Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 676 Zhou Jiqing's Provocation

After Secretary Lu explained the reason for convening the Standing Committee today, there was a short silence in the conference room.Everyone is thinking carefully about the meaning of Secretary Lu's words, and thinking about how to express their views.

Zhou Jiqing knew that Secretary Lu's words were aimed at him, and he also knew that his accusations against the 5.16 task force were actually criticizing himself, the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee who presided over the task force's behind-the-scenes work, without naming names.So, when Secretary Lu finished speaking, his face turned redder and became uglier. By the time Secretary Lu finished speaking, he was already furious.

He was originally a grumpy, rebellious and reckless man. Compared with Qin Ge, Xie Hongda and others, he was not so deep in the city, and he had a temper that could jump at the touch of a button.Now he is criticized by Secretary Lu for not naming his name, and the position of Secretary Lu's words is obvious: he supports and supports Li Runji, and he has repeatedly said that the young cadre surnamed Ye in Xinleng County was wronged and someone wanted to make a false accusation Framed him - this made him both annoyed and dissatisfied.

So, he seized the meaning of Secretary Lu's words to protect Ye Ming, blushed and retorted thickly: "Secretary Lu, I can't accept your criticism just now. I sent the 5.16 task force, and I have been there all along." Lead this task force to carry out the investigation work. I have the most right to speak about the inside information of this case. Regarding Ye Ming's question, you said that someone intentionally wronged him, and someone wanted to use Ye Ming's affairs to punish Comrade Runji , I think your words are a bit biased and unfair.

"As far as I know: all of Ye Ming's problems, including his bribery, prostitution, and protection of the underworld leader Gong Zhichao, were reported by local insiders, and there is conclusive evidence. Fabricating his criminal facts. And all the posts and reports about him on the Internet and in the media, the people who posted them all attached videos and relevant evidence materials, and they were not fabricated casually. The 5.16 task force based on the evidence provided by the whistleblower , What's wrong with summoning Ye Ming?

"As for Ye Ming's matter involving Comrade Runji, we didn't expect this beforehand. Moreover, it was not our task force who broke the information first, but some insiders from Xinleng told the media The information that was revealed to the reporter was not ordered by the special task force to release the information. Moreover, as you just said: the clear will be clear, and the turbid will be turbid! If Comrade Runji has nothing to do with that Ye Ming matter, the organization The Supreme People's Government will find out clearly, and there is no need to put it on the Standing Committee to discuss this matter.

"Since Secretary Lu has convened such a meeting today, I will take this opportunity to inform you about the progress of the Xinleng 5.** case and the direction of the next investigation: According to repeated investigations and verifications by the task force, Ye Ming is indeed related to Xinleng's underworld leader, Gong Zhichao, was connected with him, and indeed he used his connections to hinder the investigation of Gong Zhichao by the Municipal Party Committee and Government of K City.

"Therefore, the task force has decided to take criminal detention measures against Ye Ming, and it will be implemented tomorrow morning. As the secretary of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee, I solemnly make a suggestion to Secretary Lu: the investigation of the Xinleng 5.16 case is now a special case." The responsibility of the group is also a criminal investigation. It is not necessary for the Standing Committee of our Provincial Party Committee to discuss such a specific case, let alone interfere with the investigation of this case. I think today's meeting can end here, there is no need Keep going!"

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of all the participants showed surprise and astonishment.Many members of the Standing Committee turned their attention to Zhou Jiqing, thinking that his last words were too much.Even Qin Ge glared at him with dissatisfaction, obviously blaming him for saying something that was clearly against Secretary Lu on this occasion.

Only Wang Hai and Xie Hongda had gloating smiles on their faces, feeling extremely happy in their hearts.

Li Runji's face turned purple due to anger, and his fists were clenched "cackling". He was about to hit the table with his palms, and was about to scold Zhou Jiqing, but he saw Secretary Lu staring at him with gentle and calm eyes, which was not easy She blinked at him knowingly, signaling him not to be impulsive.

Seeing that Secretary Lu looked calm, Li Runji was not offended by Zhou Jiqing's rude and offensive words. He knew that he must have something in his heart, so he swallowed hard to suppress the anger in his heart.

There was once again an awkward silence in the conference room.

The last few words Zhou Jiqing said were actually planned for a long time. He just wanted to test Secretary Lu and see how he would react to such subordinates who offended him. It will definitely leave the impression of being impetuous to the participants; if he is guilty and discouraged and compromises to himself, it proves that he lacks prestige and ability-in short, no matter how Secretary Lu responds, it may damage his image.

After seeing that Secretary Lu didn't respond to his provocation for a long time, Zhou Jiqing thought that Secretary Lu was afraid of him, and seeing that Wang Hai, Xie Hongda and others looked at him with encouraging eyes, he was a little complacent, so he went Continued: "As for whether to continue discussing the Xinleng 5.16 case, I think we can also vote now: if the majority of comrades feel that this case needs to be discussed at the Standing Committee, then we will continue to discuss it; if the majority of comrades feel that If there is no need to discuss a case here, then we will not discuss it, and Secretary Lu will decide whether to discuss other important issues."

As soon as he said this, Secretary Lu suddenly stood up, waved his hand and said, "Comrade Jiqing, there is no need to vote by show of hands. Since you, the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, feel that there is no need to discuss the 5.** case here, then we No discussion. Now I declare: the meeting is adjourned!"

Secretary Lu's move once again baffled the participants.Even Zhou Jiqing didn't expect that Secretary Lu would suddenly announce the end of the meeting. He felt like punching the empty space, and stood there in astonishment for a long time before walking out of the meeting room full of suspicion.

Li Runji followed Secretary Lu to his office, and asked with some doubts: "Secretary Lu, what is the purpose of calling this meeting today? Why did it stop in the middle of the meeting? Is it because you are afraid that Zhou Jiqing will fail?"

Secretary Lu turned around, smiled and said, "I have this meeting today to give Zhou Jiqing a chance, to wake him up, to beat him, to see if he can rein in the precipice, and stop any more plots and schemes." In that case, maybe we can coexist peacefully with him for a period of time. However, judging from the current situation, he is obsessed with his obsession. I have done my best. If I can’t persuade him, I can only force him... Yes Now, how is the situation in Dezhou? Has that woman from Zhou Jiqing controlled her?"

Only then did Li Runji nod his head in a sudden realization, and hurriedly said, "I got a report from the Texas Commission for Disciplinary Inspection at noon. They have already brought her under control and are organizing a surprise trial."

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