After Wang Hai left his office full of gratitude, Secretary Lu leaned his head back on the armchair again and fell into deep thought.

Wang Hai's problem is now basically a foregone conclusion: starting today, like Zhou Jiqing, he has completely lost the capital and ability to fight against him.What's more, he has repented more thoroughly and resolutely now than Zhou Jiqing, and has voluntarily left the post of secretary-general and gone to the hospital to recuperate.From now on, he may stand on his side, and will never make trouble again, and do what he wants to do. Secretary Lu is still sure of this.He understands Wang Hai's personality traits, and he also knows that what he is most worried about now is whether he will be investigated and punished, and whether he will go to prison.As long as he is bound by this magic spell, he will not dare to be naughty in his life.

Then, the next step is how to deal with Xie Hongda's problem.

Regarding Xie Hongda, Secretary Lu also had considerations.Because compared with Wang Hai, this person has a tougher personality. He belongs to the kind of stubborn temper that doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back, so he won't give up easily.Moreover, the most important thing is: the position of the organization minister he is currently sitting on is a key position.If the Minister of Organization and himself, the secretary of the provincial party committee, are not of the same mind, it will be difficult to implement many decisions on employment, and it will also hinder many of his governance ideas.Therefore, Secretary Lu is determined to get rid of Xie Hongda, sooner rather than later...

Thinking of this, Secretary Lu picked up the red words on the table and dialed Li Runji's cell phone.

"Runji, has Xinleng made any progress? Have Li Botang and his son confessed?"

"Secretary Lu, I was just about to call you to report this matter. According to what Hu Tong, who is in charge of the case, just reported to me, Li Botang was extremely stubborn during the interrogation. He didn't answer any questions directly, but repeatedly emphasized that he was an excellent A private entrepreneur who has made outstanding contributions to the economic and social development of Xinleng, the government cannot treat him like this. He also said: Although he knew it was wrong to use false information to obtain tax relief, he actually paid a lot of taxes .Compared with other enterprises, he is a large tax source, and it is reasonable for the state to return some tax to him. Therefore, it is estimated that it will be difficult to find out anything useful from him.

"Therefore, Hu Tong and the others are now focusing the interrogation on that playboy son of Li Botang. According to Hu Tong, this Li Zhi is very fragile, and he is very afraid of entering the detention center and going to the labor camp. Up to now, he Although he still took chances and did not confess anything of value. However, he has asked the interrogators several times: If he has performed meritorious service, can he be given a suspended sentence in the future, and can he be released on bail pending trial without going to a detention center? He also asked to see his lawyer several times, saying that he wanted his lawyer to release him on bail.

"Just now I said to Hu Tong: Don't agree to Li Zhi for the time being, and continue to increase psychological pressure on him during the interrogation until he can't bear it anymore, and then give him some promises, such as release on bail and not sentence him Entity punishment, etc. At that time, I guess because of his eagerness for meritorious service, he will definitely tell the detailed process of Wang Hai and Xie Hongda's investment in Zhenxing Company, and will also hand over relevant evidence. As long as Li Zhi has a confession, In addition to the evidence he provided, Wang Hai and Xie Hongda will not be able to deny it if they want to."

Secretary Lu gave a "hmm" and said, "Run Ji, the comrades in charge of the case of Xin Leng should pay more attention to get Li Zhi's statement and evidence as soon as possible, and send them to me as soon as possible. And, you tell Xia Bicheng from the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau asked him to arrange someone tonight to write a detailed report on the huge tax evasion case of Zhenxing Company, and send it to the provincial government office early tomorrow morning for Comrade Qin Ge's instructions. I guess, Comrade Qin Ge They probably still don't know much about this matter now. Because whether it is Wang Hai or Xie Hongda, because they are involved in this case, and Comrade Qin Ge is a person who can't tolerate sand in his eyes. Therefore, they must not dare to report to Comrade Qin Ge This matter. After reading his instructions tomorrow, I will decide on the next step.”

Secretary Lu actually had a good impression of Qin Ge. He felt that although he had a hot temper and a strong desire for power, he always wanted to crowd out and attack him, the secretary of the provincial party committee who came by air.However, his work ability and clean character are well-known.

Therefore, for Qin Ge, Secretary Lu's idea is: under the circumstances of being able to work together, try to tolerate and tolerate some of his shortcomings, and try to forgive him for some disgraceful things he did to himself. According to the chief's entrustment, try to establish a solidarity with him, and the two of them will work together to push Tianjiang's various tasks to a new level.

Therefore, for the four main opponents, Qin Ge, Wang Hai, Zhou Jiqing, and Xie Hongda, Secretary Lu decided on the following strategy: Unite with one and become Qin Ge; squeeze out one and become Wang Hai; One is Xie Hongda.

Now, Secretary Lu has achieved two goals: emptied Zhou Jiqing and squeezed out Wang Hai.The next step is to attack Xie Hongda and unite with Qin Ge...

After exhorting Li Runji a few words, Secretary Lu suddenly remembered about Wang Hai, and said to Li Runji, "Runji, I have another thing to tell you: just now, Wang Hai found my office by himself. He frankly admitted that his sister-in-law bought shares in Zhenxing Company, and admitted his mistake to me, and made a self-criticism. Moreover, he later proposed to me: He has diabetes now and wants to ask for leave for half a year to go to the hospital to recuperate with peace of mind In the past six months, he wanted to put aside all work matters, so he asked me to appoint a deputy secretary-general to act as his secretary-general temporarily. He also proposed: after the party congress next year, he would like to resign as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee , the post of Secretary-General, to take up an idle position at the Provincial Political Consultative Conference. I approved his sick leave, and I also agreed with his idea of ​​resigning from the post of Secretary-General, and I plan to arrange for him to serve as the Deputy Director of the Provincial People’s Congress. Regarding this matter, what do you have? view?"

When Li Runji heard that Wang Hai was going to lose his job and position to recuperate from his illness, and offered not to serve as the Secretary-General any more, he gave a relieved smile and said, "This old fox, he smells a little bit of danger. Two evils." The power of relatives is the lesser! However, Secretary Lu, your magnanimity, I agree and admire very much. As the saying goes: Do not chase the poor, and do not fight the dead snake! Wang Hai is now a dead snake and a poor. On the one hand, it is correct, and at the same time, it is also for his backing and to give Governor Qin a face...By the way, where is Xie Hongda? Xie Hongda, how are you going to deal with him?"

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