Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 611 Interrogation

Ye Ming was worrying about what to buy to go to Xia's house, when he received Xia Chuchu's call, he immediately asked for help: "Chuchu, I'm in a supermarket outside the Provincial Bureau, and I'm going to give the money to Director Xia and your mother. Buy some gifts. But, I don't know what to buy. Can you give me a reference?"

When Xia Chuchu heard that he was going to buy gifts for his parents, he couldn't help but smile. He giggled over there, and said in a teasing tone: "You bumpkin, why are you so poor! How can you buy gifts for other people's parents? Did you ask for that person’s opinion in turn? However, considering that you are not very sensible, and you may rarely give gifts to others, then I will give you guidance! Let me tell you: my father likes to eat Northwest dog heads Big red dates, my mother likes to eat cuttlefish. So, you only need to buy a bag of big red dates and a bag of top-grade cuttlefish, and nothing else.”

Ye Ming quickly thanked her, and according to her instructions, bought two gifts, and then went to Xia's house with them.

When Ye Ming knocked on the door of Xia Bicheng's house, he saw that it was Xia Chuchu who opened the door.And her parents stood side by side behind her, both of them had kind and modest smiles on their faces. After seeing him come in with gifts, Zeng Yanhua immediately took a step forward and took the two bags from him Gift, and said with a smile: "Xiaoye, look at you, you're born, right? Come to my house for a while, there's no need to buy any gifts... Oh, how do you know that I like to eat cuttlefish? Did Chu Chu just tell me? Yours? And this dog's head jujube, which is also Lao Xia's favorite food. Xiaoye, I didn't expect you to be so sensible and polite at such a young age! Not bad!"

It turned out that when Xia Chuchu called Ye Ming just now, Xia Bicheng and his wife were still in the bedroom discussing how to receive Ye Ming, and they didn't hear Xia Chuchu guiding Ye Ming to buy gifts.

Xia Bicheng also stretched out his hand, shook hands with Ye Ming with a smile on his face, and said in a very friendly voice: "Xiao Ye, you don't need to be so polite when you come to my house to play. However, the dog you bought today has a big head. Jujube is indeed my favorite food. It can be seen that you are a very caring young man who understands etiquette. Come on, come and sit in the living room first, your aunt Zeng is cooking now, let's chat first. "

Although Xia Chuchu didn't know why her parents suddenly acted uncharacteristically today, they were so polite and enthusiastic to Ye Ming.However, she could see that the enthusiasm of her parents came from the heart and was not pretended.This made her both surprised and ecstatic: what she is most worried about now is that her parents will oppose her marriage with Ye Ming.If they disapproved of this marriage, they might speak sarcasticly or even ridicule Ye Ming.And Ye Ming has a bad temper, and has always been submissive.Once his parents treat him badly, maybe this guy will completely cut off contact with him in a fit of anger, let alone marry him.

Therefore, when she saw that her parents were not only polite to Ye Ming, but also overly enthusiastic, she was both surprised and happy.After her father shook hands with Ye Ming, she walked over, generously stretched out her hand to hold Ye Ming's arm, and said to her father, "Dad, you sit down first, and I'll greet him."

After speaking, she pulled Ye Ming to the sofa and let him sit down, then turned around and went to the kitchen, made a cup of tea for Ye Ming and brought it to the coffee table.

Next, she sat next to Ye Ming, leaning on his shoulder naturally, with a happy expression on her face, listening to the conversation between her father and Ye Ming.

She noticed that after she intentionally made this kind of intimate gesture with Ye Ming, the father sitting opposite did not show sullen or dissatisfied expressions on his face as before.On the contrary, today there is an encouraging look in his eyes, a warm and friendly smile is always on his face, and he looks at himself with gentle eyes from time to time, apparently he has no objection to his intimate actions with Ye Ming.

This made Xia Chuchu extremely happy and happy, so he simply put his head on Ye Ming's broad shoulders, his intoxicated expression made Ye Ming quite embarrassed, but he didn't dare to say anything, so he had to let it go...

After chatting for a few words, Xia Bicheng suddenly asked: "Xiaoye, I heard that Secretary Lu went to Xinleng County for inspection twice and lived in the old house where you and your mother used to live. Is this true?"

Ye Ming didn't know why he suddenly asked this question, so he answered truthfully: "That's right! Secretary Lu said that our place has a beautiful scenery and is very quiet. Living there can make him feel the rich natural atmosphere, so he likes to live in I live in that house. In addition, because the village where the middle school my mother teaches is located in the poverty alleviation point identified by Secretary Lu himself. When he went there for research, he did not want to go back to the county to live. And my That house is usually vacant, and he can just live there without causing trouble to the village."

Xia Bicheng nodded thoughtfully, and asked again: "I have a few friends in the Provincial Party Committee Office. They once followed Secretary Lu to your Xinleng County for inspection. According to them, when Secretary Lu first went to Xinleng County, I once went to worship on your mother’s tomb. Do you know about this worship? Did Secretary Lu go to worship with everyone, or did he go up the mountain alone to worship?”

Ye Ming heard that the questions he asked became more and more strange and sensitive, so he glanced at him, thought for a while, and replied: "The time of worship happened to be my mother's birthday. Secretary Lu is I went up the mountain early in the morning to worship, even earlier than I went up the mountain to visit my mother's grave. I went up the mountain at 08:30, and Secretary Lu had already gone down the mountain at that time. Secretary Lu only brought him for the worship. Director Xu, the secretary, went up the mountain, and the rest of the people were guarding and waiting at the foot of the mountain."

"What, Secretary Lu went up the mountain to worship on your mother's birthday?"

Xia Bicheng's eyes widened in surprise, and he asked in astonishment.

Ye Ming nodded and said: "I remember it very clearly. That day was December 12, which happened to be my mother's birthday. Therefore, I asked for leave that day to go to Wantou Town to worship my mother. I didn't expect that when I went up the mountain I was stopped by several policemen and I was not allowed to go up. In order to hurry, I almost fought with those policemen. Later, Secretary Lu happened to go down the mountain, so he stopped the policemen. After I went up the mountain, I found my mother’s grave There were a lot of sacrifices and incense, which was probably placed by Secretary Lu. At that time, I was still very surprised: Secretary Deer paid homage to a people's teacher, which is understandable. However, I went to buy sacrifices and incense candles specially like this. It doesn't make sense to worship at the grave. I still can't figure out this question!"

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