Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 721 Governor Qin Ge

When Secretary Lu heard Li Runji's question about how to deal with Xie Hongda, he thought for a while and said, "I am also considering this issue. I am also going to give him two days to see if he has the heart of repentance and will come to me on his own initiative." Talk heart to heart. However, based on what I know about this person, it is estimated that this possibility is not high. Therefore, my initial thought is: After you get the evidence of Xie Hongda's crimes, I will go to Comrade Qin Ge to discuss and prepare To win Xie Hongda, at least he must be removed from his position as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Organization. As for how to deal with it and to what extent, it depends on the meaning of the higher authorities."

As soon as Li Runji heard Secretary Lu's words, he knew that Xie Hongda must be finished...

At the same time, in the provincial government office building, Governor Qin Ge was also in a state of anxiety and distress.

Just as Secretary Lu felt, Qin Ge was essentially a good and honest official.He started working at the age of 17 and started as a grassroots production team leader. With his extraordinary ability, hard-working spirit, and meticulous integrity and self-discipline, he worked hard step by step without any background or backing. He came up and finally stood at the high position of governor.Moreover, when he became the governor of Tianjiang Province, he was not yet 50 years old, and he was one of the youngest provincial and ministerial-level officials in the country at that time.

Later, he vigorously supported his own people in Tianjiang Province, worked hard for several years, and finally survived until the original provincial party secretary left. He thought that with his age advantage and qualifications, he could succeed smoothly and become the top leader of Tianjiang Province , or be transferred to other provinces to become the top leader.

However, I didn't expect that the current No. [-] head of the Central Committee didn't know him very well. Although the former No. [-] head of the Central Committee who had a good relationship with Qin Ge and appreciated him strongly recommended him, the central decision-makers still didn't agree to let him take over. Instead, Lu Zhiyao was parachuted from a certain department to take charge of Tianjiang's overall work.

And it is precisely because of this that Qin Ge has an instinctive dislike for Lu Zhiyao, thinking that he got the position of secretary of the Tianjiang Provincial Party Committee by virtue of his relationship with the No. [-] chief. He must have no ability, maybe Still a flattering villain.Therefore, when Secretary Lu first arrived, he still looked down on him from the bottom of his heart, thinking that this surname Lu had been working in the central ministries and commissions, and had no work experience in any place. He had the ability and ability to control the political situation in such a large province as Tianjiang ?Is he capable of raising the economic development and improvement of people's livelihood in Tianjiang Province to a new level?

Because of this question, when Secretary Lu first came to Tianjiang, Qin Ge was thinking of watching a joke. He also hoped that he would run into walls everywhere in Tianjiang, make enemies everywhere, and finally lose his footing because he couldn't stand up. Go back to the capital.

Just at this time, Wang Hai, Zhou Jiqing, Xie Hongda and other old subordinates who had been cultivated and supported by himself came over and tried their best to persuade him to take measures to exclude and attack Lu Zhiyao, trying to squeeze him out within a year.They also expressed eagerly: They are willing to unite to find connections and find ways for Governor Qin in the central decision-making level, so that their respective backers can say good things and sing praises for Governor Qin as the top leader, and influence the No. Governor Qin's opinion was eventually replaced by Lu Zhiyao.

As the head of a province, Qin Ge of course understood that this kind of behavior of forming cliques and attacking dissidents was extremely inappropriate and dangerous.However, the longing for the position of secretary of the provincial party committee and the resentment towards Lu Zhiyao made him forget his principles and positions all of a sudden, and unexpectedly agreed to the proposal of Wang Hai and others.

After obtaining Qin Ge's consent, Wang Hai and others proposed that the newly promoted Li Runji had occupied the important position of Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, and had a fierce fight with Lu Zhiyao.Moreover, he doesn't have any strong backing in the center now, and his foundation is shallow, so he can be used first to kill chickens for monkeys to see.As long as Li Runji is brought down first, Lu Zhiyao will not only lose an important ally, but also shake his prestige. Other members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee who want to attach themselves to Lu Zhiyao will also see through Li Runji's downfall that Lu Zhiyao Because of Zhiyao's incompetence, he defected to the camp here...

Qin Ge had always been in charge of the provincial government, so he didn't know much about Li Runji, the then deputy secretary of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission.Moreover, he is a person with high self-esteem, and he likes his subordinates to get close to him and take the initiative to make friends with him.However, Li Runji had never visited Qin Ge alone.Therefore, Qin Ge didn't have much affection for him. Although he heard people comment that Li Runji was very decent, capable and well-known in the discipline inspection and supervision system, when Wang Hai and the others proposed to beat Li Runji first, he He didn't explicitly express his objection, it was tacit approval.

Next, Wang Hai and the others began to implement their series of conspiracies against Li Runji.However, because of Qin Ge's character, they didn't dare to reveal all these tricks to him. They just said that they caught Li Runji's braid and would soon find out his violation of discipline and law.Moreover, they also vaguely told Qin Ge: Li Runji has a godson in Xinleng, and this godson has an affair with the underworld and has done many illegal things.However, Li Runji, as the secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, not only did not stop his son's illegal behavior, but also continued to cover and indulge him. In the end, he went so far as to intercede for Gong Zhichao, the biggest underworld leader in Xinleng, and let him escape successfully once. The attack finally led to Xincold 5. ** case...

Qin Ge believed what they said, and he did see relevant reports from the Internet and the media.Therefore, he has been waiting for the good news from Wang Hai and Zhou Jiqing.

However, in the past few days, the reports on the Xinleng 5.** case on the Internet and the media have suddenly stopped. Not only did they not follow up, but the original news was also deleted.

Not only that, but Zhou Jiqing, who used to report to him often, seemed to have disappeared suddenly in the past two days, and he never called him again, nor did he report Xin Leng's case involving Li Runji The progress.

Just this afternoon, Qin Ge, who felt something was wrong in his heart, couldn't help calling Zhou Jiqing and asked him how the project at Xinleng was going.Has the local tax cadre surnamed Ye confessed?What kind of role did Lee Yun Ki play in this matter?

Under his series of questioning, Zhou Jiqing was silent at first, until he asked impatiently what happened to him?Only then did he say in a weak tone: "Governor Qin, I'm sorry for you! In Xin Leng's case, our direction of handling the case has undergone a fundamental deviation. In order to correct this mistake, I have reported to the 5.16 task force the night before yesterday. Order: Revoke the investigation of Chen Guitian, Liang Tanghua, Ye Ming and others, and release them immediately. At present, the main task of the task force is to hunt down Gong Zhichao and other fugitives with all their strength. This matter should have been reported to you earlier, but because I have been in poor health for the past few days, resting at home, so I have not had time, please forgive me!"

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