Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 739 Kidnapping Xia Jiao

Ye Ming heard that the three bald men were going to enter the detention center to punish Li Botang and his son and Zhao Xiaolin. He couldn't help but became more and more surprised when he heard it. He widened his eyes and asked, "Who came up with this bad idea? You can enter the detention center casually." ?"

Seeing that Ye Ming's eyes were red and his mouth was full of alcohol, San Bald knew he was drunk.He has dealt with Ye Ming several times, and he knows that he is usually gentle and polite, and he is very polite and easy-going to Brother Chao's brothers.But now that he was drunk, his state seemed to be a little bit wrong, and his tone was a bit aggressive, so he ordered a bald man next to him to make a cup of tea for Ye Ming, and he personally handed it to Ye Ming, and said with a smile: "Ming Brother, you have a cup of tea first, and listen to me slowly."

Ye Ming didn't know what medicine they sold in the gourd, so he took a sip from the teacup and asked, "Tell me: how are you going to enter the detention center together? Are you going to create another big case in Xinleng? Are you going to be arrested again?"

The three balds nodded and said, "Brother Ming, you guessed half right. We are going to make a case, and then five people will enter the detention center together. However, we don't want to make a big case. If that's the case, brother Chao , It’s not good for you, and it may even harm you. Therefore, according to Brother Fu’s arrangement this time, we just created a small case. Moreover, this small case can give you a sigh of relief. Hehe !"

Hearing that he never told them all about their plans, Ye Ming finally lost his temper, and lost his temper through a bit of alcohol: "Third bald man, I don't have time to play hide-and-seek with you. Tell me quickly: you have committed a crime." What case? Why did you say you were going to vent your anger on me again? It's really inexplicable!"

The third bald man was still smiling, and said calmly: "Brother Ming, we kidnapped that little bitch Xia Jiao this afternoon, and now we are locking her up in a house we rented. The brother is over there watching over her."

"What? You kidnapped Xia Jiao? Why did you kidnap her?"

Ye Ming was so surprised that his eyes widened and he couldn't help but scream.

The third bald man said: "Brother Ming, we are also avenging you! Our brother Fu said: Xia Jiao is too unrighteous. Back then, Brother Chao and Sister Feifei treated her very well and covered everything up." Her. Once she slapped a coal boss when she was sitting on the stage. The boss wanted to chop her up, and Brother Chao stepped forward to settle it. Unexpectedly, now she is colluding with that bastard Zhao Xiaolin and sending photos and videos Going online, I want to frame you. A ruthless woman like this must be severely punished. We kidnapped her here, and we want to hear Brother Ming's opinion first, and see how you want to deal with her. Our opinion Yes: beat her hard first, let her have a longer memory. Then, brother Ming, you can say: whether to maim her leg, or give her a few cuts in the face, or let a few brothers Taking her turn?"

"shut up!"

When Ye Ming heard his last words, he couldn't help roaring, staring at the three balds fiercely with angry eyes, and angrily reprimanded: "Third balds, do you really want to become a gangster who does all kinds of evil? What is the difference between this approach and Zeng Qiang, Li Botang, Zhao Xiaolin and others? Does Brother Chao know what you are doing? You kidnap a weak woman, what kind of skill is this? Hurry up and release Xia Jiao, your plan is also It must be cancelled. Both Li Botang and his son and Zhao Xiaolin will be tried and jailed. What are you going to do to punish them? Besides, now that Li Botang and his son’s company has been sealed off and their properties have been confiscated, it is the end of the road, and their punishment is enough. If you want to kill them again, the end result is that both sides will suffer, and you brothers will definitely have someone to accompany them to die, so why bother?"

The third bald man saw that he was drunk and started to get angry. He didn't dare to argue with him, so he took out a women's satchel from the cabinet in the guest room, took out a wallet from the bag, opened it, and handed it to Ye Ming. , whispered: "Brother Ming, you said Xia Jiao is a weak woman, look at this photo, she has put the photos that Zhao Xiaolin took for you in the karaoke hall in her wallet. Moreover, our computer in her dormitory I also saw that she has saved the video that Zhao Xiaolin took for you and her in the karaoke hall. Therefore, we estimate that those photos and videos on the Internet may have been posted by Xia Jiao. Moreover, she is still collecting These photos taken with you and those videos are probably not reconciled, and I want to continue to report you in the future.

"Brother Ming, I heard that the reason why Xia Jiao hates you so much and wants to kill you so much is because you refused to have a room with her last time at the Blue Moon Cabaret, which made her very embarrassed, so she always wanted to Revenge on you. This is what the two ladies who sat on your table with her said that night. Because they all knew that Zhao Xiaolin offered 1 yuan and wanted her to accompany you for a night, but you not only refused, but also I satirized her. For this reason, she cried all night that night, and she must have hated you so much. So, we wanted to kidnap her, teach her a lesson, and dispel her idea of ​​continuing to report you. Then, wait for her After our family members or friends report the crime, we will go to the police station to surrender, and five of us will go together, so that we can all be locked up in the detention center. When we get there, Li Botang and his son and Zhao Xiaolin, it’s up to us to grind them to death!”

Ye Ming took the wallet he handed over, and looked carefully. Sure enough, in the transparent interlayer on the right side of this delicate wallet, there was a group photo of himself and Xia Jiao. It might be that Zhao Xiaolin stole sex in the karaoke hall. * down.In the photo, he was holding Xia Jiao's slender waist with his hands, while Xia Jiao was resting her head lazily on her chest, her long black hair falling down like a waterfall, covering her waist.Looking at Xia Jiao's demeanor in the photo, her eyes are slightly closed, her expression is mixed with joy and anger, she really looks very ambiguous...

Ye Ming's face was already very red, but after seeing this photo, his face became even hotter. At the same time, he believed in the words of the three bald men: Those photos and videos on the Internet might really be Zhao Xiaolin and Xia Xiaolin. Jiao partner put it up to frame her.Otherwise, why would Xia Jiao keep the photo of herself with her?Why keep those ambiguous videos in the computer?Could it be that she is really not reconciled and wants to report herself?

He knew that Xia Jiao had a strong temper and a strong sense of self-esteem.That time when I rejected her in the private room in front of so many people, and even said a few sarcastic words, she would definitely be very annoyed and hated herself to the bone.However, he didn't expect that she would use this method to retaliate against him, which made him angry all of a sudden, and waved to San Bald and said, "Let's go, let's go to the place where Xia Jiao is detained first, I think Going to ask her what the deep hatred is, so that she can use this method to retaliate against me?"

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