Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 725 Governor Qin’s Statement

When Secretary Lu heard Qin Ge say that he deserved it, he knew that he was touched by his initiative to show favor to him in his heart, so he smiled heartily and said, "Comrade Qin Ge, you and I are colleagues, You are a partner and a comrade-in-arms who fought in Tianjiang, so don’t say anything that you deserve. To be honest, over the past year, many people think that there are conflicts, estrangements, and ulterior motives between you and me. Some people want to provoke the relationship between you and me. But I always think: Comrade Qin Ge is an upright person, a clean person, and a person who has dedicated himself to work and made outstanding contributions to the development of Tianjiang. I When I come to work in Tianjiang, it is absolutely impossible to fight alone, and it is impossible to do a good job in a province by myself. Therefore, I especially need colleagues like you who have rich experience, strong ability and familiar conditions to help me. , Support me, and especially want your understanding, support and cooperation.

"Before I came to Tianjiang, General Secretary Dun Dun warned me: Whether a local leadership team can have combat effectiveness, leadership, and achievements depends on unity. Unity is strength. This is not a slogan. It is a real truth. Only when the team members are united can our team have cohesion, centripetal force and decision-making power, can we think in one place, work hard in one place, and exert the maximum energy of this leadership team. For the general secretary Warning, I keep it in my heart and never forget it.

"Besides, before I came to Tianjiang, the general secretary also had a very pertinent evaluation of you, saying that you, a comrade, have come up step by step from the grassroots, have a strong spirit of hard work, strong work ability, and clean government. The word-of-mouth is very good. Therefore, the general secretary told me: After taking office in Tianjiang, I must pay attention to solidarity with you. Form cliques and form cliques for personal gain.

"I should have talked to you a long time ago. However, when I got out of the car a while ago, I was not familiar with many situations, and I didn't understand your temper deeply, so I didn't talk to you for the time being. Let’s talk about this issue openly and honestly. Taking this opportunity today, I will speak out what is in my heart, and if I am wrong, please criticize and correct me!”

When Secretary Lu said these words, Qin Ge kept his eyes wide open and listened in a daze, but his heart was overwhelmed, setting off a turbulent storm-he never expected that Secretary Lu would think so highly of himself, that he would treat him so highly So sincere, so honest.

Especially when Secretary Lu talked about the general secretary's evaluation of himself, he almost put his ear to it, for fear of missing any key words-you know: up to now, Qin Ge has never heard the general secretary evaluate himself. , I don't know what impression I have in the mind of the general secretary.Moreover, before that, he always felt that the general secretary must not have a good impression of him, and he might not even have a good impression of him.

However, after listening to Secretary Lu today, he realized that the general secretary has been paying attention to himself and judging himself.Moreover, the three sentences that the general secretary said "Comrade Qin Ge has a strong spirit of hard work, strong work ability, and clean government" are a high evaluation of himself.This point made Qin Ge so excited that he almost shed tears on the spot ``````

It wasn't until this moment that Qin Ge really felt that Secretary Lu was indeed an upright and selfless man, and that he really wanted to work together with him to do a good job in Tianjiang Province.All the dissatisfaction and suspicion I had with him in the past showed my own narrow-mindedness.In particular, the "Inverted Deer Alliance" is a shameful and ridiculous act.

And Secretary Lu, even though he knew that he, Wang Hai, Zhou Jiqing, Xie Hongda and others wanted to join forces to attack Li Runji and exclude him as the secretary of the provincial party committee, he still treated him sincerely and did not take the opportunity to eliminate dissidents. Holding resentment in my heart, this kind of lofty integrity is not only worthy of my admiration, but also worthy of my own study and emulation. ,

Therefore, Qin Ge said to Secretary Lu with both gratitude and guilt: "Secretary Lu, what you just said made me feel ashamed! Frankly speaking: when you first came to Tianjiang, I was not convinced , I have done some things that are unbearable to you, I believe you know it in your heart. You are so magnanimous, and I, Qin Ge, am not a small-hearted person. So, now I solemnly express my humility to you! I think, today I come Talking to you has yielded a lot, I feel deeply, and I regret the past. I don’t want to say anything else, but I just want to express my attitude to you: starting today, I will consciously safeguard your authority and The unity of the Tianjiang Provincial Party Committee team, and under your leadership, will steadily advance the government's various tasks, strive to make some achievements, and live up to the general secretary's expectations of me."

Secretary Lu knew that Qin Ge was a tough guy, and it was very commendable that he could say such words of remorse and apology, and express his determination to himself.

Therefore, he was extremely relieved and happy in his heart, so he took the initiative to stretch out his right hand again, held Qin Ge's hand tightly, and said emotionally: "Comrade Qin Ge, don't say anything about apology or guilt. Sage, who can be right? I know in my heart that the things you did before should have been instigated and deceived by others. According to your heart, you don’t like that kind of conspiracy. I The reason why I want to talk to you today is that I think you should be an upright person by nature, and there is an essential difference from those dark villains who set hooks and make trouble. Can you express that attitude just now, I I am very relieved and very happy in my heart. I hope that the two of us will unite and make a great cause in Tianjiang together. This is my biggest wish at present."

Qin Ge nodded solemnly, and said, "Secretary Lu, a conversation with you is better than ten years of reading. I will firmly remember this conversation with you today."

Next, the two chatted for a few more words.When chatting with some people in the central government, Secretary Lu suddenly asked Qin Ge: "Comrade Qin Ge, Director Wu Dongsheng of the General Secretary's Office, do you know him?"

Qin Ge shook his head, and said with a wry smile: "I'm not qualified to know such a big person! Director Wu is the closest person to the general secretary. I don't know how many high-ranking officials want to make friends with him. People with my status People, if you want to climb up to him, you can't climb up!"

Qin Ge's words are a big truth: Before the last adjustment of the main leaders of Tianjiang Province, Qin Ge wanted to find a relationship to get acquainted with Wu Dongsheng, and wanted to use his relationship to make a good impression on the general secretary.However, Wu Dongsheng immediately rejected the middleman's request.So, so far, Qin Ge has only met Wu Dongsheng once or twice, but they have hardly talked.

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