When Zhou Jiqing told Yan Lian to protect himself and said, "This battle will end with the defeat of our camp", his meaning was very obvious: Secretary Lu is too powerful. up!In the beginning, he let you make a fuss quietly, as if he didn't notice your intentions at all.But in fact, he has been silently arranging troops, dividing and encircling you, and enclosing you one by one into his mountain of swords.When you realize that he is about to attack you, the machete in his hand is already hanging above your head. As long as he swings his hand, one move can kill you.At this time, you will become a fish on the chopping board, and you will only be slaughtered by him...

Therefore, Zhou Jiqing believed that: Secretary Lu must have grasped some shady secrets of Xie Hongda, Wang Hai and others by now, and must have several machetes hanging over their heads.It's just that Xie Hongda, Wang Hai and the others haven't noticed Secretary Lu's actions for the time being, and they don't know that there are several extremely sharp knives hanging above their heads...

Thinking of this, Zhou Jiqing felt a chill on his back. At the same time, he couldn't help but admire Secretary Lu's wrist and tricks: like this kind of wrist that controls subordinates by grasping their weaknesses and pinching their weaknesses. , although seemingly simple, is indeed often used by many leaders.However, to really use this commonly used method handily, there must be several elements: first, you must be able to analyze the weaknesses of each subordinate, and have the ability to dig out and spy on the various desires of subordinates, and have solid evidence.This requires that the leader must have strong insight, and must also have a group of capable and loyal subordinates to spy on him and grasp all kinds of evidence of other subordinates' violations of discipline and law.For Secretary Lu, Li Runji may be such a loyal helper and subordinate.

Second, it's not enough for you to just have the evidence of your subordinates' secrets and violations of discipline and law. You must also have extensive personal connections, especially a very strong backer and backer at the top.Only in this way will you be able to take advantage of the weaknesses and mistakes of those subordinates, and use your upper-level relationships to bring down or kill them.Otherwise, even if you have the evidence of your subordinate’s violation of law and discipline, if the higher-ups don’t buy your account, or your subordinate’s backstage is stronger than you, you can easily protect him from being investigated and prosecuted, even if you have the evidence of your subordinate No use, the subordinates will not be afraid of you.And on this point, Secretary Lu can be said to have a unique advantage - because his backer and backer is the current No. [-] head of the Central Committee.If he wants to punish someone, as long as he has solid evidence and the support of the No. [-] head of the Central Committee, who would dare to protect the person he wants to crush?

Third, and most importantly, as a leader, you must pass the test in terms of character, morality, and integrity.The so-called "strengthening iron requires one's own strength" is the truth.If you yourself are a corrupt person with corrupt morals, low quality, and insatiable greed, if you want to grasp the weaknesses of your subordinates, it is very likely that your subordinates will hold you by the tail instead.If you want to punish your subordinates, your subordinates must also want to punish you.If you suck your own ass, not only will no one convince you, but you won't be able to control your subordinates by exploiting their weaknesses.Secretary Lu, on the other hand, has done a very good job in this aspect. He is honest and self-reliant in government, humble and low-key, and has no bad habits.People around him can hardly find any shortcomings in him.

It is precisely this that makes the people around him, including Zhou Jiqing, Wang Hai, Xie Hongda and others, have to admire him and respect him.The so-called "public life is bright, honest life is powerful", it is very prominent in Secretary Lu...

Thinking of this, Zhou Jiqing couldn't help but shook his head and sighed helplessly, and finally told Yan Lian on the phone: "Yan Lian, I know that you are still a little hard to understand and accept my order. I can't explain anything to you. Finally, let me give you a classic sentence in "Hongmen Banquet": "Nowadays, people are swords, I am fish!" This sentence was said by Fan Kui when he persuaded Liu Bang to run for his life. You have to understand this sentence carefully. Bar!"

Having said that, he stopped talking and hung up Yan Lian's phone with a "snap".

When Yan Lian heard his last words full of desolation and helplessness, his heart suddenly turned cold: the meaning of what Secretary Zhou said could not be more obvious.He has now been completely defeated by Secretary Lu, and has completely withdrawn from the power war that is now in full swing.Moreover, from his deep sigh, he felt: Secretary Zhou is now at the end of the road, and it is likely that Secretary Lu and Secretary Li have pinched his vitals and seven inches, and he is no longer able to fight against them.Moreover, now his future and destiny are probably no longer in his own hands, but in the hands of Secretary Lu.Therefore, just now he uttered the helpless emotion of "man is a knife, I am a fish"...

Thinking of this situation, Yan Lian suddenly felt extremely desperate: According to his own intention, he wanted to follow Zhou Jiqing to the end.Because he knew that Zhou Jiqing had a good relationship with the central government, and he was in the prime of life, and there was still a possibility of rising.All I had to do was follow him, help him break down Li Runji, and squeeze Secretary Lu away.At that time, Tianjiang Province will be dominated by Zhou Jiqing and others, and one day he will follow them to the throne.

However, he never expected that in the smokeless war between Zhou Jiqing and others, Secretary Lu and Secretary Li, Zhou Jiqing was defeated by Secretary Lu first, and seemed to be hit He has hit a critical point, and now he has no power to fight back, and can only lament "man is a knife and I am a fish"-this made Yan Lian feel a huge sense of panic in his heart, feeling that his originally brilliant prospect suddenly suddenly The sky dimmed, and there was hardly any hope left.

However, Yan Lian is not a dull character.After a short period of despair, he suddenly thought of Ye Ming who was still under house arrest in Room 501, and another huge hope suddenly surged in his heart: Judging from various circumstances, this young cadre of the Xinleng County Local Taxation Bureau, There seems to be a great connection and relationship with Lu Zhiyao, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and Li Runji, Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.Judging from various signs, the power struggle at the top of the Provincial Party Committee seems to be arguing and fighting around Ye Ming's crime and innocence.On Zhou Jiqing's side, they must put Ye Ming to death and then hurry up; on the other hand, Secretary Lu is doing his best and trying every means to clear Ye Ming of the crime.So, if I use my status as the leader of the special case team to take care of and get closer to Ye Ming, will I still have a chance?

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