Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 762 You Can't Live Up to Xia Chuchu

Seeing that Chen Yi was really angry, Ye Ming suddenly remembered that he had agreed to Secretary Li and got engaged to Xia Chuchu recently.Moreover, Xia Chuchu's family is already preparing for their engagement ceremony.It is really thoughtless for me to say such things to Chen Yi now, and it is indeed not only hurting Xia Chuchu, but also suspected of breaking my promise.

Thinking of this, his mood suddenly became depressed, he looked at Chen Yi helplessly, and said, "Sister, now I don't know how to face you and our children in the future! You should know: I always want to I married you, and you have always been my favorite and favorite person. However, in reality, there is always a lot of helplessness. Two people who really love each other may not be able to be together in the end. However, you can rest assured: no matter in the future I Whoever I marry, I will be responsible to you and our children to the end. Before we get married, I will make it clear to her: Or just accept this reality, if you can’t accept it, then don’t marry me.”

Hearing what he said was resolute and resolute, Chen Yi knew that this was his true inner thoughts, and couldn't help but feel moved and relieved, raised her head slightly, leaned on Ye Ming's generous shoulder, and said in a low voice: " Fool, if you really go and say this to the person you want to marry, who will marry you? Love is selfish, any woman, no matter how much she loves you, no matter how much she likes you, she will not be willing Share your love with another woman. And, the deeper she loves you, the more jealous and caring she will be. However, one girl may be a bit of an exception. If you choose to marry her, maybe we will have more in the future If you have a chance to meet once in a while, our son will also have a chance to get your father's love."

Ye Ming asked a little strangely: "Who are you talking about?"

Chen Yi looked away, thought for a while, and said, "This girl is Xia Chuchu. I haven't had much contact with her, but I already know her temper and character. Although this girl comes from a family of officials, she is still A big star. However, she is straightforward, generous, quick-talking, daring to love and hate, and the city is not deep. And, the most important thing is: this girl is very kind, very compassionate, and very She sympathizes with the weak, likes to help the needy, and has a chivalrous character. So, if you marry her, maybe we will have a chance to be together in the future."

Ye Ming asked a little confused: "Sister Chen Yi, from what aspects did you judge Xia Chuchu's character traits? From my point of view, she seems a bit savage and has a bit of a young lady's temper!"

Chen Yi tapped his forehead with her hand, and complained: "Yezi, you are born to please girls, but you don't understand girls at all. You don't understand Xia Chuchu, nor Chen Mengqi, and even me, you don't understand girls." Just smattering.

"Take Xia Chuchu as an example: she actually fell in love with you from the moment you met each other. So, after you were double-regulated by the city bureau, she went to the city bureau to see you alone, and tried every means to take advantage of her being the provincial bureau. The identity of the director's daughter rescued you. Just imagine: If she doesn't like you very much, what does it matter to her if you double-guidance? Does she deserve to go to such lengths to save you?

"Secondly, when the matter between me and you is in a turmoil, when you are deeply involved in scandal and facing ruin, she can still decide to get engaged to you and to save your reputation. This kind of affection, this kind of love This kind of magnanimity, this kind of spirit, is not possessed by ordinary women. Even I, when faced with this situation, may hesitate and be afraid, but Xia Chuchu does not. Therefore, I say she is a chivalrous woman, Cannot be overstated.

"Actually, in my opinion, both Chen Mengqi and Xia Chuchu are good girls, and they both have a deep love for you. You have let down a Chen Mengqi now, and you must not let down Xia Chuchu again. I heard Aunt Li Jingya say: You and Xia Chuchu are very close." I'm going to get engaged soon. Let me tell you from the bottom of my heart: I'm really happy to hear the news. Why? Because it's impossible for me and you to be together. And if you marry Xia Chuchu, with her Personality is definitely not a woman who can't tolerate others and plays petty temper at every turn. Therefore, she may have a tolerant and generous attitude towards me and our children. And this is really my greatest luxury.

"What's more, Xia Chuchu now knows about our relationship, and also knows that I conceived this child for you. Under such circumstances, she can still choose to get engaged to you, which proves at least two points: First, she I love you so deeply that I can tolerate you being with other women and having children with other women. Second, she will not care about your past, nor will she hate me and ours Children. Even, she may be ready for us to continue to communicate after she and you get married.

"Of course, Xia Chuchu is so magnanimous, and I am not a person who pushes forward. I will grasp the relationship and measure between us, and will not embarrass her, and will not let her down on you. If you want to continue to be nice to me If we want our children to have a healthy and good environment for growth, then we must grasp two points: first, you should get engaged and married with Xia Chuchu as soon as possible, and you can’t say anything about marrying me again. What do you say If you come out, it won't do anything, but it will make people think that you are rebellious, immature at all, and will hurt Xia Chuchu; second, after you and Xia Chuchu get married, you must treat her better, and you must not let her down on you. Deep friendship. As long as you achieve these two points, I believe Xia Chuchu will not care too much about you occasionally coming to the capital to see me and our children. In that case, the rest of my life will not be so bleak. Lonely. Do you see what I mean?"

Ye Ming heard Chen Yi say that he had failed a Chen Mengqi and could no longer disappoint Xia Chuchu. Suddenly, the images of Li Wen and Xia Jiao appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help feeling guilty and regretful: I have failed only a Chen Mengqi ah!Li Wen and Xia Jiao also had a deep affection for her, and willingly handed over their bodies to her, and they still couldn't get any warmth and return from her.To say I failed, in fact, I have failed several girls.If Sister Chen Yi knew about it, what would she think of herself?

However, he felt that Chen Yi's analysis tonight was completely correct.Her judgment of Xia Chuchu's character was also completely reasonable and insightful.At least, Xia Chuchu is very kind and magnanimous, these two points are completely correct.Therefore, I should get engaged to Xia Chuchu as soon as possible.

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