When Ou Yangming took Li Hong into the finance department of Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant, he found that Li Zhi, Li Botang and his son were not there, only the company's finance director Yang Lujuan and two financial staff were sitting there waiting for them, and the table had already been set. Stacks of materials are all certificates and rosters of laid-off workers.

Ouyang Ming felt uneasy for a while: According to his thinking, the tax reduction and exemption investigation was such an important matter, involving nearly 2000 million yuan of economic interests in their factory, the chairman Li Botang and the general manager Li Zhi should come to receive the investigators in person.But judging from Yang Lujuan's expression, it was obvious that Li Botang and his son would not come over.

Thinking of this, he asked dissatisfiedly: "Minister Yang, are Chairman Li and Brother Zhi so busy? No matter how busy they are with such a big matter as tax reduction and exemption investigation, they should take some time to come here! One of them is the chairman of the board." , one is the general manager, I have to ask them to find out some situations. If they are really not free, then we can come back another day!"

Seeing that he seemed angry, Yang Lujuan hurriedly said: "Director Ou, let me explain: Chairman Li went to the county committee this morning, and it was the new Secretary Tan who came to talk to him to investigate and understand the development status and existing problems of the private economy in our county. Difficulties and problems; General Manager Li Zhi seems to be receiving a big customer, and he has to treat the customer to dinner at noon, so he has no time to come. They entrust me with full authority to receive the investigation team and provide various tax reduction and exemption materials. Moreover, I have been He is in charge of the company's finances, and our tax clerk Xiao Lu is also here. If you have any questions, just ask us. Chairman Li and General Manager Li are here. They may not be more concerned with financial matters than I am. Clear, isn't it? Hehe!"

Ou Yangming saw Yang Lujuan's neither humble nor overbearing, even contemptuous expression, and knew in his heart: This Yang Lujuan must also know that she won the company's 20 yuan, so she has that confident expression on her face.It turned out that every time I came to the steel factory, this tactful old woman always had a humble and respectful expression, and spoke carefully, as if she was afraid of saying something that would offend her.

But now, not only did she have a fake and stiff smile on her face, but she even used a rhetorical tone to herself, and said boldly that with her, the Minister of Finance, any problem can be solved, and it doesn't matter if Li Botang and Li Zhi come or not. , this was obviously ordered by Li Botang or Li Zhi, at least they had been asked for instructions...

From this point of view, it is intentional that Li Botang and Li Zhi did not come to receive their "investigators" today. The reason is that because I accepted them 20 yuan, I should do things for them honestly and unconditionally. Things get done.

Thinking up to this point, he felt both humiliated and helpless: It seems that the saying "Holding people softly, but eating people short-mouthed" is really a wise saying!If I hadn't lost the 20 yuan gifted by Li Botang, and hadn't been held hostage by them, in this situation, I would have walked away long ago and ignored the snobbish old woman in front of me.When the time comes, let Li Botang and Li Zhi go to the first sub-bureau to beg...

But now, he didn't dare to lose his temper at all, and he didn't dare to show any prestige. He could only check the tax reduction and exemption information together with Li Hong with a gloomy face, and fill out the "Tax Reduction and Exemption Investigation Form".

After looking through the laid-off certificates and the original employee roster of Xin Leng Iron and Steel Plant provided by the Finance Department, Ou Yangming immediately discovered the loophole of their fraud.However, he didn't say anything, and asked Li Hong to copy some names on the laid-off certificate, and compared them with the names on the roster, and they were all right.

So, he wrote an investigation report on the spot, saying that after investigation, the tax reduction and exemption declared by Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant met the policy requirements, and asked his superiors for approval.

Then, both he and Li Hong signed the investigation report and prepared to go back to the bureau.

Yang Lujuan saw with her own eyes that he had written the investigation report and signed it with Li Hong, with a smug smile on her face. Seeing Ou Yangming getting up and about to leave, she hurriedly stopped her and said, "Director Ou, Chairman Li ordered: noon Some of us from the finance department will accompany you two leaders to have dinner together. The box has already been booked, and it is in the VIP building of Xinleng Hotel. The two leaders will take a rest and have a cup of tea. We will go to dinner around eleven o'clock .”

Ouyang Ming felt aggrieved at this moment, how could he be in the mood to eat?Putting the briefcase in his armpit, he said angrily, "Minister Yang, please tell Chairman Li: Xiao Li and I are not here to beg you for a meal. A meal! Your investigation of tax reduction and exemption has been completed, please rest assured to wait for the approval of the county bureau. I don’t want to say more about the rest, so leave!”

When Li Hong saw what Ou Yangming said, he didn't take it seriously. He felt that Director Ou was too impatient and impulsive: Since you have already done everything, and the investigation report has been written and signed on the spot, why bother talking about offending people? What about?What's the point of doing that?

So, he tugged at Ouyang Ming's hand, and gave him a wink, signaling him to stop saying those meaningless words.

Seeing that they insisted on not eating, Yang Lujuan took out three bulging red envelopes from the drawer according to Li Botang's instructions, stuffed them into the hands of Ouyang Ming and Li Hong, and said with a smile: "Director Ou, today the two presidents are indeed I have important business and I have no time all day long. Since the two of you don’t want to eat with us, we don’t force you. It’s a small meal fee, which Chairman Li personally asked me to give to the two of you. In addition, we give Director Ye has also prepared a copy, please bring it to Director Ou, and send our greetings to Director Ye."

Ouyang Ming saw that the three red envelopes were very thick, and it was estimated that there would be several thousand yuan.But now he was full of anger, looking at the three red envelopes felt dazzling, so he turned his face hard and said, "Minister Yang, please take back the red envelopes, and don't make things difficult for Xiao Li and me. If you insist on giving Red envelope, I will consider rewriting this tax reduction and exemption report!"

Yang Lujuan was taken aback, and looked up at Ouyang Ming. Seeing that his face was livid, as if he was not pretending to be polite, she couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, blushing, and said embarrassingly, "Well, since Director Ou and Leader Li are so polite, we It’s not too much. Welcome the two leaders to come to our company to guide our work!”

Li Hong saw that when Ou Yangming refused Yang Lujuan's red envelope, he was decisive and there was no room for negotiation. He couldn't help secretly admiring him, thinking that Director Ou had really been reborn.I remember that when I came out with him, when encountering such a thing, he would accept all comers.It seems that he is indeed deeply influenced by Ye Ming, and he really wants to do something...

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