When Xia Bicheng listened to Ye Ming's narration, the more he listened, the more surprised he became, and the more he listened, the more excited he became.Especially when he heard that the day when Ye Ming or Secretary Lu went to pay homage to his mother happened to be his mother's birthday, and Secretary Lu had specially bought offerings such as incense candles and fruits, he was even more certain in his heart: Ye Ming His mother is Secretary Lu's original lover; and Ye Ming is [-]% Secretary Lu's illegitimate son!

Because he is very clear: as a secretary of the provincial party committee, he may occasionally pay homage to some ordinary people who have dedicated themselves to their posts and made outstanding contributions for the sake of publicity and image. This is understandable.However, the general way of worship is to bow a few times in front of the portrait, and few people go to the grave to worship in person.Moreover, even if you go to the grave to pay homage, it is impossible to buy some incense candles and fruits to make offerings. At most, you can put a wreath on the grave, write a sentence and sign a name on it, which is the most polite and honorable.

However, when Secretary Lu paid homage to Ye Ming's mother, he not only went to the grave in person, but also placed offerings and lit joss sticks—this is obviously a move to worship relatives!What's more, the day he chose to worship happened to be the birthday of Ye Ming's mother. This could never be a coincidence, but it proved that the woman he worshiped was his relative and his mother. lover...

The purpose of Xia Bicheng's interrogation of Ye Ming just now is to prove his judgment once again.Now, he has clearly affirmed that the heroic young man in front of him is the only son of Secretary Lu and the only future heir of that prominent Lu family.Once his daughter married him, not only would he be closely connected with Secretary Lu.Moreover, in the future, Director Lu Nianzi of the National Development and Reform Commission and Director Zhang Linjiang of the Ministry of Finance will all be his relatives.In the future, if you want to be promoted and make progress, you will have a solid backer and backing, and you don't need to spend a lot of effort to ingratiate yourself and curry favor with others.

What made him even more gratified was that his precious daughter has since become the hostess of a high-ranking official's family as he wished, and her future prosperity and wealth are just around the corner...

In this way, the more Xia Bicheng thought about it, the happier and more excited he became, and the way he looked at Ye Ming became more cordial and enthusiastic.

At this moment, he wished that his daughter would get engaged to Ye Ming immediately.

Therefore, after thinking for a while with a smile, he suddenly said to Ye Ming: "Xiaoye, just this afternoon, under the instruction of Secretary Lu, I went to his office to report to him the income status of our local tax system and the measures for double over half After the report, Secretary Lu stayed with me and talked with me about you and Chuchu."

When Ye Ming and Xia Chuchu heard this, they both said "ah" at the same time.Xia Chuchu was full of joy, but Ye Ming was surprised.

Xia Bicheng carefully observed the faces of the two people, and continued: "Secretary Lu is very concerned about your affairs. He still remembered the promise to be a matchmaker for Xiaoye and Chuchu in his busy schedule. He told me: Although he was busy with work Because of the reason, he did not talk to you two about this matter in time, but he always remembered it in his heart and always wanted to fulfill his promise. Therefore, he proposed to me: Let the two of you decide on the marriage in the near future Come down, it is best to hold an engagement ceremony. At that time, he will congratulate you as a matchmaker. If conditions permit, he may even personally attend your engagement ceremony!"

Although Xia Chuchu was generous and cheerful, but now her father suddenly mentioned the matter of her engagement to Ye Ming in front of Ye Ming, her face flushed all of a sudden, her expression was both joyful and shy, and she quickly glanced at him. After glancing at Ye Ming, he lowered his head, not daring to look at Ye Ming.

Ye Ming never expected that Xia Bicheng would suddenly bring up his engagement with Chuchu, his face turned red in shock, and he looked away a little uneasily, not answering Xia Bicheng's words.

Seeing that Ye Ming didn't speak, Xia Bicheng thought that he was unwilling to get engaged to Chuchu, and he became anxious, thinking that he might have some objections to his objection to his association with Chuchu!If that's the case, then something is wrong.

Therefore, he continued to say: "Xiaoye, to tell you the truth: there were some unfavorable rumors about you, and some people sued you. Therefore, my view of you has always been more cautious. However, after After observing for so long, I feel: You young man, although you have some shortcomings and defects, but overall, you are a very talented, capable, and excellent young man. What's more, You should also know: Chuchu has always been very kind to you and has deep feelings for you. We parents are very clear about this.

"Therefore, your aunt Zeng and I both agree with you and Chuchu, and hope that you two will get engaged as soon as possible. You are both 25 and [-] years old, and you have reached the age to talk about marriage. A few days ago, Li The director also talked to me about your marriage with Chuchu. It is said that Secretary Li is also in favor of you being together. I think that so many people are optimistic about you, so many people hope that you are together, which proves that you are a very good match. It fits perfectly together.

"My opinion is: in the near future, or within a few days, you and Chuchu will hold an engagement ceremony. I know you are an orphan, so don't worry about the engagement, it will all be handled by our family. At that time, you only need to come alone."

Because he was worried that Ye Ming would not agree to the engagement, the cooked duck would fly away. Therefore, Xia Bicheng suddenly forgot the airs and reserve of being the top leader of the provincial bureau, and began to beg Ye Ming in a begging tone-this point, Not only Ye Ming was surprised and terrified, but even Xia Chuchu felt a little unbelievable, staring at her father with wide eyes, wondering why he suddenly became so impatient and impatient...

At the same time, Xia Chuchu was a little worried that Ye Ming would lose his temper, so she rejected her father's proposal on the spot.So, she stretched out her right hand, grabbed the palm of Ye Ming's left hand, squeezed it vigorously, and signaled him to agree quickly.

Ye Ming was originally ordered to propose marriage tonight, but now Xia Bicheng unexpectedly raised the issue of engagement, how dare he be stubborn?

Therefore, after Xia Bicheng finished speaking, he only thought for a few seconds, and then said in a very respectful tone: "Thank you, Director Xia, for looking up to me! Thank you, Chuchu, for your kindness to me! In fact, I also want to come today. I implore you and Aunt Zeng to promise me to associate with Chuchu. Therefore, I am willing to get engaged to Chuchu, and I assure you and Aunt Zeng: I will treat Chu Chu well in the future and make Chu Chu happy. Please rest assured!"

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