Sure enough, as Secretary Lu expected, at about nine o'clock, the red confidential phone on the desk suddenly "beeped" and looked at the caller ID, it was the governor Qin Ge's office calling.

Secretary Lu stopped the fountain pen in his hand for reviewing and revising instructions, looked at the beeping phone, let it ring continuously for a while, and it was probably about to hang up automatically, so he picked up the receiver.

"Secretary Lu, I'm Qin Ge. Do you have something to do now? If you're free, I'd like to come to your office to discuss something with you."

Qin Ge seemed calm and composed on the phone, as if nothing had happened.

Secretary Lu said "Oh", thought for a while, and then replied: "I have some things to deal with at hand, since you want to come over, I will put these things aside first, and I will wait for you in the office. "

Ten minutes later, Qin Ge walked into Secretary Lu's office alone with a folder in his hand and without a secretary.

Xu Lizhong followed Qin Ge in, made him a cup of tea, then walked out lightly, closing the door behind him.

When Qin Ge came in, Secretary Lu showed a smile on his face, stood up from behind the desk, walked a few steps towards the door, greeted Qin Ge, and reached out his hand, shook hands with him, then pointed to the office On the sofa across the table, he said: "Comrade Qin Ge, please sit down!"

After Qin Ge sat down, Secretary Lu also sat down next to him, looked at him with kinder eyes, and asked, "Just now you said you had something to discuss with me, what is it? Can't you talk on the phone?"

Qin Ge came here this time to see Secretary Lu's cold face - because he felt that Secretary Lu had clearly seen the movement of their "Deer Alliance" and had already started to fight back. The effect is also very good, not only defeating Zhou Jiqing, but also dragging Wang Hai and Xie Hongda into the case of Xin Leng Zhenxing Company, and killing all three generals under him.

Therefore, he estimated that Secretary Lu would target himself next time.In this case, if I go to visit him myself, I am afraid that I will be treated coldly, or even reprimanded by him as the secretary of the provincial party committee...

However, he didn't expect that Secretary Lu's visit to him would be so warm and cordial, even when he used to come to his office to discuss work, he seemed even more polite and affectionate - this made Qin Ge both surprised and intimidated. Suspicious.

Therefore, when Secretary Lu asked him with a smile on his face if he had anything to discuss with him, Qin Ge hesitated for a moment, then handed the folder in his hand to Secretary Lu, and said, "Secretary Lu, save the land tax this morning." The bureau submitted a report to me about a huge tax evasion case of Xinleng County Zhenxing Company that evaded more than 5000 million yuan in taxes. This case was exposed on Tianjiang TV last night, and I also saw related reports The reason why I came to you now is because this situation report mentioned that the tax evasion case of Zhenxing Company involved some important leaders of the Provincial Party Committee. This matter deserves our attention. I believe that the Provincial and Local Taxation Bureau If there is no conclusive evidence, I dare not raise this issue in the briefing. Therefore, I think it is necessary for me to discuss with you and inform you about this situation before I make an order. I also want to hear What do you think of the case."

Secretary Lu took the folder Qin Ge handed over, opened it, browsed the situation report for a while, then closed the folder, threw it aside, looked up at Qin Ge, smiled and said: " Comrade Qin Ge, you have worked with me for more than a year, and you should know me well. I have a straightforward personality and don't like to go around. So, I will tell you frankly: Xin Leng Zhenxing Company I have been aware of the tax evasion case from the beginning to the end, and I have been paying attention to it, and I also know that Comrades Wang Hai and Xie Hongda are deeply involved in this case. As for the specific situation, Comrade Li Runji knows better than me. You can ask him to investigate Understand and ask. If you are talking about this matter today, I don’t think it is necessary.”

When Qin Ge heard Secretary Lu's words, his eyes widened in surprise. He stared blankly at Secretary Lu. Being so frank, he not only admitted to his face that he had been paying attention to Xin Leng's tax evasion case, but also told himself clearly that both Wang Hai and Xie Hongda were involved in this case.

At this moment, he was a little dazed and confused. He didn't know whether Secretary Lu was really outspoken or had ulterior motives.

Seeing the bewildered and confused expression on Qin Ge's face, Secretary Lu smiled kindly again, and asked suddenly: "Comrade Qin Ge, I heard people say that your spleen and stomach have not been very good, and you can only eat a little bit with each meal. , but often work without sleeping and eating, this is not good! To paraphrase an old saying: the body is the capital of the revolution. Without a good body, work will be very strenuous and uncomfortable. I used to have a lot of experience in this regard. Therefore, I advise you to take good care of your body, pay attention to the balance between work and rest, and don't exhaust your body, then the loss outweighs the gain!"

Speaking of this, Secretary Lu suddenly stood up, and under Qin Ge's surprised gaze, he walked to the cabinet with two bags of dog's head red dates and two bags of goji berries, opened the door of the cabinet, and took out all the four bags , then returned to the sofa, put the red dates and wolfberries beside Qin Ge, and said with a smile, "Comrade Qin Ge, this is the top-quality dog ​​head that the secretary of the county party committee in our hometown specially brought over from Qingjian when he came to visit me last time." Jujube, and the authentic wolfberry from Ningxia. These two things can invigorate the spleen and stomach, replenish qi and refresh the mind, and have good curative effects on the symptoms of weak qi deficiency and poor diet. Weak, I can’t cheer up every day. Later, an old Chinese doctor told me that if I insist on making tea with dog’s head jujube, wolfberry, chrysanthemum and a little American ginseng every day, it will greatly relieve my symptoms. I have been experimenting for more than a year. The effect is really good. So, I left you two bags of dog's head jujube and two bags of medlar, and I am going to ask Xiao Xu to send them to you. It is just right that you are here now, and you can bring them there later!"

Secretary Lu's move greatly exceeded Qin Ge's expectations.When he saw Secretary Lu go to the cabinet to take out the bags of jujubes and medlars in person, and then sincerely said the words of concern for himself, this man who has always been hard-hearted, felt a heat in his heart at this moment. , and the eye sockets are also slightly red.

After being stunned for a moment, he said in a hoarse voice: "Secretary Lu, thank you for your concern! However, I am worthy of your deep friendship!"

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