Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 675 Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee

After a short period of astonishment, Governor Qin Ge immediately came to his senses, fiddling with a pencil in his hand for taking notes, and said dissatisfiedly: "Secretary Lu, today's Standing Committee feels a bit abrupt to me! Before the meeting, you didn’t communicate with us, and you didn’t tell us what the topic is. Now we are not prepared to discuss a criminal case like Xinleng rashly. How should we speak? How should we discuss it? If everyone We don't even know the whole story of this matter, so how can we talk about the research and get a result?

"Moreover, according to the scope of discussion stipulated in the "Rules of Procedures of the Standing Committee of the Tianjiang Provincial Party Committee", individual cases such as the 5.16 murder case in Xinleng County should not be brought up for discussion by the Standing Committee. The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee is not a political and legal organ. It is not the case-handling department. If a criminal case is brought to the Standing Committee meeting for discussion and study, is it suspected of making a fuss and interfering in the judiciary? Therefore, I think today’s meeting is a bit abrupt and does not comply with the rules of procedure of the Provincial Standing Committee. Of course, Secretary Lu, you are the squad leader and the secretary, and you have the right to decide to call a meeting on a certain matter. I am just expressing my views and doubts, and there is no other meaning!"

Secretary Lu sat upright in the chairman's position, listened intently to Qin Ge's speech, and then said in a very calm tone: "Comrades, I know that when I convene this meeting today, some comrades will definitely have doubts, and there will definitely be comrades who say that I Making a fuss out of a molehill, and even saying that I used the power of the provincial party committee secretary to convene such a meeting. Therefore, I must first explain here to let everyone know the purpose of my convening this meeting.

"As Comrade Qin Ge said, the meetings of the Standing Committee of our Provincial Party Committee are bound by the rules of procedure. Anyone who wants to hold a meeting can discuss whatever they want. I, the secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, is no exception. We must not follow the rules of procedure and call everyone to a meeting at will-I am very clear about this.

"However, why did I suddenly summon everyone to discuss this criminal case in Xinleng County on May 5? Here are a few reasons: First, the 16 murder case in Xinleng County has become a hot topic. It must be known throughout the country. All kinds of so-called insider information and so-called progress of the case have sprung up all over the Internet and the media. What's more, in Xinleng County, a private entrepreneur actually jumped out and became a representative of the National People's Congress In his identity, he released the so-called insider information on this case, misleading the media and public opinion, and brought a very negative impact on the image of our Tianjiang Province. I can't help but ask: What exactly does this so-called NPC representative want to do? With his What can represent political and legal organs and case-handling units to release false information that fears the world will not be chaotic? Who gave him such power? Who is supporting him? I think that if this issue is not clarified, the current public opinion The chaos will continue to develop, and it will cause even greater damage to the image of our Tianjiang Province.

"Second, at the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on the 5.16rd of last month, we had a special discussion on launching a special campaign to eradicate gangsters and evil within the province, and thoroughly eradicate the evil forces that affect the economic and social development of our province and the people's living and working in peace and contentment. and also made a resolution. Xinleng’s [-] case is a typical gang fight case. We discuss this case at the Standing Committee today, which can have the effect of “dissecting the sparrow and grasping the typical case”. : By analyzing the background, causes, hazards and other factors of this case, we can provide reference and experience for our next step to formally deploy and carry out anti-crime and evil operations. Therefore, today’s Standing Committee can be said to be a continuation of last month’s meeting It's not a whim or a temporary idea on my mind - I had this idea when this case first happened. I originally wanted to hold this meeting later, but now it seems that the development and influence of this case have already Far beyond my expectations, it is better to hold this meeting earlier than later.

"The third and most important point: 5. Since the ** case happened, many things have happened so unimaginably strange that I, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, had to stand up and say a few words. First of all, this case It is still in the investigation stage, and the details of many cases and some suspects involved in the case should be kept absolutely confidential. However, the current situation is that the main suspect in this case has not yet been arrested, and the cause of the case has not yet been revealed. After checking it out, some so-called insider information appeared overwhelmingly on the Internet and in the media. Moreover, all the media noted: These news are all authoritative news released by the 5.16 task force. I can't help but ask: This so-called Does the task force still have any sense of discipline and secrecy? Did they go to Xinleng to investigate the case, or to act as a news releaser? What is their purpose and why?

"Secondly, the Internet is now full of irresponsible rumors, saying that Ye Mou, the main suspect in the 5.** case, was caught, and that Ye Mou not only participated in the underworld organization of Xin Leng, but also used him With the background and connections of the Provincial Party Committee, they have shielded and shielded the newly cold underworld leader Gong Zhichao many times, and caused him to escape legal sanctions many times. And these rumors seem to have been released with the tacit approval of the 5.16 task force. Why do I say this? Because After these rumors appeared, the people from the task force did not come out to refute the rumors in time. This shows that they also support such claims, and there is even a possibility that this rumor was fabricated by this task force!

"What's even more outrageous is that these rumors on the Internet and in the media are all aimed at Comrade Runji of the Provincial Party Committee. The backer and backer of Ye Mou they say is Comrade Runji. The reason for this is , I am also very clear: because when Comrade Runji was murdered last year, it was this little comrade named Ye from Xinleng County who saved Comrade Runji's life. Comrade Runji is a very affectionate and affectionate person , Therefore, he is very grateful to this little comrade, and the two of them have become close friends. Now, someone is taking advantage of this, grabbing that little comrade, and trying to use the so-called crimes of that little comrade to frame him. Comrade Runji, I'm not guessing out of thin air. Everyone here can read the posts and reports on the Internet and the media and you will know that some people actually compared Comrade Runji to Gao Qiu, who was ignorant and misbehaving in the Song Dynasty. To slander the little comrade who saved Comrade Runji's life as Gao Yanei, his intentions are not evil, and his actions are not despicable!

"So, I convened this Standing Committee today, just to discuss with you: How should we investigate the 5.16 case next? How should we correct the investigation direction of the task force and stop those rumors that are flying everywhere? Next, please speak freely and publish Your own views and opinions!"

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