When Zha Jiliang took Ye Ming to talk outside, Qu Yu also sat next to Li Wen, put his hand on her shoulder affectionately, and asked in a low voice like a big sister: "Wenwen , tell your sister the truth: do you like this Mr. Ye very much? Don’t deny it to me! My sister is several years older than you, and she had an unfortunate marriage, although my own love life is not Unsatisfactory, but at least I have experienced a few episodes, so I have some experience. I can tell at a glance whether a girl likes a man or not. For example, when you saw Mr. Ye just now, your eyes were full of tenderness and your face was full of happiness ——Others may not pay much attention to your subtle expressions, but they cannot be hidden from my eyes. After all, you and I are both women, right?"

Li Wen didn't expect Qu Yu to expose her thoughts so bluntly, her face turned red, and her expression became a little coy.

However, after all, Li Wen is not the kind of pretentious and artificial girl.Moreover, she also knew that Qu Yu was a very smart and sensitive woman, and she could never hide her thoughts about Ye Ming from her eyes.What's more, I have a deep love for Ye Ming, and I have been secretly in love with him for nearly a year, but I have never had the opportunity to confide this kind of love to others, so I can only press it heavily in my heart, and even Ye Ming himself is not very clear about his love for him. She was so deeply in love with him that she thought that she gave him her body just to repay his kindness.Therefore, she really needs to find someone to talk to, to release the heavy depression in her heart caused by the passionate love.And Qu Yu is a better person to confide in...

Therefore, after a moment of embarrassment, Li Wen immediately returned to normal, and generously admitted: "Sister Qu, I don't burn fake incense in front of the real Bodhisattva: I really like Brother Ye, and it's the kind of liking that goes deep into the bone marrow. You should be able to see this. However, you should also be able to see that my liking is just a kind of unrequited love. Brother Ye is not in love with me, and he already has a fiancée now. So , I can only bury this kind of love in my heart, and I can only chew it slowly and not show it. I don’t know, Sister Qu, have you tasted the taste of unrequited love, anyway, in my opinion, it is a kind of pain , is another kind of happiness. The painful thing is: this kind of deep-seated love of mine may never be reciprocated, and there will never be any result; The appearance of the person, recalling the good times and wonderful experiences I had with him, as well as his every word and deed, every frown and smile.

"In such memories, I can always experience a sour and sweet feeling. And this sour and sweet feeling, like a kind of spiritual opium, makes me addicted, fascinated me, and makes me fall into the deep I can't extricate myself from it... Moreover, sometimes, I still have a longing: If one day, the person I love suddenly falls in love with me, what kind of happiness will it be! There is nothing left to ask for. As long as I have him, even if I have to beg for rice or go homeless for the rest of my life, I will definitely be content with it and have no complaints or regrets—Sister Qu, do you understand my feelings and thoughts?"

When she confided her unrequited love for Ye Ming to Qu Yu, Li Wen had fallen into a state of almost obsession, completely immersed in her own emotions, without shyness, scruples, or any burden of thought, just thinking about To vent my emotions, I just want to express my deep love for Ye Ming...

Qu Yu has been listening to the beautiful girl in front of her in a daze and thoughtfully. As she listened, she felt that her heart was gradually softening and melting, and she was gradually immersed in Li Wen's kind mood and atmosphere.In the end, her eye sockets were actually moist, and there were two crystal clear tears looming in the corners of her eyes...

Qu Yu never expected that this girl in front of him who is usually a little self-admired, a little aloof and indifferent, and who never pretends to be courteous to any man who courts her, has such a rich inner world, and is so obsessed when she falls in love with someone. , So devotion, this makes her both ashamed and a little envious: Although she is almost 30 years old, she has also experienced several relationships.However, most of these relationships were unremarkable.Moreover, I have always been passively pursued, passively fell in love with others, broke up, fell in love again, broke up again, and finally, under the strong request of my parents, reluctantly married a man from a wealthy family, and then was forced to marry Yan Changgeng took a stab at breaking up the family that had been built with great difficulty.Up to now, I have become the person I am now, I have become someone else's doll, and I have become a "little three" that everyone hates...

Therefore, after listening to Li Wen's narration, she was both moved and a little envious: Although unrequited love like Li Wen is a bit painful and helpless, there is sweetness in this pain, and longing in this helplessness. and hopefully.Unlike myself, who has been emotionally muddled and dull: no deep lovesickness, no infatuated waiting, no sweet memories, no happy longing...

Thinking of this, Yan Changgeng's stubby body, pockmarked long face, and domineering eyes suddenly appeared in Qu Yu's mind.She even vaguely remembered Yan Changgeng's bloated and white body like dead pork when he vented on her at night, his heavy breathing due to lack of energy, and the fact that he couldn't hold on because of excessive indulgence. Minutes of twitching movements... All of this made her feel extremely disgusted and disgusted at this time...

In order to calm down the disgusting feeling she felt when thinking of Yan Changgeng at this moment, she suddenly pulled Li Wen, who was still immersed in her lovesickness, into her arms, and touched her cheek like a big sister, tenderly Said in a low voice: "Wenwen, sister understands your feelings, and also understands your sweetness and pain. To be honest, sister is really a little envious of you and jealous of you now. I don't have such pure feelings like you. I have experienced it, and I will never experience it in the future. I think you have a good vision. Mr. Ye is indeed a very good boy. He is not only sunny and handsome, but also looks very talented and kind. I think: as long as he If you are not married yet, don’t be discouraged. Don’t be discouraged. Since you like him so much, you should confess to him and take the initiative to pursue him. In today’s society, finding a good husband is also a war, and what matters is that the winner is king. Soft-hearted, can't shrink back, don't you think?"

Li Wen shook her head helplessly, and said in a low voice, "Sister Qu, you are right."But Brother Ye and I are in a special situation, and I can't tell you the specific reason.In short, I will always have nothing to do with him.Perhaps, this is my destiny! "

Speaking of this, Li Wen finally couldn't control it, and tears fell down...

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