Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 740 Black fungus powder fungus

When Ye Ming and San Tuozi rushed to the rental house where Xia Jiao was detained, Xia Jiao was in a state of extreme panic and despair.

At two o'clock this afternoon, she came home from get off work in the business hall of the mobile company, and just walked to a secluded alleyway leading to her rented room, when a car suddenly drove up from behind her and stopped beside her. .Then, three men jumped out of the car and forced her into the back seat of the Santana without any explanation.Then, two shaved-headed men held her tightly from left to right, and the other sat in the front passenger seat, turned his head and warned her in a low voice: "Don't shout, don't struggle. Otherwise, we'll be in the middle of the road." I made you in the car!"

When Xia Jiao was first dragged into the car, because they held her head down, she couldn't see the faces of these people clearly. She thought it was Deng Qifeng or Zhao Xiaolin's subordinates who had kidnapped her for revenge. He struggled hard, yelled, punched and kicked to break free from the two bald men who were clamping him, but he was dragged into the car forcibly by them.

Now, when she saw the thin, pointed and bald man on the passenger seat, she immediately recognized him: this was Fu Mengzi's subordinate, who seemed to be called "Three Bald Men".Although I had never dealt with him before, I had met him several times with Xia Feifei.

So, her terrified heart calmed down a little, and she stopped struggling, and asked, "Third brother, what do you mean? Where are you taking me?"

The third bald man smiled coldly, and said in a strange way: "Miss Xia, you still recognize my third brother! I thought you were hanging around with Zhao Xiaolin now, and you would have ignored us people a long time ago! Let me ask you first." : How did Brother Chao treat you? How did Sister Feifei treat you?"

Xia Jiao heard his question inexplicably, and didn't know what he meant, so she replied a little at a loss: "Brother Chao and Sister Feifei are very good to me, I always say that to everyone. If you don't believe me, you can ask My sisters!"

The third bald man snorted and said, "Since Brother Chao is good to you, why did you hook up with that Zhao brother to frame Brother Chao's brother, Brother Ming? You have one thing in your mouth and another in your back, don't you?" Want me to slap your mouth?"

"Brother Ming? What Brother Ming? When did I frame him?"

Xia Jiao didn't react, she asked with wide eyes.

"Brother Ming, you don't even know? Just pretend to be stupid! Since you are pretending to be stupid, then I will wake you up: Brother Ming is Ye Ming, Director Ye of the First Branch of the Local Taxation Bureau. You should understand now! You In order to frame him, Zhao Xiaolin posted a photo of you and brother Ming hugging in the karaoke hall, and said that brother Ming prostituted you, and he had to be arrested by the special investigation team. Brother Fu said: Since you are ruthless, then Don't blame us for being unrighteous! You said Brother Ming glanced at you, then we will really come to prostitute you to see how much your place is worth, whether it is made of gold or silver..."

As soon as he said this, Xia Jiao, who was so ashamed and angry, suddenly pulled her right hand out of the grip of the two bald men, raised her hand and slapped him on the pointed face.

The third bald man was caught off guard, but he didn't dodge the slap. His face was livid with anger, and he yelled at the two bald men behind him, "Damn, are you two dead people? How dare you let this stinky bitch hit me? Give it to me!" Beat her, beat her to death!"

The two bald men didn't expect Xia Jiao to be so aggressive. Under such circumstances, they dared to hit the third bald man. They couldn't help becoming angry, so one of them grabbed her by the hair, and the other stretched out his palm and "slapped" her. He even slapped her several times.

Xia Jiao already knew what was going on at this time, and also knew that after she beat the three bald men, she would definitely be beaten up by them.Therefore, she no longer struggled or yelled, and let the two bald men slap her face. She held her head up stubbornly and glared angrily at the third bald man.

The third bald man touched his left cheek, which was still hot, and threatened resentfully: "Little bitch, you wait! When we get to our place, I will let my brothers fuck you one by one. I want to see: you This young lady who claims to be the daughter of Huanghua is black fungus or pink fungus!"

Xia Jiao couldn't help shivering when she heard San Bald's words, and an indescribable sense of panic immediately surrounded her tightly: she has a stubborn personality, and she is not afraid of beatings, scolding, or suffering.However, what she is most afraid of is that her innocence will be tarnished-you know, in the past 22 years, in order to maintain her chastity, she has almost done various struggles and thought of various methods , and even offended many big bosses and big customers for this.She always has a belief: her most precious thing must be kept for the person she loves the most.No matter how much money other people pay, no matter how great the temptation is, she will not betray her virginity, nor will she sell the most precious thing she has left for her future lover.

But now, when he heard the vicious words of the third bald man, his heart immediately became cold: because she knew that the third bald man was definitely not trying to scare herself!Except for Tie Tuo, Mao Lizi and other old brothers, the people under Brother Chao's subordinates are all ruthless social dregs who can do anything.Although Brother Chao often restrains them and forbids them to do anything wrong, their nature cannot be changed.What's more, they are still following Fu Mengzi's order to take revenge on themselves for that bastard Ye Ming.In this case, what can't they do?If you are really raped by them, then you really have only one dead end...

Thinking of the consequences of life being worse than death, Xia Jiao couldn't help but tremble all over, and she never dared to argue with the third bald man again.At the same time, she only felt a burst of misery and despair: it seems that this bastard Ye Ming probably ordered the three bald boys to do it.I miss him every day, and feel heartbroken for him every day.Moreover, in her heart, her virginity is what she wants to keep for him.Unexpectedly, he misunderstood him so deeply that he even ordered people to kidnap him, and even asked a few people to ruin him.How could he be this kind of person?How could he be so cruel and heartless?Could it be that my previous judgment and opinion of him were all wrong?

Soon, San Bald and the others drove Xia Jiao to the yard of a single-family house in the western suburbs of the county, knocked on one of the doors, and there was an accomplice waiting inside.They pushed Xia Jiao into the room and tied her to a chair.

Then, the three bald men arranged for two people to stay in the rented room, and went to a hotel with the two bald men, and called Fu Mengzi first, saying that they had tied Xia Jiao.Then, according to the phone number provided by Fu Mengzi, he called Ye Ming.

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