Yan Lian heard from Zhou Jiqing that Ye Ming's detention would be extended to three o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow, but he did not propose further investigation measures, and asked a little anxiously: "Secretary Zhou, what about after 24 hours? The situation of the task force is very serious now. It is complicated, and Ye Ming is very stubborn. Even if he is detained for another [-] hours, he may not be able to make a confession! If he does not confess, it will be difficult for us to find evidence of his involvement in such a short period of time. It's three o'clock in the morning backstage, why don't you let him out!"

Zhou Jiqing hummed again on the phone, and said, "Yan Lian, you have to remember one sentence: It is easier to restrain a tiger than to restrain it! No matter what method we use, we must control Ye Ming in the task force, and we must If we want him to explain the issue of his covering up and helping Gong Zhichao, he must also reveal his background and backing. This is our ultimate goal. If this goal is not achieved, all our efforts these days will be in vain."

Speaking of this, he thought for a while, and then said with an emphasis: "This afternoon, after you told me that Ye Ming had been summoned to the task force, I met with Comrade Hongda and Comrade Wang Hai respectively, and informed them In this situation, they were all very happy that Ye Ming was brought to justice, and they all pointed out: the special case team must firmly grasp this opportunity, seize the time to interrogate Ye Ming, and strive to open a breakthrough from him as soon as possible, and arrest the people behind Gong Zhichao's gang. Find out all the corrupt officials in the government one by one, and strive to kill them all. Therefore, I, Minister Xie, and Secretary-General Wang all have high hopes for you, and hope that you will lead the members of the task force to pry Ye Ming's mouth open as soon as possible. Find out the big fish behind him as soon as possible. Of course, Governor Qin is also very concerned about this case. He has asked me about this case twice in the past few days and asked how your progress is. I said you are a very capable He is also a very principled and stance-oriented person. He will definitely eliminate all interference and completely break through the case. Governor Qin is very satisfied with this and asked me to convey his gratitude to you and other comrades in your task force. thanks and condolences.”

Yan Lian knew that the "big fish" that Zhou Jiqing was talking about was Li Runji, Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and heard from him that Governor Qin was also very concerned about the case, and asked Secretary Zhou to convey his thoughts on himself and the task force on his behalf. Greetings, I couldn't help being very excited, and couldn't help but express my thanks.

Zhou Jiqing continued: "As for the lack of evidence and reasons for detaining Ye Ming you just said, you don't have to worry about that. By tomorrow, you will see a lot of questions about Ye Ming on the Internet and in the news media. Posts and reports. These posts and reports will not only mention his bribery and prostitution issues, but will also focus on exposing his relationship with the underworld leader Gong Zhichao, linking him to the 5.16 massacre, and identifying him as the Gong Zhichao gang The staff often exonerate Gong Zhichao's gang. Moreover, the post will expose Ye Ming's backer without naming names, and the finger will be directed at the big fish behind him.

"At that time, Ye Ming's issue will become a hot topic on the Internet. Now, what people hate the most are civil servants like Ye Ming who are connected with the underworld, and they also hate the kind of official children who rely on the backstage and the umbrella to do whatever they want. If the villagers knew that Ye Ming was the yamen of a certain leader of the Provincial Party Committee, and had been using his advantage to provide shelter for the new and cold underworld leader, they would definitely criticize him verbally and form a strong pressure of public opinion.

"Under this kind of pressure, even if Ye Ming doesn't have any confession, and there is no evidence to prove that Ye Ming is involved in gangsters, he will inevitably be investigated, and he will be shuanggui, criminally detained, or arrested—because You should be very clear: now governments at all levels and departments, including our provincial party committee and the central government, attach great importance to online public opinion. Once something or someone becomes a hot topic on the Internet, no one dares to stand up for it No one dares to exonerate him easily, so it is logical for your task force to take further measures against Ye Ming!"

It turned out that just this afternoon, when Zhou Jiqing was discussing with Wang Hai how to dig out valuable clues from Ye Ming in order to bring down Li Runji, Wang Hai told him: Li Botang of Xinleng Zhenxing Iron and Steel Company had arranged for someone to collect He has obtained materials about Ye Ming accepting bribes, whoring, and being involved in gangsters, and is preparing to expose these materials on the Internet and the media.In order to do a good job of exposing this time, Li Botang also took advantage of his status as a representative of the Provincial People's Congress to invite journalists from newspapers and TV stations who were covering the progress of the 5.** case in Xinleng County to a meal, and distributed these materials during the meal To journalists, asking them to report publicly.

At the same time, Li Botang also told Wang Hai: He has organized a pen to write several posts, accompanied by relevant photos and video materials, and plans to post three posts about Ye Ming's issue on major portals, trying to create a The sensational effect, in order to cooperate with the investigation of Ye Ming by the 5.16 task force...

After listening to Wang Hai's introduction, Zhou Jiqing was very happy at that time, and told Wang Hai that this method is good, and asked him to tell Li Botang: The post on the Internet must be posted early tomorrow morning, and strive to make it within a few hours. Create a sensational effect and ensure that the next step in the investigation of Ye Ming can be carried out smoothly...

Because of this premise, Zhou Jiqing told Yan Lian on the phone at this moment that he must continue to detain Ye Ming for 12 hours, wait for tomorrow's hot spots of public opinion, and then logically put Ye Ming under double regulation.

Finally, he told Yan Lian: Tomorrow, the interrogation of Tao Yong, Bi Huafeng, Chen Guitian, and Liang Tanghua must be intensified, and he must remind them in due course: Now that the matter of Ye Ming has been exposed on the Internet and the news media, Ye Ming has now become a festive mouse, and the whole country is full of crusades.Therefore, you should stop having any illusions about him, and honestly explain all the issues related to Ye Ming, and strive for meritorious service and atonement...

After receiving Zhou Jiqing's instructions, Yan Lian immediately convened nine members of the task force for another meeting to convey Secretary Zhou's instructions.

After Lu Cheng, Deputy Director Wang and others heard Yan Lian say that Secretary Zhou ordered Ye Ming to be detained for 12 hours, although they also expected this kind of result, the hot-tempered Lu Cheng couldn't help but explode.

Just after Yan Lian announced Secretary Zhou Jiqing's instructions, Lu Cheng stood up with a livid face and said angrily: "Secretary Yan, I am sorry for you who ignore the opinions of the majority of comrades in the task force and arbitrarily do it yourself. Decided behavior, to lodge a strong protest! At the same time, I also announce: In view of the fact that the 5.16 task force has deviated from the original intention when it was established, and has transformed into a tool for a few people to attack opponents, I have decided to officially withdraw from the 5.16 project from now on. Group, you leaders please choose another Gao Ming!"

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