not been approved and reported for a long time.

Therefore, on the afternoon of the inspection, when Ji Yufei was listening to the report of the Xinleng County Party Committee and the County Government, he asked the top leaders of the Xinleng County Local Taxation Bureau to attend the meeting by name.

Zou Wenming didn't know that Li Botang had sued Ji Yufei to the local tax bureau. When he heard the notice from the county party committee office asking him to attend the inspection report meeting of the new mayor, he was very surprised and a little busy—because he didn't get any request in advance. He had information about the meeting, so he didn't prepare a speech, and he couldn't figure out the purpose of Ji Yufei calling him to the meeting.Therefore, he attended the meeting with trepidation.

After listening to the work reports of Tan Yijian, secretary of the county party committee, and Wei Qiang, county magistrate, Ji Yufei invited the CEOs of several large and medium-sized enterprises, including Li Botang, to make impromptu speeches, asking them to discuss Xinleng's economic development environment, support policies, They each expressed their views on issues such as preferential policies and the service awareness of various government departments.

In his speech, Li Botang emphasized their contribution to revitalizing the iron and steel plant in relocating laid-off workers, and asked the local taxation bureau to give the green light to reduce or exempt the company's corporate income tax last year in accordance with the relevant national tax incentives.

Only then did Zou Wenming know: Ji Yufei called him over for a meeting. It turned out that Li Botang was dissatisfied with the local tax bureau for not approving his application for income tax reduction and exemption earlier, so he filed a complaint with Ji Yufei, and couldn't help feeling angry—just two days ago , Ye Ming once went to his office to find him, saying that Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant had reported the information and application for income tax reduction and exemption on the first day of work during the Spring Festival.However, according to his analysis, there must be problems with these declaration materials.Therefore, he is not going to sign it, and ask him if it is appropriate to do so?

Zou Wenming also knew long ago that the original two-year tax reduction and exemption of Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant was approved by Li Li in violation of regulations.So, after hearing Ye Ming's request for instructions, he told him without hesitation: Press down on this document first, don't sign it.Wait until March, and then go to their factory to conduct a fact-based investigation. Once they find that there is a suspicion of fraud, they will send the information back to them...

He didn't expect that Li Botang sued the local tax bureau in front of the new mayor, which made him very passive all of a sudden.

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