Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 723 Secretary No. 1

That same morning, Secretary Lu arrived at his office at 07:30, and said to Xu Lizhong, who came in with his bag, "Xiao Xu, I forgot something just now. In my room, there are several bags of Northwest Goutou red dates and a few packs of goji berries are produced. Go back now, bring two packs of red dates and two packs of goji berries, and put them in my office, and I’ll be useful later.”

Xu Lizhong knew that these dog's head dates and wolfberries were brought from the northwest when a county party secretary in Secretary Lu's hometown came to visit him.

Secretary Lu knows a little bit about health preservation, and is particularly fond of red dates and wolfberry, two green supplements. He often makes tea with wolfberry, red dates, and chrysanthemum to achieve the effect of strengthening the stomach, nourishing the spleen, and refreshing the mind.Sometimes, when Secretary Lu works overtime in the office at night to read documents, he will put more than a dozen grains of jujubes in a plate and put them on the desk. Here, chew it happily, it is said to be very refreshing...

After Xu Lizhong brought the red dates and goji berries over, Secretary Lu ordered him to put them in a cabinet, then thought about it, and said to Xu Lizhong: "You wait and tell Comrade Qiu Wangxi that he will give me a meal in the Furong Garden at night. Arrange a quieter box and prepare some special dishes, I want to entertain a guest."

Qiu Wangxi is the second-ranked deputy secretary-general of the Provincial Party Committee Office, and he is also the candidate that Secretary Lu has decided to act as Secretary-General Wang Hai in the future.The Furong Garden is the first guest house of the Provincial Party Committee.If Secretary Lu wants to entertain any guests, he usually orders meals and rooms in Furong Garden.

Xu Lizhong agreed, turned around and left.

After Secretary Lu waited for Xu Lizhong to close the door, he took out his mobile phone from Xu Lizhong's briefcase on the low cabinet next to his desk, and dialed a number.

"Director Wu, you are on the plane at 03:30 this afternoon! In that case, you will arrive at Tianjiang at around 05:30. I will arrange for my driver to pick you up at the airport. I will have a few drinks with you tonight." Ah! The last time I saw you was when I went to see the general secretary. I had a quick meeting in the waiting room and had a conversation. After careful calculation, we haven’t seen each other for half a year. I heard you call yesterday, I am really happy to say that I want to stay in Tianjiang for a short time and meet me! So, tonight, I will cancel all the affairs and make a special trip to accompany you. Hahaha!"

The Director Wu mentioned by Secretary Lu on the phone is the current director of the General Secretary's Office, Wu Dongsheng.Because of his special relationship with the general secretary, Secretary Lu had a particularly good relationship with Wu Dongsheng when he was in the ministry.This time Wu Dongsheng took two days off work to return to the neighboring province of Xijiang to celebrate his mother's [-]th birthday.And his hometown is in a small county on the border between Tianjiang Province and Xijiang Province. If he flies to the provincial capital of Tianjiang Province and then takes a car to his hometown from here, it is better than flying directly to the provincial capital of Xijiang Province and then going to his hometown from here. It's much closer to rush home there.

Therefore, last night he specifically called Secretary Lu, saying that he was going to fly to Tianjiang Province first to meet with Secretary Lu, and then asked Secretary Lu to arrange a car for him to take him back to his hometown early the next morning. go.

Director Wu's arrangement actually showed his affection for Secretary Lu—you know, with Director Wu's identity and status, if he told the leaders of Xijiang Province that he would go home to pay respects to his mother's birthday, he might be too busy How many members of the Provincial Party Committee and how many senior officials are eager to go to his hometown to celebrate his old mother's birthday.However, he told Secretary Lu: He didn't tell anyone in Xijiang Province.The reason why he flew to the provincial capital of Tianjiang first was because he didn't want to bother the leaders of his hometown and avoid unnecessary trouble.Therefore, only Secretary Lu knows about Director Wu's coming to Tianjiang, not even Qin Ge...

Director Wu heard Secretary Lu say on the phone that he was going to drop all the affairs tonight and made a special trip to accompany him. He was very moved and said: "Secretary Lu, I am a junior. When you were working in the capital, you took care of me and recommended me. I am now in this position because of your strong recommendation to the Chief. Therefore, it is only right for me to drop by to visit you. Don’t be too polite, and don’t make too much trouble, otherwise I will be very sorry.”

Director Wu's words are true: he is less than 50 years old now, and compared with Secretary Lu, he is indeed a junior.Moreover, when he was working in the General Office of the Central Committee, he was serving Secretary Lu's father-in-law Gu Yanghao, and he could be regarded as Lu Zhiyao's younger brother.Therefore, Secretary Lu did play a certain role in his becoming the No. [-] chief secretary...

Hearing that Director Wu was very emotional on the phone, Secretary Lu was quite relieved to know that he said this sincerely, and said, "Director Wu, I am calling you now to tell you about my arrangement. , Second, I may bring someone to have dinner with you in the evening, I hope you won't feel awkward and don't mind."

Director Wu knew that Secretary Lu was not a person who didn't know how to measure, so he didn't ask him who he would bring, and said straightforwardly: "It's okay, I can rest assured that you do things, and I can rest assured that the people you make friends with. I am here Thank you in advance, hahaha!"

After talking on the phone with Director Wu, Secretary Lu sat behind the desk in a happy mood, turned on the computer and browsed the international and domestic news, then took some documents reviewed last night, and checked himself carefully. For the signed instructions, I picked up a pen and changed a few sentences on one or two instructions.

During this process, he glanced up at the red confidential phone in front of him from time to time, waiting for the person he expected to call.And the person he expected to call was Governor Qin Ge.

According to Secretary Lu's estimate, after a series of abnormal things happened in the past few days, especially after the big tax evasion case of Xinleng Zhenxing Iron and Steel Company, when he received the report from the provincial and local taxation bureau, Qin Ge would definitely feel nervous. It will cause huge waves, and it will definitely be extremely shocking.He should have guessed that something must have happened to Zhou Jiqing, otherwise he would not have released Ye Ming, Chen Guitian, Liang Tanghua and others; and Wang Hai and Xie Hongda must have been involved in the tax evasion case of Zhenxing Company, because Qin Song knows the relationship between Li Botang, Wang Hai and Xie Hongda.If something happened to Li Botang and people from the Provincial Party Committee were involved, it must be Wang Hai and Xie Hongda...

Under such circumstances, Qin Ge would definitely feel an unprecedented pressure, as well as a little apprehension and a little panic.Therefore, after he received the report from the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau, he would definitely come to talk to himself, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. trend.

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