Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 658 Game

In the camp that supports Ye Ming, Lu Cheng is at the deputy department level, the highest rank.Although Deputy Director Wang is at the helm and gives the idea, everyone respects Lu Cheng and thinks that he dares to speak out, denounces Zhou Jiqing, dares to confront Yan Lian, he is an upright character A man, and he has the highest rank.Therefore, he established prestige among these five people invisibly and became the core of these five people.

Now, Deputy Director Wang and others saw that he had once again made a fuss and announced that he would withdraw from the task force, so they stood up with him and followed him to the outside of the conference room—although they did not propose to withdraw from the task force, but, Yan Lian looked at their posture and knew that they would definitely advance and retreat with Lu Cheng, and his face was livid for a while - although Secretary Zhou just said that tomorrow he will find a way to kick Lu Cheng, Deputy Director Wang and others out of the task force. In addition, change some obedient people to continue investigating the case.However, now that Lu Cheng and others announced their withdrawal from the task force, he felt embarrassed and felt that his authority had been despised and challenged.

Therefore, after seeing Lu Cheng and others exiting the venue one after another, his face turned into a liver-colored face because of extreme annoyance, but there was nothing he could do, he could only stand there dumbfounded, saying "hoo hoo" Panting heavily, he couldn't stop saying harsh words in his heart: You bastards, go berserk now!When this case is over, if I don't get rid of you one by one, I will be born of you...

After Lu Cheng and the others left the meeting room, several people came to the room where Deputy Director Wang and Deputy Director Liang lived to discuss the next step together.

Deputy Director Wang was a little puzzled and worried about Lu Cheng's sudden withdrawal from the task force. After returning to the room, he said in a worried tone: "Old Lu, you just got angry and exiled yourself from the task force. Didn't this just fall into their trap? In my opinion, their purpose is to push us out of the task force, and then put those dog legs who listen to them in. In that case, Director Ye's situation will be even more difficult. The danger is also greater - after all, if we stay in the task force, we can still take care of him, prevent others from extorting a confession from him, and prevent someone from framing him. Moreover, when the time is right, we can also argue with reason, Help him get rid of some charges. Now if we collectively withdraw from the task force, then Director Ye will become a persimmon in their hands, and they can squeeze it as they want, wouldn't it harm him?"

Although Lu Cheng has a bad temper, he is not a reckless man without a plan.He just suddenly announced his withdrawal from the task force, not on impulse, but in fact, he had thought about it long ago.

Therefore, after hearing Deputy Director Wang's doubts, he took a breath, calmed down the anger in his heart, and said in a calm tone as much as possible: "Director Wang, brothers, we are in the same trench now, so we should Trust each other. So, let me just say something straight!"

Speaking of this, he squinted at the closed door, lowered his volume again, and said word by word: "Everyone is very clear: we are now at the center of a storm vortex. And this storm, The place of origin is in Xinleng, but the real center of the vortex is in the provincial party committee, among several senior leaders. In this storm, we are just some boatmen who are swaying with the wind, and we can only choose the direction of the wind according to our own judgment , choose which side to move closer to. Now, we have made our own choice, and the rest is beyond our control. Even if we stay in the task force, we are powerless and unable to help Ye Ming— —Because you have all seen: this case, our task force is just a cover, it is just a decoration, and it is actually serving some people with ulterior motives. The purpose of setting up this task force is to dig out Gong Zhichao and Ye Ming The so-called protective umbrella behind. And this umbrella is actually Secretary Li Yunji!

"Therefore, under such circumstances, when the task force has been completely manipulated by some people, those of us who want to help Ye Ming have actually been completely excluded, without the right to speak and make suggestions. And , if my guess is correct, after the debate at the first meeting tonight, Secretary Zhou will definitely think of kicking us out of the task force after receiving a strict report, so that they can frame Ye Ming So, whether we propose to withdraw from the task force or not, we will eventually be kicked out by them.

"Instead of this, we might as well ask ourselves to withdraw from the task force. In this case, although we have to bear certain risks, we may also be retaliated by Zhou Jiqing, Yan Lian and others. However, since we have chosen to stand On the side of Secretary Li, we must have our own attitude, and we must resolutely fight against Yan Lian and them! Our voluntary withdrawal from the task force is actually a statement, that is, announcing a complete break with Zhou Jiqing and others.

"Of course, it is very risky to do so. We are likely to be retaliated tomorrow, and may even be accused of some crime by Zhou Jiqing, Xie Hongda and others, and be dismissed from office. However, since we have made this bet , don’t worry about gains and losses. We must have confidence in our hearts, and we must believe that Secretary Li Yunji’s side will win in the end. In that case, even if we are punished or dismissed now, we may make a comeback in the future, and we may even have unexpected gains—— —I said this a little utilitarianly, but it is indeed my inner thoughts, and it is also the reason why I advise everyone to follow me and quit the task force!"

Deputy Director Wang and others understood: Lu Cheng is leading everyone to play a gambling game!In this gamble, the two sides of the game are the "native faction" headed by Qin Ge and the "emerging faction" headed by Secretary Lu Zhiyao.Now, the focus of the fight between the two sides is Secretary Li Runji.For all officials who participated in this gambling, their gambling capital is everyone's official hat, future and destiny!And Lu Cheng is now betting all on Secretary Li Runji's side: if Secretary Li wins this game, then those who stood on his side at the critical moment can get a bonus, and they can If you win the favor of Secretary Li or even Secretary Lu, your future will be bright; on the contrary, if Secretary Li falls, Secretary Lu's side will be severely damaged, and the "native faction" will firmly control the power in Tianjiang Province .Then, those who bet on Secretary Li's side will definitely be hit mercilessly. Dismissal is light, and if they don't make it right, they may even be imprisoned...

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