Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 801 The old man talks about the teenage madness

However, the thing that made Zha Jiliang and Qu Yu even more dumbfounded was yet to come: After entering the box, Wang Xiuguang and Zhang Yingzhi, the two department-level leaders, held Ye Ming's arm alone as if they had made an appointment. It is useless for Ye Ming to give in and refuse to sit him in the most respected position facing the box door.

Then, the two of them sat beside Ye Ming, one on the left and the other on the right, sitting down solemnly like two Dharma protectors. There are both Wang Xiuguang's subordinates and employees of Zhang Yingzhi's unit.It seems a little inappropriate for me to sit in this honorable position with such a boldness.But seeing what Wang Xiuguang and Zhang Yingzhi meant, there was nothing wrong with them. They sat on both sides of him comfortably, with natural smiles on their faces.

Zha Jiliang and Qu Yu saw that their usually very serious leader seemed very relaxed and friendly today, so they no longer restrained themselves and sat next to their leader naturally, instead leaving Li Wen alone on the side opposite Ye Ming. position.

However, Wang Xiuguang and Zhang Yingzhi didn't care about Li Wen's position.Because they all knew that Ye Ming was Xia Chuchu's fiancé, so Li Wen could at most be Ye Ming's friend, and she didn't need to mind where she sat.Of course, Li Wen is also a very sensible and generous person, and she will never feel wronged or troubled by this matter.On the contrary, when she saw that the lover she admired was so respected by others, she felt very proud, very proud...

At this time, the waiter began to serve food and drinks.When the waiter was about to serve wine, Zhang Yingzhi waved to her and said, "Wait a minute and show me the menu."

The waiter quickly handed over the menu.Zhang Yingzhi looked at it, turned her head and said to Ye Ming and Wang Xiuguang with a smile: "Director Ye, Director Wang, I have something to say first: I will invite you for this meal first, and next week, if Director Wang wants to be the host, I will be with you." Director Ye is going to bother you again. As for Director Ye, you are a guest from afar, and there is no reason to let you treat guests first. If you really want to invite Director Wang and me, then we will wait until you finish your studies. Let's drink your celebration wine again. At that time, I can also sing a Peking opera song for Director Ye: "Drink the celebration wine today". Hahaha!"

As he said that, he hummed in a low voice: "Today, I drank the celebration wine to my heart's content, and my aspirations are not rewarded, and I will never stop swearing; in the future, I will show my talents and write my spring and autumn with blood!"

Zhang Yingzhi is versatile, both literary and artistic, and especially likes to sing revolutionary modern Peking opera.He has rehearsed Yang Zirong's arias from "Taking the Tiger Mountain Out of Wisdom" many times in the karaoke hall. Although he did not open his voice to sing loudly at this time, it is still clear, cadenced, and full of charm, which attracted enthusiastic applause from the people in the box. Come.

Qu Yu took advantage of the opportunity to compliment and said: "Director Zhang, when I see you on stage, you always look very serious and dignified, which makes people respect you. At that time, I thought you were a relatively rigid and conservative person. What about the leader! I didn’t expect you to be so cheerful, approachable, and humorous in life. It seems that it’s because we didn’t know you before! If Director Ye and Wenwen hadn’t invited me to dinner today, I wouldn’t have had the chance I have heard such a melodious Peking opera singing by Master Zhang! Next time I have a chance, I will invite Master Zhang to sing once, and let us enjoy your Peking opera performance in the karaoke hall, so that we can fully enjoy our ears.”

Although Zhang Yingzhi didn't like to see Qu Yu, she was a beautiful woman after all, and he still felt very comfortable and flattered by her compliments.What's more, he has always been quite conceited about his level of singing Peking Opera, so he didn't think Qu Yu's compliment just now was too much.

Therefore, after she finished speaking, he shook his head with a smile and said, "Xiao Qu, I'm overwhelmed, I'm overwhelmed! I'm just an old man chatting about being a teenager, just entertaining myself! However, I listened to a few and Ye Those who are good at playing the director said that Director Ye's singing level is at the professional level. If there is a chance, we can call Director Ye and go to the karaoke hall to sing and have fun. Haha!"

Qu Yu didn't expect Mr. Zhang to agree to sing at all, but now hearing what he said, it seems that as long as Ye Ming is willing to go, he can sing together. He couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly said to Ye Ming: "Director Ye, do you remember?" Master Zhang’s words! If the leader agrees, it should be a certainty and will not be changed. In a few days, I will invite everyone present to sing at the Golden Years Entertainment City in the Xinghai Development Zone. The boxes and speakers there are all It is the first class in the provincial capital, I hope the leaders will give me this thin noodles."

Wang Xiuguang hurriedly smiled and shook his hand and said, "Xiao Qu, I don't have to sing. I can tell you the truth: I have never been in a karaoke hall in my life. When I was in the local area, even if the superior came to sing, I would I’ve never accompanied them. I’ve never been a musical person, and I’m not as versatile as Director Zhang. Therefore, I never go to karaoke bars to make a fool of myself. Hahaha!”

At this time, the waiter next to him saw that Director Zhang called her over to look at the menu, but instead of saying what he wanted to do, he started talking about Beijing opera and singing. He was really impatient, so he had to apologize and remind Zhang Yingzhi: " Leader, you just said that you want me to bring the menu, and don't serve the wine for the time being. Do you have any orders? Look, there are already several dishes on the table. If you don't serve the wine, the dishes will go cold! "

Only then did Zhang Yingzhi remember what she had just said, patted her forehead and said, "Look at my head, I almost forgot what I was talking about. Where did I just say? Oh, yes, I just said today I will invite this meal, Director Ye and Director Wang have no objections!"

Seeing that he was so happy and enthusiastic today, Ye Ming didn't want to spoil his interest, so he said with a smile: "Director Zhang, since you are ready to treat us, we should respect you and follow your orders today. It's a luxurious meal. Hahaha!"

Wang Xiuguang also agreed, and at the same time emphasized that he must treat the guests next time.

Zhang Yingzhi also wanted to add a few good dishes, but looked left and right on the menu, but couldn't see any satisfactory dish names.

Qu Yu knew that Zhang Yingzhi was well-known in Taiwan as a good leader who didn't take a penny from the public. If he said that he treated guests today, he paid for it out of his own pocket, and he would never go to Taiwan to reimburse him.Therefore, she really wanted to take this opportunity to treat Director Zhang once.Moreover, she brought money here today to treat Li Wen to dinner.Now that Director Zhang is here, it is all the more important to invite this guest yourself.

Therefore, when she saw Mr. Zhang hesitated and didn't know what to add, she gently took the recipe from him and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, let me add dishes for you! I'm now Go to the kitchen to see what better dishes they have, leaders, don't wait for me, just eat."

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