Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 503 The tricks in tax relief

The next day, Ye Ming arranged for Ouyang Ming and Li Hong, the leader of the key enterprise group, to go to Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant to investigate tax reduction and exemption.

Originally, Ye Ming wanted to do this tax reduction and exemption investigation in person, but after thinking about it, he felt a little inappropriate: first of all, he is currently in charge of the overall work in the first sub-bureau, and it is not suitable for this kind of specific business work; second, Ouyang Ming is in charge of the key enterprise group. It is his responsibility to investigate the tax reduction and exemption of Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant. The father and son already had conflicts because of the last time they interceded with Kang Wenxiang.If you investigate now yourself, once you find out that their information is falsified, you may be accused by Li Botang, Li Zhi and his son of taking personal revenge. In that case, unnecessary disputes and conflicts will be caused.

Of course, there is the most important point: Ye Ming has always suspected that Ouyang Ming's unidentified repayment money was probably sent by Li Botang or Li Zhi, and the purpose was to pass the tax reduction and exemption investigation smoothly this time.He sent Ou Yangming to do this today to test him, to see if he would help Li Botang and the others to cheat - in his opinion, there must be something wrong with the tax reduction and exemption information for the revitalization of the steel plant.Because Chen Yi once told herself that many of the laid-off workers arranged by Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant were not employees of the state-owned iron and steel plant before the restructuring, and the proportion of resettlement was far from the 30% tax reduction standard.

Moreover, I have mentioned this matter to Ouyang Ming many times, saying that there is a problem with the tax reduction and exemption information for Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant.If he took Li Hong to investigate this time and found out that the iron and steel factory was fraudulent, it would prove that he did not accept bribes from Li Botang and his son, and he could rest assured—because he knew very well that in these key enterprises, except Li Botang's Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant, and others are basically state-owned or collective enterprises.It is impossible for these state-owned or collective enterprises to give tens of thousands of dollars to tax officials.

Therefore, as long as the possibility of Li Botang and his son giving money is ruled out, Ouyang Ming should be innocent. I may have misunderstood and wronged him at the beginning...

As for Ouyang Ming, what he was most afraid of was that Ye Ming would personally investigate the tax reduction and exemption. In that case, he would have no way out.

Since that time when he was about to refund the money to Li Botang, but lost all 18 yuan in the teahouse, Ouyang Ming fell into a state of panic.

Although, Li Botang and Li Zhi never brought up the matter of his refunding the money again, and he didn't dare to go to Li Botang again.However, he always felt that something was wrong with this matter, it was a bit too coincidental: Why did the casino change drastically as soon as he went outside to answer the phone, and he never had a chance to come back?Did Li Zhi and "Slow Monkey" do something wrong?

Although he had such doubts, he suffered from lack of evidence, so he had no choice but to eat Coptis chinensis in silence—it was hard to say, and he secretly swallowed this bitter fruit.

However, the bitter pill was not so easy to swallow: from then on, he had the obligation to approve the tax reduction and exemption for the revitalization of the steel plant, and no matter what method he used, he had to do this matter well.Otherwise, once Li Botang and his son turn their backs, they will fall into a situation beyond redemption - taking bribes of 5 yuan will result in at least [-] years of fixed-term imprisonment.Then, the rest of my life will be completely ruined!

Every time he thinks of this, he feels regret and pain in his heart, so that he starts to owe money to usury again, insomnia all night, no food or drink, as if he has some incurable disease...

Therefore, now when he heard from Ye Ming that he was asked to go to Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant with Li Hong to conduct tax reduction and exemption investigations, he immediately felt amnesty—as long as Ye Ming did not conduct the investigation himself, he could ignore the tax in the investigation report. Regarding the fraudulent issue of Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant, it is said that their information fully complies with the requirements of the tax reduction and exemption policy.Then, sit down and do Ye Ming's ideological work, let him not be too serious, sign and seal the tax reduction and exemption report, and send it to the taxation department of the county bureau for review. The future matters have nothing to do with me.And that 20 can be regarded as his reward for helping Li Botang...

Before going to Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant, Ye Ming made a call to Li Zhi, saying that he and a brother from the sub-bureau were going to Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant to investigate tax reduction and exemption. The information on those laid-off workers must be complete and complete, and must correspond to the original employee roster of Xin Leng Iron and Steel Works, so that investigators can verify it.

It turns out that in accordance with the spirit of the "Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Tax Policy Issues Concerning the Reemployment of Laid-off and Unemployed Personnel", if a private joint-stock company established through the restructuring of a state-owned enterprise such as Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant wants to reduce or exempt corporate income tax (period three year), the following four conditions must be met at the same time:

1. Utilize non-main business assets, idle assets of the original enterprise or effective assets of closed bankrupt enterprises;

2. Independent accounting, clear property rights and gradual implementation of diversification of property rights subjects;

3. Absorb the surplus personnel from the original enterprise to reach more than 30% (including 30%) of the total number of employees of the enterprise;

4. Change or sign a new labor contract with the resettled employees.

Among these four conditions, the first, second and fourth conditions are fully met for the revitalization of the iron and steel plant.The only thing that may be tricky is the third condition - because many people said that after Zhenxing Iron and Steel Works bought the original new cold iron and steel plant, most of the employees in the old plant were bought out at one time, and they did not sign contracts with them. Continue the employment contract.The reason is that Li Botang believes that workers in state-owned enterprises are used to eating from big pots. They like foreign workers at work. They are not efficient, lazy, and do not obey discipline. the unemployed.

Therefore, the laid-off workers of the Xin Leng Iron and Steel Plant absorbed by the Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant accounted for at most 15% of the entire plant's employees, which was far from the 30% required for tax reduction and exemption.

Ou Yangming is a business expert in the bureau, he is very familiar with this document, and he also knows how the steel factory will fake it.Therefore, he called Li Zhi in advance to remind him to show him the set of fake materials.

When he thought about it: Although Ye Ming was good at business exams, he was only limited to book knowledge. He had only managed self-employed businesses before, so he probably didn't know much about the "tricks" that these large enterprises played.And Li Hong, who followed him to the steel factory, acted according to his own eyes.As long as he said that the tax reduction and exemption information for the revitalization of the steel plant was in line with the policy, he should not have any objections.

Therefore, on the way to the steel factory, he had completely relaxed and felt that he should be able to get through this difficulty smoothly.

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