Li Botang listened expressionlessly to the leader of the inspection team after reading the two tax legal documents, and said in a very expert tone: "Leader, as far as I know: before imposing tax administrative penalties on us, you should first fulfill the duty of disclosure." !The Tax Collection and Administration Law stipulates: Regarding the tax treatment decision and the tax administrative penalty decision made by the tax authority, the taxpayer can apply for administrative reconsideration, request a hearing, and file an administrative lawsuit to the people's court. I am now dissatisfied with your administrative penalty decision, A hearing is required, and administrative reconsideration must be submitted to your provincial and local taxation bureau. Therefore, it is meaningless for you to read this decision to me now, and I will not sign it!"

The head of the inspection team smiled and said: "Mr. Li, we arrived at your finance department just now, and have delivered the "Notification of Taxation Administrative Penalties" to your financial director. Yang Lujuan, your financial director, is already informing you. She will report to you later. What I am reading to you now is only our preliminary opinion on the recovery of taxes and penalties on your company. Of course you can You can request a hearing and file an administrative reconsideration. However, you should also know that there is an article in the Collection and Administration Law: Before you have a hearing and file an administrative reconsideration, you must first pay the tax of more than 3000 million yuan you evaded to the national treasury .As for the four times the fine, you can directly file an administrative reconsideration, or directly file an administrative lawsuit to the people's court, and we will accompany you to the end!"

At this time, the head of the tax investigation team of the County Public Security Bureau who came in behind said to Li Botang: "Li Botang, if you want to file an administrative review or an administrative lawsuit, you can entrust your financial department and legal counsel to represent you. You and Li Zhi Because you are suspected of tax evasion, and the facts are clear and the evidence is conclusive, with the approval of Yang Feigao, director of the Xinleng County Public Security Bureau, you are now being detained according to law. Since you are a representative of the Provincial People's Congress, yesterday afternoon, we have reported to the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress for approval in accordance with the law. Your decision to be summoned. This is the summons certificate and the approval of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress approving your summons, please read it and sign on the summons certificate!”

It turned out that the inspection team of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection had long considered Li Botang's identity as a deputy to the Provincial People's Congress, and submitted a report on Li Botang's detention to the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress in advance.According to Secretary Lu's instructions, the relevant departments of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress gave the approval for the summons when the report was submitted.That's why Ouyang Song and the others dared to publicly monitor Li Botang today...

When Li Botang saw the reply from the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, the last remaining hope in his heart was also shattered. Knowing that the other party came prepared, it was meaningless for him to say more, so he picked up a pen on the table and wrote His arrest warrant was signed.

As for Li Zhi, when he was watching the "Certificate of Arrest", his hands and legs were shaking all the time, his face was pale, his eyes were straight, and he could hardly lift the pen for signing...

At this moment, a few reporters carrying cameras suddenly appeared at the door, hurriedly squeezed into the office, took out their IDs and said that they were reporters from the provincial TV station, and they came here specially to cover the huge tax evasion case of Zhenxing Iron and Steel Company in Xinleng County of.

It turned out that last night, when Secretary Lu knew that the tax evasion case of Zhenxing Company had been thoroughly investigated, he called Li Tan, the deputy director of the Propaganda Department, and asked him to notify the provincial TV station to send a reporter to investigate the tax evasion case of Zhenxing Company in Xinleng County. The case will be reported and will be broadcast on "Tianjiang News Network" tomorrow night.

Although Li Tan wondered why Secretary Lu suddenly ordered the provincial TV station to report on a tax evasion case, he didn't dare to ask, so he quickly agreed, and impatiently called Zhang Yingzhi, the director of the provincial TV station, to convey Secretary Lu's instructions.

Zhang Yingzhi knew about Ye Ming's relationship with Zhenxing Company. Hearing the instructions conveyed by Li Tan, he guessed something in his heart. County, I will go to Xinleng County Revitalization Company early tomorrow morning to guard, waiting for an interview on the company's tax evasion case...

After several reporters came in, they had known for a long time that the inspection team of the provincial bureau and the county public security bureau cooperated and introduced to the reporters the investigation process of this major case, the means of revitalizing the company's tax evasion and The amount, the punishment of the company and the accountability of the company's legal representative and person in charge...

Next, several reporters wanted to interview Li Botang and his son, but Li Botang swung his palm angrily, almost knocking over the cameras carried by the reporters on their shoulders.

When Ouyang Song, who was next to him, saw Li Botang making a move, he immediately shouted to his subordinates: "Go and handcuff Li Botang and Li Zhi, and don't let them hurt the journalists!"

Immediately, several high-spirited policemen walked over with handcuffs, and they held down one, and handcuffed Li Botang and his son.

Next, several reporters followed the inspection team back to the hotel and interviewed Xia Bicheng, director of the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau, and Hu Tong, head of the inspection team of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, who were waiting there to listen to the news.When answering the reporter's question, Xia Bicheng focused on the seriousness of Zhenxing Company's tax evasion by means of tax fraud, and the profound impact of finding out this case on improving the taxation legal environment in the whole province.When Hu Tong answered the reporter's question, he focused on how Li Botang and his sons colluded with tax cadres, how to bribe some leaders and even a very few senior leaders in the province to escort them to tax evasion, and said that the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has already intervened. No matter how high their positions and powers are, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection will definitely investigate those involved in the tax evasion case of Zhenxing Company to the end, and will never condone and protect them...

Hu Tong's words were also deliberately released in accordance with Secretary Li Runji's instructions. The purpose was to let Wang Hai and Xie Hongda see and hear them, and publicly beat them up!

On the afternoon when Li Botang and his son were arrested, Secretary Lu convened a Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee to study four or five issues.The meeting started at [-]:[-] noon and lasted until [-]:[-] pm.Therefore, Wang Hai and Xie Hongda were completely unaware of the arrest of Li Botang and his son.

Until Wang Hai rushed home to have dinner, he habitually turned on the TV to watch the "Tianjiang News Network" which started at 06:30. When he saw the third article, his eyeballs immediately bulged, and his eyes were fixed on him. Staring at the TV screen, the muscles on his face twitched rapidly, completely in a state of stunned...

The third piece of news is about the investigation and handling of the tax evasion case of Xinleng County Zhenxing Company.

When Wang Hai saw that Li Botang and his son were handcuffed and Xia Bicheng and Hu Tong were being interviewed, he suddenly threw the rice bowl in his hand on the ground, stood up and ran to the phone.

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