Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 691 A sigh

Yan Lian didn't wait for Li Botang to finish, and said in a hasty tone: "Mr. Li, something serious has happened! Just now Secretary Zhou called me and asked me to immediately lift the criminal detention measures against Ye Ming, and I must do so tomorrow. He was released in the morning. Not only that, he also ordered us to release Chen Guitian and Liang Tanghua together. Judging from Secretary Zhou's tone, the attitude of releasing him is very firm and unquestionable. We still don't know what happened and why. There was such a huge change all of a sudden."


Hearing these few words, Li Botang felt as if he had been splashed with a bucket of ice water. He felt a bone-piercing chill rushing from his back to the top of his forehead. His expression was like that of an old toad with bulging eyes.

"Group leader Yan, have you inquired from Secretary Zhou about the reasons and reasons for releasing Ye Ming and others? Didn't Secretary Zhou hate Li Runji the most and wanted to trample Li Runji under his feet? Moreover, he said yesterday at the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee He has already turned against Lu Zhiyao, he has no reason to issue this order!"

After waking up for a while, Li Botang rushed to ask Yan Lian questions like a cannonball.

Yan Lian is also in a fog at this moment, how can he know the reason?

However, he understands Zhou Jiqing's character better than Li Botang, and knows that Zhou Jiqing was originally called "Zhou Barbarian", he acts domineeringly, likes to do his own way, and easily refuses to listen to other people's opinions.He contradicted Secretary Lu yesterday at the Standing Committee because of Ye Ming, but today he suddenly took a 180-degree turn and ordered the task force to release Ye Ming in a non-negotiable tone. There must be some huge hidden secret in this .

Therefore, after thinking for a while, Yan Lian said worriedly: "Mr. Li, I am just like you. I am in a state of fog and fog. I can't figure out what happened! Just now Secretary Zhou told me The reason is: after deliberation and weighing, he felt that Secretary Lu’s speech at the Standing Committee was correct, and there was indeed no solid evidence and sufficient factual basis for arresting Ye Ming. Therefore, it is right for him to order us to release Ye Ming and others now. In implementing the instructions of Secretary Lu and correcting the deviations in the handling of the case by the task force—Mr. Li, listen to: What kind of fucking reason is this! If we say that there are deviations in our handling of the case, that we have wronged Ye Ming and others, that is also true. We did this under the instruction of his Secretary Zhou! Now it's good, the old man puts his own responsibilities aside with one order. At that time, if the case is overturned, Li Runji, Ye Ming and the others If we get the will, those of us who tried our best to help him will have to take the blame for it!"

Since the incident happened suddenly and he was not mentally prepared, Yan Lian was full of resentment towards Zhou Jiqing and couldn't help making a fuss.

Although Li Botang was also extremely shocked, he was not discouraged. Instead, he comforted Yan Lian and said, "Secretary Yan, you don't need to be in a hurry. There is still room for improvement in this matter. I will call Secretary-General Wang and Minister Xie Hongda later." , report this matter to them to see if they know about it. I estimate that this matter should be a decision made by Secretary Zhou alone. Minister Xie and Secretary-General Wang may not know. Otherwise, Secretary-General Wang will Give me feedback first."

Listening to his analysis, Yan Lian felt even more that something was wrong: If Zhou Jiqing made this decision alone, and Xie Hongda, Wang Hai and others didn't know about it, then something really happened - because he was very worried. To be clear: Zhou Jiqing, Xie Hongda, Wang Hai and the others are all in an alliance of interests, and this time they are planning to unite to overthrow Li Runji.The decision to arrest Ye Ming was also made after they had been discussing.If Zhou Jiqing decided to release Ye Ming without discussing with Xie Hongda and Wang Hai, then there must be a big name in it, and there must be a big unpredictable risk hidden...

Thinking of this, he became even more flustered, hurriedly said a few more words to Li Botang, and asked him to call Wang Hai and Xie Hongda, and then ended the call.

After hanging up Li Botang's phone, Yan Lian didn't stop for a moment, and immediately dialed Zhou Jiqing's cell phone number.

"Secretary Zhou, I would like to ask you a question: You just ordered me to release Ye Ming, Chen Guitian, and Liang Tanghua. Have you discussed this matter with Minister Xie of the Organization Department and Secretary-General Wang of the Provincial Party Committee Office? What did the two leaders say? "

Zhou Jiqing was depressed and irritable in his heart. Now that Yan Lian questioned his order again, and asked him whether he had discussed it with Xie Hongda and Wang Hai, he couldn't help but burst into anger, and almost roared on the phone: "Yan Lian , Who are you listening to? Who is leading you? Is it Wang Hai or Xie Hongda? I am the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, the direct leader and final decision maker of the Xinleng 5.16 task force. My order, your task force must Carry it out to the bottom, what's the matter with Guan Wanghai and Xie Hongda? One of them is run by the Provincial Party Committee and the other is from the Organization Department. They have nothing to do with the criminal case of Xinleng. I have to make a decision, why should I go to Talk to them? Did you get your head in the water or kicked by a donkey?"

Yan Lian was stunned by this scolding: What's going on?Aren't Secretary Zhou, Secretary-General Wang Hai, and Minister Xie Hongda always close comrades-in-arms?Regarding the case investigation on 5.16, haven't the few of them been discussing it all the time?Why did Secretary Zhou say such things now?Could it be that he had a falling out with Secretary-General Wang and Minister Xie?

Yan Lian was Zhou Jiqing's confidant who was single-handedly promoted. In the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, he only had Zhou Jiqing as his backer and backer.Therefore, seeing Zhou Jiqing angry at this moment, although he felt wronged, he did not dare to contradict him, so he stammered and argued, "Secretary Zhou, you misunderstood me! I just asked you like that, but I felt a little strange , I want to be more cautious. You know: I never compromise on your instructions and orders. But on the matter of releasing Ye Ming, Chen Guitian and Liang Tanghua, because this matter involves a lot and has a lot to do , I am worried about future troubles, so I want to ask you the real reason. Since you don't want to say it, then I won't ask any more, and I will immediately execute your order!"

Hearing what Yan Lian said, Zhou Jiqing regretted that his attitude was too bad just now, and he shouldn't have treated this loyal old subordinate like this.So, he changed his tone and said in a sad tone: "Yan Lian, let me tell you the truth: the reason for this is not for you to inquire about. The battle we are fighting now will sooner or later be based on our The whole line of the camp was defeated! I am now a mud bodhisattva crossing the river and cannot protect myself, nor will I be able to take care of you in the future. You should find a way to protect yourself!"

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