Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 719 Conquering Wang Hai

Secretary Lu was mentally prepared for Wang Hai's "review".Because he knows: like Wang Hai, a veteran official who has been in the officialdom for decades, has a very strong ability to analyze and control the situation and the situation, and also has a strong ability to seek good luck and avoid evil, ability to resolve difficulties.Therefore, when he realizes that his problem of profiting from his investment in the revitalizing company may be exposed, in order to protect himself and gain the initiative, he will definitely come to him, the secretary of the provincial party committee, to discuss his problem.

Of course, during the conversation, Secretary Lu also expected that Wang Hai would not truthfully confess his problems, and would definitely avoid the most important ones, first shifting the responsibility to his sister-in-law, and then tactfully admit his mistakes - this, Secretary Lu can understand , and I don't blame him: after all, people want face.As a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Wang Hai was able to take the initiative to come to him for self-criticism and take part of the responsibility. This is an attitude of giving in to himself and admitting his mistakes.What Secretary Lu wanted was not his confession, nor his violation of discipline and law, but his attitude.

Therefore, for this conversation, the content of Wang Hai's talk is secondary, but his attitude is the main one.Since he had already expressed his attitude of admitting his mistakes, Secretary Lu didn't want to pursue his specific illegal facts.As long as Wang Hai himself understands the mistakes he made, and understands that Secretary Lu can punish him at any time and send him to prison at any time, this is enough.

However, what surprised Secretary Lu was that Wang Hai actually offered to be hospitalized and offered to have his work done by someone else.Moreover, in the end, he made it clear that after next year's party congress, he wanted to serve in the CPPCC—this surprised Secretary Lu.Because in his impression, Wang Hai is a person with a strong desire for power and control, and he has always wanted to climb to a higher position.But now, judging from what he meant, he obviously wanted to retire voluntarily and stay away from the power center of Tianjiang Province.

Although, Secretary Lu understood that this was Wang Hai's self-protection strategy, and it was also a self-expression to make himself completely at ease with him.However, he retreated so far all of a sudden, and even imagined what would happen next year, which still made Secretary Lu a little unexpected.

Therefore, after a moment of astonishment, Secretary Lu stared at Wang Hai and asked, "Comrade Wang Hai, do you really think so?"

Wang Hai nodded solemnly and said: "Secretary Lu, this is indeed my true thought in my heart. It is not hypocritical or deliberately saying angry words. Sometimes, I do feel exhausted and powerless when I am working, and it is indeed true. I want to change to a quieter place to relax, and I hope Secretary Lu can understand my mood and situation."

Secretary Lu saw that when he said these words, his tone was firmer and his attitude was more sincere. He didn't seem to be lying, nor did he seem to be adopting any strategy of retreating to advance. Suddenly, he felt a little pity for him in his heart. After thinking about it carefully, I replied to him: "Comrade Wang Hai, since this is the case, for the sake of your health, I will suggest to the central government to arrange a new post for you. However, my suggestion is: After the congress, it would be more appropriate for you to go to the Provincial People's Congress. Although you have some health problems, you are still young in the provincial party committee. After a period of rest and treatment, I believe you will gradually recover. Moreover, I am fully affirmed of your work ability, and of your performance as secretary-general. Therefore, I want you to serve as the deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress and continue to give full play to your work expertise and ability , to help me as the director and share my worries. If you agree, I will start to do relevant coordination work for you now, and put forward my suggestions to the central government, and then you can take up your new position calmly gone."

Secretary Lu, like Ye Ming, has a character of being strong when he is strong, and not bullying when he is weak.Originally, according to his original intention, he wanted to use the case of revitalizing the company to suppress Wang Hai and Xie Hongda, so that they would be more disciplined and obedient in the future, and stop playing any tricks, so that they could go through the period before the party congress smoothly. One year, at the party congress, they were forced to go to the provincial CPPCC to take up idle jobs for the elderly.

But now, Secretary Lu saw that Wang Hai not only asked him to go to the hospital to recuperate, showing that he was willing to stay away from the power center of the provincial party committee, but also asked to serve in the CPPCC, which made him feel pity.Moreover, Secretary Lu also knows that Wang Hai's backer in the central decision-making layer has always praised his work ability and performance, and once entrusted Secretary Lu: Wang Hai is a capable person, but his character He also has weaknesses in life and poor self-control, so he asked Secretary Lu to beat and remind Wang Hai frequently, urging him to overcome those weaknesses.

Because of these factors, Secretary Lu changed his original intention and offered to ask Wang Hai to serve as the deputy director of the Provincial People's Congress after next year's party congress. Nominally speaking, the leaders of the National People's Congress are the most powerful.Moreover, this is actually the case: a deputy director of the National People's Congress has much more power than a vice chairman of the CPPCC at the same level, and also has a much higher status in the eyes of others.

Therefore, when Wang Hai first heard the words of Secretary Lu promising him to be the deputy director of the National People's Congress, he almost couldn't believe his ears.After he was sure that Secretary Lu had indeed made that promise, his pale face turned red with excitement, and he stared blankly at Secretary Lu with wide eyes, with crystal tears suddenly appearing in his eye sockets.

After a long time, he raised his hand to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes, choked up and said, "Secretary Lu, thank you for your magnanimity! Thank you for your care and concern! It would be the best for me if I can work in the Provincial People's Congress next year. Choice. I think, coming to you to report my thoughts and talk to you tonight is the most correct choice I have made in the past few years, and it is also the starting point for starting a new realm of my life. It is worth learning. Your broad-mindedness is something we can only look up to forever. I am here to express a statement to you: After arriving at the Provincial People's Congress, I will definitely do my best, self-denial, and do my best to do my job well, and actively serve you Let's share our worries and solve our problems, and strive to push the work of the people's congress in our province to a new level."

Secretary Lu waved his hand, with a sincere smile on his face, and said with a pun: "Comrade Wang Hai, I still say the same thing: I fully affirm and fully trust your ability and level. I hope you are recovering from illness." During the period, let go of your burdens, relax your body and mind, completely cure your chronic illnesses, and devote yourself to your new work with a full spirit and a new state."

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