Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 669 I want to clean up the portal

Zou Wenming heard Xu Fei ask why the inspection team did not check the tax reduction and exemption data of Zhenxing Iron and Steel Plant with the data on file at the municipal and provincial bureaus, smiled wryly, and said helplessly: "Director Xu, what we can think of, Li Botang has also thought of. While changing the company's tax reduction and exemption information, he also colluded with those moths in our local tax system, and at the same time replaced the "Preferential Certificate for Laid-off and Unemployed Persons" in those archived materials, both the municipal and provincial bureaus are the same."

Hearing this, Xu Fei was so angry that his thick eyebrows stood upright, he slapped the conference table with his right palm, and roared angrily: "It's really unreasonable! Such a scum came out of the local tax bureau. How can we continue to work? How can we collect taxes? It turns out that I don’t want to touch these moths for the time being because of the image of the local tax system. I didn’t expect them to be so rampant! They are so crazy! Even the reduction and exemption of corporate filings They dare to change their tax information without permission. What else can they do in the future? I don’t believe they will destroy all the information. If they dare to do this, I will expose my family’s shame and kill them one by one. Send it to jail!"

After saying these words angrily, he sat down on the chair, took a few breaths, suddenly picked up his mobile phone, and dialed the secretary of the party group of the Municipal Bureau: "Xiao Zhong, call me immediately." Other members of the party group, please come to the Xinleng County Bureau immediately to hold a temporary party group meeting. When you call, emphasize to them: this party group meeting is very important, no one should be absent! As long as they do not leave Tianjiang Province , no matter where you are, and no matter how far you are from here, you must come here!"

Because of his harsh words, the secretary of the party group did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly called other members of the party group of the Municipal Bureau.An hour and a half later, members of the party group of the city bureau gathered in Xinleng and held a temporary party group meeting in the conference room of the county bureau.

At the beginning of the meeting, Xu Fei's face was livid, and instead of taking the chairman's seat, he straightened up and stood by the conference table, with his hands on his hips, and said murderously: "Comrades, today I propose to hold this temporary party group meeting. There is only one theme: I want to clean the portal!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the members of the party group present were taken aback. They turned their gazes to the furious Xu Fei. They didn't understand why Director Xu, who has always been gentle and polite, would be so angry today, and why he would say like a quack. Clean the door" words.

Xu Fei scanned the deputy directors and discipline inspection team leaders with sharp eyes, then sat down, calmed down his emotions a little, and then started talking about Zhenxing Iron and Steel Company using fake information to defraud tax deductions and exemptions. Some cadres and leaders within the Local Taxation Bureau, in collusion with this company, wantonly falsified and deceived the leaders, and finally defrauded the state of tens of millions of income taxes.

When he started talking about it, his tone was relatively calm.However, when it came to the fact that some people in the Local Taxation Bureau actually assisted Li Botang to change the archived information in an attempt to evade the inspection of the provincial inspection team, his anger broke out again, and he couldn't help standing up again, waving his hands and saying angrily: "Comrades, we now have a very small number of cadres, especially party members and leading cadres, who have completely lost their principles and positions. For a small profit, they are willing to sell their personalities and national interests. Specifically, when it comes to Li Botang's tax fraud , I think these cadres have lost their basic humanity.

"Why do I say that? Because everyone is very clear: just in April this year, Li Botang used his status as a representative of the Provincial People's Congress and a member of the conduct appraisal committee to release Ouyang Ming, a cadre of the Xinleng County Bureau, to take bribes at the city's conduct appraisal meeting. The video made our city’s local tax system lose face, and directly led to the suicide of Comrade Ouyang Ming. It was later proved that his bribery of Ou Yangming was a well-designed trap, a naked frame-up behavior of wearing a cage His purpose is to ruin our land tax system, and to frame our cadres.

"He is such a guy with a human face and a heart. A very small number of our party members and leading cadres are still colluding with him for their own self-interest, disregarding the image of the local tax system, and ignoring the tragedy of our cadres being framed and forced to death by him. Destroying criminal evidence, still helping him to frame our cadres, and still collaborating with him to confront our inspectors.

"I have been forbearance, I have never wanted to stir up this pool of stinky water, so as not to dirty the face of our entire system, so as not to cause the whole system to be flustered and everyone to be in danger. But now it seems that tolerance for wicked people is A crime against good people! If we don’t show the courage to cut bones and heal poison, and make up our minds to squeeze out those pustules growing on our land tax system, some of our comrades may suffer, and our land tax cause may also be damaged. bring unpredictable adverse effects.

"Therefore, my opinion is: All cadres of the Municipal Bureau and Xinleng County Bureau who have signed for the revitalization of the iron and steel plant's income tax reduction and exemption in the past two years, and have conducted tax reduction and exemption investigations, must be reviewed one by one. When necessary, you can Take shuanggui measures against them. The specific division of labor is: I will personally talk to all the department-level cadres involved in this matter, and urge them to clarify their problems. For cadres at the sub-section level, Comrade Peng Hui, the leader of the discipline inspection team, will talk to them. The strategy is the same. The main purpose is to urge them to confess. Comrades talk to them.

"The focus of this review is to ask them to explain how they colluded with Li Botang to produce false information, and where are those false information now. If anyone first handed over the false information, it can be regarded as a performance of meritorious service and can be dealt with in the future. Reduce punishment."

At this time, Bai Shengming, the deputy director in charge of the third department of taxation and politics, asked a little suspiciously: "Director Xu, those who colluded with Li Botang in the Municipal Bureau of fraud will definitely destroy those fake materials. You said that when you talk to them, you first ask them to submit Is it possible to publish false information?"

Xu Fei said in a very positive tone: "Don't worry about this. According to my guess: Although these people are still lying for Li Botang, their hearts are very empty, and they must always worry about the day when the Dongchuang incident may happen. It will come. Therefore, some of them will definitely leave a way out for themselves and save those false materials. First, if a crime happens in the future, they can reduce their guilt; It is regarded as a performance of meritorious service. Therefore, there must be some people here who will use various methods to preserve those fake materials, and I am very confident in this point!"

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