Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 722 Anxiety

Qin Ge couldn't help being surprised when he heard Zhou Jiqing's tone of life that was completely different from the past, and also heard that he had been resting at home for several days, but he didn't know it.

What surprised him even more was that Xin Leng's case against Li Runji had taken such a big turning point in the past two days.However, neither Zhou Jiqing nor Wang Hai nor Xie Hongda reported this matter to himself, the coach of the "Dumping Deer Alliance". What's going on?

Of course he didn't know: Zhou Jiqing didn't report to him because he didn't dare to have anything to do with Qin Ge anymore, for fear of causing Secretary Lu's misunderstanding again and pushing himself into a situation of eternal doom; while Wang Hai and Xie Hongda were worried This news will affect Qin Ge's determination to fight against Secretary Lu.Besides, they were also worried that Qin Ge would get to the bottom of it and ask the ins and outs of this matter, so the two of them dared not reveal the news to him for the time being...

After a burst of unusual anger, Qin Ge asked almost in a roaring tone: "Zhou Jiqing, what the hell are you doing? Didn't you tell me a few days ago that the evidence of the crime of the land tax cadre surnamed Ye is solid? Is it possible to arrest them by criminal detention? At the Standing Committee meeting the afternoon before yesterday, you had an argument with Secretary Lu about this matter. At that time, I spoke for you from your standpoint. It’s good now, you just say ‘handle the case’ There was a serious deviation in the direction', and the three suspects were released. How did you become the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee? Do you still have a principled stand? You are so contradictory and drag me here, how do you want me to end up? "

Zhou Jiqing had always been Qin Ge's subordinate. Although he is now a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, he has always respected him as a leader.And Qin Ge always treated him as a subordinate, and it was common to scold him if he didn't like it.Therefore, Zhou Jiqing should be accustomed to Qin Ge's scolding.

However, for the past two days, Zhou Jiqing was in an extremely bad mood, holding back his evil fire and having nowhere to vent it.Therefore, Qin Ge's scolding to him today was extremely harsh and unbearable to him.

So, when Qin Ge finished scolding, his temper flared up, he snorted, and said coldly: "Comrade Qin Ge, although you are the governor, but for the investigation of a major criminal case Investigation and handling seems to be the responsibility of the judiciary and the Provincial Political and Legal Committee! Before the case is resolved, it seems that we have no obligation to report to you at all times! I just said that we should report to you, but I respect you as my boss. Chief, have you ever thought about how I feel when you lose your temper now?"

Hearing his eccentric words, Qin Ge was so angry that his orifices burst into smoke, but he couldn't refute him, so he hung up the phone with a "snap", fell down on the chair in the office, his eyes turned red with anger, and his mouth Panting for breath, I almost didn't throw something on the spot!

After sitting on the armchair for a few minutes, Qin Ge gradually calmed down, and began to frown, thinking about what happened to Zhou Jiqing, which caused him to lose his composure today and openly contradict himself, his old superior.

He is very clear: Zhou Jiqing's character is very domineering and stubborn.If there is no particularly important reason, it is impossible for him to change a decision overnight.And Wang Hai and Xie Hongda didn't report the matter to themselves in time, probably because they concealed some major issues from themselves, so they didn't dare to disclose to themselves the important situation of releasing Ye Ming...

Based on the above judgments, Qin Ge came to a conclusion that made him break out in a cold sweat: Secretary Lu may have noticed Wang Hai, Zhou Jiqing, Xie Hongda and others' conspiracy against Li Runji, and started to fight back.Zhou Jiqing, on the other hand, was probably pinched seven inches by Secretary Lu and was completely subdued.Next, Secretary Lu is likely to attack Wang Hai and Xie Hongda.

If this is the case, I, the coach of the "Inverted Deer Alliance", will probably face the end of the tree falling and the monkeys scattered. In the end, not only did not defeat Li Runji and squeeze away Secretary Lu, but it may be because of being implicated by Zhou Jiqing, Wang Hai and others , and was eventually defeated by Secretary Lu, Li Runji and the others...

It wasn't until this moment that Qin Ge began to feel a little bit regretful: If he had known this, he shouldn't have agreed to the request of Wang Hai, Zhou Jiqing and the others, and set up a "reversed deer alliance", and ended up in a very passive situation.If Zhou Jiqing, Wang Hai, and Xie Hongda were all crushed by Secretary Lu, he, the coach of the "Dumping Deer Alliance", would definitely be exposed.At that time, Secretary Lu only needs to label himself as "forming cliques and undermining unity" and report to the No. [-] head of the Central Committee.

Of course, the reason for Qin Ge's remorse was not only because he was afraid of being retaliated by Secretary Lu, but also because of another point: over the past year, through working with Secretary Lu, he found that his previous views and judgments on Secretary Lu were different. is completely wrong.To be fair, Secretary Lu is easy-going, generous, knowledgeable, and has a sharp eye for people and things. He also has leadership and decision-making skills. He has his own set of ideas and concepts for the development and revitalization of Tianjiang.Moreover, these ideas and concepts are all obtained by him through continuous research and solicitation of opinions, which are in line with Tianjiang's provincial conditions and people's conditions.

From this, Qin Ge came to a conclusion: Secretary Lu didn't want to be what he thought at first, an incompetent person who relied on flattery to flatter his superiors, nor was he a short-sighted professional bureaucrat who only knew how to exercise power. Idea, doer with enterprising spirit.Moreover, his character and virtue are indeed relatively noble, and no one can find any faults.

At this point, Qin Ge had to admit: the central decision-makers, especially the No. [-] chief, are indeed very insightful and insightful when it comes to employing people.It is indeed more appropriate for them to arrange for Lu Zhiyao to come to Tianjiang to take charge.As for myself, I looked at Secretary Lu with tinted glasses from the very beginning, and thought of squeezing him out and suppressing him. Obviously, I was a bit narrow-minded and short-sighted...

Because of this, he now began to feel a sense of anxiety and fear.He had a vague premonition: something must have happened to Zhou Jiqing, and soon after, Wang Hai and Xie Hongda might also have an accident. It is estimated that something big will happen in the next two days!

Sure enough, early the next morning, the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau sent a report on Xinleng Zhenxing's tax evasion of more than [-] million yuan, asking him for instructions.And in this situation report, it was very vaguely pointed out: This tax evasion case involved many officials, some even some important leaders of the provincial party committee.

Qin Ge understood at a glance: the important leaders of the provincial party committee referred to in this situation report should be Wang Hai and Xie Hongda—because he knew that Wang Hai, Xie Hongda and the chairman of the company, Li Botang, had an extraordinary relationship. Wang and Xie also introduced Li Botang to him and had a meal together.

So, he verified his hunch: something happened to Wang Hai and Xie Hongda!

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