Hearing Secretary Lu's categorical words, Secretary Li couldn't help feeling happy and relieved for Chen Yi in his heart—after all, Secretary Lu is the secretary of the provincial party committee, and if he wants to make up his mind to protect a female cadre, it won't cost him anything at all. What a lot of thought and energy.With his skill and ability, he can arrange Chen Yi to any place and arrange a few people to protect her. No matter how powerful her husband's family is, they will definitely not be able to hurt her...

At the same time, Secretary Li felt very happy to be able to have such a frank and equal dialogue with Secretary Lu today, and even felt a little flattered: because he found out from many channels that Secretary Lu is currently very popular with the core decision-makers. Pay attention to.Moreover, the current No. [-] head of the Central Committee is the secretary of Gu Shenghao, the father-in-law who once served as Secretary Lu when he was young. He was also cultivated and promoted by Gu Shenghao.Therefore, the relationship between Secretary Lu and Chief No. [-] has always been very good.This time, Secretary Lu was able to choose between several provinces to serve, and it was precisely because the No. [-] chief took special care of him.

Because of this relationship, many people speculate that at the party's national congress in three years' time, Secretary Lu is likely to join the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, and maybe even have the opportunity to enter the core decision-making level of the Central Committee.

As for Secretary Li, although he has now entered the core decision-making circle of Tianjiang Province.However, he was promoted from the position of Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Whether it is in terms of current qualifications, relationships, political experience, etc., or in terms of future political prospects, he thinks that there is a big gap between himself and Secretary Lu. .

Therefore, although he is not a person who likes to curry favor with leaders and flattery, when he feels that Secretary Lu has special trust and reliance on him, he is willing to tell himself even his most private questions, and is willing to come to him During the discussion, he still felt very honored and gratified.

At the same time, he also secretly decided: he must make good use of this opportunity to further enhance his relationship with Secretary Lu, draw closer the relationship with Secretary Lu, and join hands with him to do something in Tianjiang, and work with Secretary Lu. Advancing and retreating, sharing honor and disgrace...

So, after Secretary Lu finished speaking about the placement of Chen Yi, Secretary Li smiled and said in a half-joking and half-serious tone: "Secretary Lu, to tell the truth: I love this child Ye Ming very much. Not only because he once saved my life, but in the process of getting along with him, I found that this child is very sensible, very smart, and has a good character, strong ability, optimistic and positive, cheerful and generous. At that time, I was still wondering: How could an orphan like Ye Ming, who had no father since childhood and whose mother died young, not see any gloomy and unhealthy emotions? How could he always be so optimistic, cheerful and positive? Sunshine? Now, I finally understand: So he is your own son! The so-called tiger father has no dog son, he has inherited the excellent genes from you and Ms. Virtue, such outstanding ability. It seems that everything has a cause and effect! Hahaha!"

What Secretary Lu loves to hear most now is the words of praise for his old son.It's a pity that he basically doesn't have the chance to hear this kind of praise.Therefore, listening to Secretary Li's generous praise and highly affirming his son's conduct and ability, I feel very useful in my heart-you must know that Secretary Li is usually a very rigorous and reticent person, and he will not easily go to high places. Compliment a person.Since he said so today, maybe he thought and thought so in his heart.It is this that makes Secretary Lu feel particularly comfortable and proud.

Seeing the gratified look on Secretary Lu's face, Secretary Li knew that what he had said touched his heart, and what he just said was indeed true.

Therefore, he struck while the iron was hot, and said in a rather regretful tone: "Secretary Lu, you may have heard that my wife and I have no children. We originally planned to recognize Ye Ming as our godson. In the future, we will give us two The lonely old man died in the old age. I thought at the time: I, Li Runji, how can I be so good? God has given such an excellent young man as Ye Ming to be my godson, and he is actually an orphan. It seems that God sent me It's the same as for our old couple. Now it seems that my wife and I are happy for nothing! Alas—”

Although Secretary Li's words were a little joking, the regret in his heart was real.

Seeing his lonely expression, Secretary Lu hurriedly said: "Run Ji, don't think so. As long as you don't dislike Ye Ming, he will still be your godson. Even if he recognizes me later, he can still I can serve you as a filial piety by giving you your pension and death. I just thought about it: If Ye Ming can’t marry this Comrade Xiao Chen in the future, he will definitely find someone else to marry and have children. So, what is in Comrade Xiao Chen’s belly now? This child, you can also recognize your grandfather, he can be regarded as the common grandson of our Lu family and your Li family. When he grows up, he can walk between the two families, and you and I can be regarded as Shiyitong family. My idea what do you think?"

When Li Runji heard Secretary Lu's proposal, he couldn't help being a little overjoyed, and quickly said: "Secretary Lu, thank you, thank you! With your statement today, I not only got a good son, but also a grandson by accident, which can be regarded as an unexpected joy. Hehehe!"

Then, he looked up and thought for a while, and said with a smile: "Secretary Lu, I have another idea: Since you said that you want the child in Xiao Chen's stomach to recognize me as a grandfather, I think it's better to go this way: I will discuss it with my wife when I go back." If Xiao Chen is willing and her family does not object, our old couple will formally recognize her as our daughter. No matter whether she can marry Ye Ming or not, she is my daughter anyway. It is not convenient for her to live in your deer in the future Let her live at my house and let my wife take care of the children. You may not know: My wife is now regretting that there is no child at home in my dreams, and I want to experience the feeling of taking care of children in my dreams. If Xiao Chen If you don't dislike it, I will talk to her again when I go back, let her be wronged for a while, and go to other places to hide for a while. When the limelight passes, we will pick her up and live in my house in the name of my daughter. I It is estimated that if my wife finds out that there is such a good thing, she will be so happy that she can't sleep for several nights!"

Secretary Lu slapped his palms and said excitedly: "Runji, this is a good idea! In this way, with you as the secretary of the Disciplinary Committee as Xiao Chen's father, I don't have to worry about her future. Good idea! Good! idea!"

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