In the local tax system of City K, almost all cadres above the deputy department level know that the top leader Xu Fei has a younger brother in the Xinleng Land Tax Bureau, and at the same time, this younger brother is also his "noble person".It was this little brother who helped him stand out from many competitors in the provincial bureau, and successfully sit on the top spot of the local taxation bureau of K city.And Xu Fei's little brother is Ye Ming, who is surrounded by various scandals and rumors at the moment, and is likely to be imprisoned.

Therefore, after listening to Xu Fei's proposal, the deputy directors and discipline inspection team leader Peng Hui knew in their hearts: Li Botang and his son aimed at Ye Ming, but it hurt Director Xu's heart.That's why Director Xu at this moment is so furious and determined to "clean up the door", without even considering that the local tax system of City K may suffer huge reputational losses, and it may also shake the stability of the entire system up!

However, several other members of the party group were also very angry at the behavior of Li Botang and his son, thinking that he not only publicly challenged the land tax system, but also acted despicably and with vicious methods.Especially after Ouyang Ming's suicide, even Peng Hui, the leader of the discipline inspection team who always hated corrupt elements, felt that Ouyang Ming's actions were abhorrent and pitiful, and expressed great indignation at the dark actions of Li Botang and his son.He is a very quick-tempered person. He proposed to Xu Fei many times to investigate and deal with the corrupt elements in the city bureau and county bureau who were in collusion with Li Botang and his son to evade and cheat taxes. All the tax-related and illegal issues of the steel company were dug out, and Li Botang and his sons and those corrupt elements were brought to justice.However, at that time, Xu Fei considered that the matter was too involved, and he was a bit scrupled about "throwing the mouse", so he didn't make up his mind for a long time.

Now, when Xu Fei put forward the proposal to review all the cadres involved in revitalizing the steel company's tax reduction and exemption, the impatient Peng Hui was the first to raise his hand to speak, expressing his support for Director Xu's decision.Several other members of the party group also expressed their opinions in favor of carrying out an action to "clean up the door" in the city bureau and Xinleng county bureau.

Then, Xu Fei began to list the objects of this review one by one. The first one is the former deputy director of the Xinleng County Bureau and the current chief of the political engineering department, Zhang Dongfang, and the second one is the chief of the third taxation department. Li Daohong.The biggest suspect, Li Li, the former director of the Xinleng County Bureau, has been sentenced to 19 years in prison and is serving his sentence in a prison in the province.When Li Li was interrogated by the procuratorate, he made a statement about assisting Zhenxing Iron and Steel Company in tax fraud and accepting bribes of 300 million yuan from Li Botang.However, at that time, because Li Botang categorically denied it, and later he used his relationship to erase the section Li Li explained, so he did not pursue their company's tax fraud at that time.

And Zhang Dongfang, who was the deputy director of the county bureau in charge of tax affairs at that time, was the first leader to write the approval after the branch bureau submitted the tax reduction and exemption information, and was also the first responsible person in charge of the tax reduction and exemption investigation.Therefore, he is the most important suspect besides Li Li.

Therefore, Xu Fei decided to personally take charge of the examination of Zhang Dongfang and Li Daohong, and also contact the Xinleng County Procuratorate to request Li Li's original interrogation records to find out the part where he assisted the Zhenxing Iron and Steel Company in defrauding taxes. confession.If necessary, they can apply to the procuratorate to re-argue Li Li in prison...

At this moment, Xu Fei's cell phone rang suddenly. Looking at the number, it was the cell phone number of Wang Yaozhong, the director of the Provincial Bureau Office.

I just heard Wang Yaozhong ask on the phone: "Director Xu, are you in Xinleng County Bureau now? Are all your party members holding meetings in Xinleng?"

Xu Fei asked a little strangely: "That's right! Director Wang, how do you know? Did you go to the Municipal Bureau?"

Wang Yaozhong replied: "Yes, we just arrived at your city bureau, but we didn't see a member of the party group. Later, people in the office said that you all went to Xinleng, so we rushed here. This time I accompanied Xia. The director came here, and he was planning to come to the Xinleng County Bureau. It would be better if you were all in the county bureau. We are already on the way to Xinleng, with a total of two cars. Director Xia is sitting in Chuchu’s car, It’s estimated to be here in twenty to ten minutes.”

When Xu Fei heard that Director Xia Bicheng and his daughter Xia Chuchu had come, he couldn't help being surprised, and quickly asked, "Director Wang, is Director Xia here for investigation or something else? Why didn't I get notified in advance?"

Wang Yaozhong replied helplessly: "I only found out about it temporarily! Not long after I went to work this morning, Director Xia suddenly notified me to accompany him to Xinleng County, without telling me the purpose of going, and asked me to go to Xinleng County." I don't want to call you in advance, lest I trouble you. It's just that when I passed by the K City Local Taxation Bureau, Director Xia suddenly said that I would go to the Municipal Bureau to have a look and talk to you about something. I heard that you went to Xinleng, he It would be better to say that, so we came directly to Xinleng. I didn't ask Director Xia for instructions on this call, so don't say that I called you later, okay?"

After listening to Wang Yaozhong's explanation, Xu Fei immediately figured out: Director Xia came here because of Ye Ming's matter.Because his daughter Xia Chuchu was with him, in order to avoid gossip, he asked Wang Yaozhong not to notify the city and county bureaus in advance, and wanted to come to Xinleng quietly by himself.

Xu Fei's guess was right: Xia Bicheng's visit to Xinleng was indeed for Ye Ming!

Ever since he guessed that Ye Ming might be the biological son of Secretary Lu, Xia Bicheng seemed to have picked up a rare treasure. His love and closeness to Ye Ming grew day by day, and he had to discuss with his wife Zeng Yanhua almost every day how to let him go My daughter is engaged to Ye Ming, what should I do for the wedding banquet, and who should be invited to attend.

However, this morning he was preparing to hold a meeting when he suddenly received a call from Xia Chuchu.On the phone, Xia Chuchu said urgently in a crying tone: "Dad, something serious happened to Ye Ming! Have you read the news and posts? It said that he took bribes, went whoring, and participated in underworld organizations. This is What the hell! How could he accept bribes and go whoring? How could he join the underworld organization? Someone must have framed him, someone poured dirty water on him, and wanted to ruin his reputation. Ruin his future... Dad, you are the director of their provincial bureau, you have to make decisions for him, and you can't let those people's schemes succeed!"

Xia Bicheng was busy preparing for the morning meeting as soon as he got to work, and he didn't have time to watch the news on the computer. When he heard his daughter's anxious tone of crying, he was also shocked, so he quickly comforted her and said, "Chuchu, please don't worry about it." Urgent, Dad first read the news on the Internet to see how those people attacked Ye Ming. Don't worry, Dad will definitely pay attention to this matter and won't let Xiaoye be wronged!"

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