Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 763 Baby

When Ye Ming was thinking and savoring Chen Yi's words, he heard Chen Yi's cell phone vibrate and beep on the bedside table.

Chen Yi pouted at him, motioning for him to hand her the phone.

Ye Ming picked up Chen Yi's mobile phone, glanced at the caller ID on it accidentally, and saw two words clearly appeared on the screen: "Godmother", so he knew it must be Li Jingya calling.

After Chen Yi took the phone, she also glanced at the caller ID on it, with a warm smile on her face, pressed the answer button, and called out cordially: "Hi, godmother!"

Li Jingya said cheerfully on the phone: "Xiaoyi, how is your situation now? Are you preparing for a cesarean delivery? When will the operation be?"

It turned out that Chen Yi had to call Li Jingya almost every day to report her situation.Before coming to the hospital this afternoon, she also called Li Jingya and told her that she was about to give birth.So, at night, Li Jingya called again to ask.

Chen Yi knew that Li Jingya was very concerned about the baby in her stomach, so she said: "Godmother, it has been confirmed: I will have a cesarean section tomorrow afternoon. My condition is still stable now, but it will hurt every once in a while." This kid is very restless in my stomach and often makes noises. Now he may be impatient to come out, so he tortures me once every two hours. The pain makes me break out in cold sweat. When he comes out tomorrow, I have to Squeeze him hard on his little butt, let him feel the pain too!"

Chen Yi said so, but there was a happy smile on her face, looking fascinated by her son.

Li Jingya heard that she was going to pinch the child a few times, so she hurriedly said: "Xiaoyi, this is not acceptable! A newborn baby is so tender, how can he stand up to you pinching him? By the way, let me make it clear to you first: you It's my daughter, and your child is my nephew. After he's full moon, you have to bring him to meet me and Lao Li, and recognize the homes of my grandparents. I know your own parents must also want to hug your nephew, But you promised me: after the child is weaned, he must come to my house to take care of her for several months a year, and I must let him know me as a grandmother since he was a child. Okay?"

Chen Yi hurriedly said: "Of course. As long as you and Uncle Li don't dislike him, let him live in your house for half a year every year when he grows up."

Li Jingya laughed very satisfied, and said: "Xiaoyi, I have to go to work tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow is Friday, so I will take the evening plane to come to see you and my nephew. By the way, is Ye Ming coming?"

Chen Yi took a look at Ye Ming and said, "Come here, you are at my bedside now!"

"Okay, it's good that he's here, and he has a little conscience. You tell him, just say what I said: no matter what you do these days, you must be by your side. He is not allowed to go out for a wild run, and he is not allowed to do other things. things."

Chen Yi hurriedly said "OK".

At four o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Secretary Lu came to the back door of Xicheng Maternal and Child Health Hospital on time in a Buick driven by Xu Lizhong. He was led by Zhang Linjiang who was waiting there, and took the elevator to a place next to the operating room on the fourth floor. He sat down in the nurse's office and waited for the nurse to bring the little guy over to show Secretary Lu.

And Lu Nianzi, at around four o'clock, lied that he forgot to bring the clothes for the children, and asked Ye Ming to drive home to pick them up, and said that there was a nanny at home, and she knew where the clothes were.

At this time, Chen Yi had already pushed into the operating room.When Chen Yi entered, Ye Ming asked the doctor how long the operation would take, and the doctor told him according to Lu Nianzi's instructions that it would take more than an hour, which would take the child out around five o'clock.

Therefore, Ye Ming took the car keys that Lu Nianzi handed him without any doubt, and hurriedly drove to Lu Nianzi's house to get some clothes.

After Lu Nianzi sent Ye Mingzhi away, he quickly turned a corner from the corridor, came to the nurse's office where Secretary Lu was waiting, greeted Secretary Lu, and congratulated him with a smile. Chatting while waiting eagerly for the nurse to bring the baby over.

During the waiting process, Secretary Lu said: "Xiao Zi, you can clean up my bedroom for me in the next two days. I will come to the capital again in the future. I will not live in Beijing, so I will go home and sleep. I have to I often come to see my grandson and watch him grow up and grow taller. Hehehe!"

Lu Nianzi saw that his father's face was full of joy and radiance at the moment, and he understood his mood very well, and said with a smile: "Dad, I don't need to ask you, I have already packed it for you. However, you are a bit partial : I live there as a daughter. When you return to the capital, you will sleep in the Beijing office instead of going home. Now that you have a grandson, you must go home and sleep. You are a typical patriarchal son. Don't want a daughter!"

Secretary Lu smiled and said, "Xiao Zi, I'm old and I have no other hobbies. The only fun in the past was to work hard, achieve achievements in work, and then feel a little excitement and happiness from it. But it's different now. Now I have a grandson—you know: for an old man who has reached the age of [-], there is no joy like giving birth to grandchildren. I thought that I might not be able to enjoy this kind of family happiness, but unexpectedly Now that the situation has turned around, not only are both children and grandchildren safe, but I can also hold grandchildren. I didn’t want to go home. First, you two are busy and don’t have time to accompany me, an old man. Second, there are no children at home. There is not much difference here. Therefore, sometimes I just don’t bother to come back. But now, I have something to look forward to when I go home, I have hope, I have fun, and of course I will come back to live.”

At this moment, two nurses wrapped a baby in a blanket, walked in with smiles on their faces, and congratulated Secretary Lu and others as soon as they entered the door.

Secretary Lu knew that his grandson was coming, and his face flushed with excitement, and his breathing became a little short.

However, he did not mess up his position. Before picking up the baby, he took out two bulging red envelopes that Xu Lizhong had prepared for him from the bag next to him, handed them to the two nurses, and said with a smile on his face: "Same with me!" Congratulations, congratulations! Thank you comrade nurses, thank you!"

After saying these few polite words, Secretary Lu rubbed his palms together, half-bent over, and took the baby wrapped in the blanket carefully and with great care.

The two nurses saw that the red envelope that Secretary Lu handed over was very thick, estimated to be at least 2000 yuan, and their faces immediately beamed with joy. After receiving the red envelope, they said a lot of congratulations to Secretary Lu.

Secretary Lu looked at the child's white, tender, chubby little face with loving eyes, and suddenly turned around and asked, "Comrade nurse, how heavy is the child?"

A nurse hurriedly replied: "This child is very strong. He weighs 4.5 kilograms. He is a rare and very healthy fat boy!"

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