Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 714 Fine of 5.5 million

Li Botang is very clear: it is already past eight o'clock in the morning, and it is impossible for department-level cadres like Shi Yueyun to turn off their mobile phones at this time.If his cell phone is turned off, it is likely to confirm his hunch at the beginning: something has happened to him!

In order to further verify his judgment, Li Botang held back his panic and fear, and called Shi Yueyun's office landline, but no one answered.

Next, like crazy, Li Botang called Guo Yu, Chief of the Third Division of Tax Administration, Zhan Peng, Deputy Chief, and Zhang Dongfang, Chief of the Collection and Management Section of the Municipal Local Taxation Bureau. However, their mobile phones were all the same as Shi Yueyun. Either it's turned off, or it can't be connected.And their office calls were never answered.

At this point, Li Botang finally confirmed sadly: the leaders of the local tax system who are related to his company have been eliminated in one pot!And once these people make a confession, all the tax-related illegal acts of their company will be fully exposed.Especially the use of false information to defraud tax deductions and exemptions in the past two years must have been the focus of Li Runji's inspection and the main basis for their arrest of themselves and Li Zhi.

It wasn't until this moment that Li Botang felt the great panic and pressure, and the cold sweat dripped down his face.

He is very clear: In the past two years, the company has cheated tax deductions and exemptions totaling more than 9000 million yuan. In addition, it has evaded personal income tax, business tax, and corporate income tax by other means. 2000 million.

Li Botang has studied tax policies and the "Tax Collection and Administration Law", and has also studied the penalties in the criminal law for evading tax payment and defrauding taxes with false information. He knows that he will definitely be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment for the above two crimes.Because it is stipulated in Article 30.00 of the Criminal Law: "Where a taxpayer makes a false tax declaration or fails to make a declaration by cheating or concealing means, and avoids paying a relatively large amount of tax and accounts for more than [-]% of the tax payable, he shall be sentenced to a fixed-term sentence of not more than three years. Imprisonment or criminal detention and a fine; if the amount is huge and accounts for more than [-]% of the tax payable, the sentence is to be between three and seven years in prison and a fine.”

According to the current amount of tax evasion and defrauding by Zhenxing Company, it can be said that the amount is "extremely huge", and it can be sentenced according to the maximum penalty stipulated in the Criminal Law, which is seven years in prison.Moreover, companies face significant fines and penalties.At that time, I and Li Zhi will definitely go to jail, and the company will definitely go bankrupt due to huge fines and fines...

Thinking of the consequences, Li Botang shuddered. He held the phone in his hand for a while, then stood up and said to Li Zhi: "Let's go, let's go to CCB and ICBC, and transfer the cash in the account first. Then, You go to buy a ticket to Canada, let's go out and hide for a while before talking."

Li Zhi agreed, followed him out of the chairman's office, and went downstairs to the corridor on the first floor, but saw a few strange policemen standing in the corridor, blocking their way out with their hands.

One of the policemen took out his ID and handed it to Li Botang, and said to him: "Li Botang, we are from the Tax Investigation Team of the County Public Security Bureau. Because Zhenxing Company is involved in a major tax evasion case, in order to prevent you from transferring funds and escaping abroad, we have ordered to punish you and Li Botang. Please go back to the office, the local tax bureau will sort out the information and evidence of your company's tax evasion and send them to the company. At that time, I will ask you and Li Zhi to go through the relevant procedures. So , neither you nor Li Zhi can leave this building now, nor can you make external calls. Now, please hand over your mobile phones. "

Li Botang knew that the relevant procedures he mentioned were to seize and seize the company's bank deposits and other assets, and to arrest himself and Li Zhi. Let go.

After finally controlling his emotions, Li Botang looked at the certificate carefully, and saw that the name on it was "Ouyang Song" and his position was "Deputy Captain of the Tax Investigation Brigade", so he raised his head and glanced at the other party, forcefully Pretend to be calm: "Captain Ouyang, do you know my identity? I am a representative of the Provincial People's Congress. You are a law enforcement officer, and you should have studied relevant laws: If the judiciary wants to take compulsory measures such as restricting personal freedom against people The report has been approved by the Standing Committee of the People's Congress at the same level. You are restricting my personal freedom and not allowing me to leave my office building, have you obtained the approval of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress?"

Ouyang Song smiled disdainfully, and said: "Li Botang, don't scare me with the signboard of your provincial people's congress representative! The legal provisions you just mentioned are not bad at all. However, there is another one in it: If the people's congress representative is For current crimes, the judiciary can detain you first, and then report to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress according to law. Your tax evasion crime is an active crime that has just been discovered. We can detain you first, and then report to the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress for approval. So, you Don't play with me as a representative of the National People's Congress, just stay in the office honestly!"

Li Botang originally wanted to go out and transfer the bank deposits by himself as a representative of the National People's Congress. Unexpectedly, Ouyang Song didn't buy it. He knew that they must have come prepared, and it would be useless to say more, so he didn't say anything else. Li Zhi shouted: "Go, let's go up first and see what they can do to us!"

Ouyang Song was worried that Li Botang and Li Zhi would use the phone in the office to plot something, so he waved to those subordinates and said, "Come up with me, let's go to President Li's office and sit down together."

In this way, Li Botang and Li Zhi have actually been placed under house arrest.

Around 11:30 noon, several vehicles from Zhenxing Company suddenly arrived, including two police cars.

These cars stopped in the company's parking lot, and a few policemen got out of the cars, as well as a few cadres in tax uniforms.

These people came to Li Botang's office together and showed their IDs to Li Botang respectively.It turned out that these people wearing tax uniforms were members of the inspection team of the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau, while the people wearing public security uniforms were members of the Tax Investigation Team of the County Public Security Bureau.

After introducing his identity, the person in charge of the inspection team of the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau first read the "Decision on Tax Treatment" and "Decision on Tax Administrative Punishment" to Li Botang.In these two documents, the Inspection Bureau of the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau determined that Zhenxing Company had accumulatively evaded corporate income tax, personal income tax, business tax and surcharges of 500 million by manufacturing false tax reduction and exemption information and making false declarations within three years. More than 5000 million yuan.According to the relevant provisions of the Tax Collection and Administration Law, it was decided to recover the tax evaded by the company and the overdue fine, and to impose a fine of four times the amount of tax evaded. The fine amounted to more than 8000 million yuan.Taxes, late fees and fines combined, Zhenxing Company should pay more than [-] million yuan.

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