Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 573 Desire

After discussing how to arrange Chen Yi, Secretary Li raised the issue of Ye Ming's growth and progress.

"Secretary Lu, I know that it is inconvenient for you to recognize Ye Ming now. Moreover, in your position, it is not easy to publicly help Ye Ming's promotion. The most important thing is: if Ye Ming has been in Xinleng County , Working in the local tax department, his room for improvement is very limited. Think about it: he is still the deputy director of a branch bureau, and he is still in the probationary period. According to the selection and appointment regulations of their local tax department, if he wants to be transferred to the deputy department At the same level, the director of the branch bureau will have to work in the deputy position for at least two more years before he is eligible to become a full-time post; Many years later, the director of the county bureau is, at best, a senior official.

"So, I have always believed that Ye Ming must leave Xinleng and be transferred from the local taxation department. Only then will there be room for growth and improvement, and a broad stage for him to give full play to his talents. Otherwise, if he always stays at the local taxation department of Xinleng County Longyou was beaten by shrimps in shallow water, bullied by dogs when he fell into Pingyang, and even some local rich and evil forces could come to bully him. In the long run, his vision will become narrower and lower, and his realm will become lower and lower. I'm afraid that one day I will become a mediocre person who does nothing.

"Therefore, my idea is: if it is inconvenient for you to transfer him to work with you, then I will take care of it and transfer him directly to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. He will be in a high-level position. At that time, his official career will be much smoother. Moreover, with me at the helm of the Discipline Inspection Commission, you can rest assured: first, no one dares to embarrass him, and second, I can control him all the time. Let him go astray. What do you think?"

Secretary Lu smiled and said: "Comrade Runji, I have also thought a lot about Ye Ming's growth and progress. A while ago, because I was new here and I was not yet established, I didn't dare to transfer him to my side. In case someone sees something, or Ye Ming notices something, I will be in a passive state. Therefore, I want him to train at the grassroots level for two or three years, accumulate more grassroots work experience, and then find a way to make him He tunes up.

"Now it seems that my idea is indeed a bit biased. As you said: the local taxation department is too professional, with great limitations, and the scope of displaying ability and ambition is too narrow. [-]. Comprehensive ability is not of much benefit. So, I am now thinking about finding an opportunity to transfer him to the Provincial Party Committee Office to exercise his comprehensive ability, broaden his horizons, and not really become a frog at the bottom of the well. As for your transfer of him to the Commission for Discipline Inspection, this is also a solution. But I think: it is best for him to work in the Provincial Party Committee Office for a period of time. After he has established a certain foundation, he can go to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection before it is too late! "

Secretary Li nodded and said: "Your idea is more comprehensive than mine, and it is also more conducive to Ye Ming's growth and progress: after all, the Provincial Party Committee Office is a comprehensive department with many officials in contact. Ability, service ability, leadership ability, etc., all have a great improvement and promotion effect. It should be the best if Ye Ming can practice in the Provincial Party Committee Office for a few years."

Next, the two secretaries chatted for more than ten minutes, and then Secretary Li said goodbye and went home.

After Secretary Li left, Secretary Lu sat on the sofa and thought for a while, then suddenly stood up and sat behind the desk, and dialed his daughter Lu Nianzi's mobile phone with the landline.

"Dad, are you still in the office at this time? It's almost ten o'clock, you should go to bed early, don't be too tired. You are alone there, and Xu Lizhong is a man, so he won't take care of you so meticulously. What if you Being sick is no joke."

Lu Nianzi has always been very worried about her father working and living here alone, so as soon as the phone was connected, she nagged and asked Secretary Lu to come.

Secretary Lu smiled wryly, and said, "Xiao Zi, in my position, which day can I go to bed before twelve o'clock? Which day can I not stay up late in the office? Even so, I still feel that I don't have enough time. I called you today because I have an important matter to tell you and Lin Jiang about your younger brother Ye Ming."

Lu Nianzi was taken aback, and hurriedly asked, "Dad, what's the matter? Is it work or life?"

Secretary Lu briefly told her about Ye Ming and Chen Yi, and said that now Chen Yi was pregnant with Ye Ming's child, a boy, so she asked Zhang Linjiang to discuss it and come together to pick Chen Yi up. Go to Beijing, and find a way to transfer her to the Ministry of Finance or the State Administration of Taxation, so as to completely get rid of her current husband's entanglement.

When Lu Nianzi heard that Ye Ming's girlfriend was pregnant with the flesh and blood of the Lu family, and she was a boy, she yelled "Wow wow wow" on the phone with joy, and then laughed and joked: " Dad, your precious son has not inherited your style at all. He is much more suave than you were when you were young! It is said that there are several girls who like this little villain, and they are all of high quality and from very wealthy families. A good celebrity and rich daughter. For example, Xia Chuchu, the number one beauty of your TV station in Tianjiang Province, has been chasing him after hearing that. Once he came to the capital, he fascinated my sister-in-law Zhang Yan. I whispered in my ears, asking me to bring her to your Tianjiang Province, saying that I had promised to take her to Xinleng County to play. Now, it’s a good thing, he has hooked up with other people’s wives again, and let them conceive her willingly Fucking his son, this is really my good brother, the good son of the Lu family! Hahaha!"

Hearing that her tone and laughter were full of pride and excitement, Secretary Lu reprimanded a little dissatisfied: "Xiao Zi, why are you so proud? What do you think is a good thing? Tell you: next time I see your brother, you must We must educate him well, let him be more specific and serious about his feelings, and don't change his mind and be merciful everywhere. If this is the case, it will not be good for his future growth and progress... Also, Chen Yi, I am not It's convenient to come forward and handle the transfer for her. Therefore, you and Lin Jiang must take care to transfer her to the capital as soon as possible, and take good care of her, so that no mistakes will be made!"

Lu Nianzi heard that his father's tone was more severe, so he didn't dare to get angry anymore, so he hurriedly replied, "Dad, don't worry! Chen Yi is a civil servant, and finance and taxation are considered to be a family. Lin Jiang is also a company. Bureau-level cadres, if they can’t even manage to mobilize Chen Yi, then he’s been in the ministry for so many years. Also, the child in Chen Yi’s belly is the only grandchild of our Lu family. I will definitely take good care of their mother and son. I will book a plane ticket tomorrow and ask for leave, and try to come to Tianjiang later and bring Chen Yi to the capital."

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