Tonight is the first time in Ye Ming's life that he said so many flattering words and flattering words to a leader. Although these words are well-founded and not exaggerated or magnified, for Ye Ming, it still feels a bit overwhelming. Embarrassed.If he hadn't planned in advance what he should say to Zhang Lingzhi tonight, and hadn't put a little pressure on himself before coming, he probably wouldn't be able to say these blatantly flattering Zhang Lingzhi.

And the reason why Ye Ming forced himself to say these flattering words that he never wanted to say and couldn't say was because he felt a strong crisis now, and felt that if he didn't want to change his character, change himself The way of dealing with people is likely to be difficult to adapt to the intricate officialdom, and it is difficult to integrate into this leadership circle where everyone wears masks.

From the current point of view, if I don't find ways to gain Zhang Lingzhi's favor and trust as soon as possible, then I may face the embarrassing situation of being isolated by most of the students in the class.At that time, it will be very difficult for me to try my best to reverse the situation - because by then, the students have already formed a bad impression of themselves, and their defense and vigilance against themselves have been deeply ingrained. It is very difficult for them to get rid of their impression of themselves and to dispel their defensiveness towards themselves.

Therefore, I should seize the opportunity to find a breakthrough before the isolated situation is formed, eliminate the adverse effects of the rumors of Yan Changgeng, Liu Ziliang and others, and strive to establish a good reputation in the minds of teachers and students. positive image.

Therefore, in order to achieve my own goal, I must change my past personality of preferring to bend rather than bend. I must learn to play by ear and wait for the dishes to come out. ", instead of acting willfully and willfully.

To sum it up in one sentence, it is: in the officialdom, people cannot help themselves...

However, judging from the current situation of my conversation with Zhang Lingzhi, this transformation of myself is still very successful and immediate: when he told Zhang Lingzhi that he still remembered the newsletter in the "K City Daily" The title was "The Magistrate of Box Lunch", and after retelling some of the contents of that newsletter on the spot, Zhang Lingzhi looked very pleased and satisfied, and the smile on his face finally became very bright and kind.

After listening to Ye Ming eloquently recounting the main events in that newsletter, Zhang Lingzhi waved his hands modestly, and said with a smile: "Xiao Ye, it's hard for you to have such a good memory. If you don't mention this article today, I can’t remember! The things I did were all within the scope of my responsibilities, but I was more dedicated and responsible. At that time, the Daily News came to interview me, and I said: Don’t highlight me. For personal achievements, the main credit should be recorded on the entire leading group of the county party committee. But those journalist comrades did not follow my request, and finally wrote it into a character newsletter that highlights me. For this reason, I am still very disturbed , I am very terrified, I just hope that people who read this article will forget it as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, you, a young man, can still remember it so clearly, it is not easy, it is not easy!"

Ye Ming knew that this was self-effacement. Although he said that he hoped that people who read this newsletter would forget it immediately, but in his heart, he probably wished that everyone could read that newsletter, and he also wished that everyone could read that newsletter every day. Anyone who has read this newsletter can firmly remember Zhang Lingzhi's contribution in Zijiang.

At this time, Ye Ming has already roughly judged: This county magistrate Zhang is indeed a grassroots leader who is willing to do things and can do things well, with strong abilities.However, he may also prefer to be in the limelight, to be featured in newspapers and on TV, to be publicized and remembered by others...

Of course, for a young and promising leader like Zhang Lingzhi, it is understandable that he likes to be publicized and to be featured in newspapers and TV: after all, he is talented and capable, and he has indeed done many practical and good things. If it can be publicized by party newspapers, periodicals and TV stations, it will be very beneficial for him to shape a good image, expand his popularity and influence, and attract the attention of superiors.

Moreover, Ye Ming reckons: Zhang Lingzhi may now be more eager to publicize his deeds more widely, because he is now selected to study at the Provincial Party School, it is likely that his superiors want to promote him and reuse him.At this time, if his previous achievements can be publicized by some influential news media, it will greatly promote his career promotion...

Thinking of this, Ye Ming suddenly had an idea to further win his favor and gain his trust.So, he tried to ask: "Major Zhang, your deeds are so outstanding and touching, I think we should get further publicity and promotion. Zijiang County has undergone earth-shaking changes during your administration. It has been affirmed and praised by the common people. The measures you proposed to benefit the people are also very specific and very effective. I think: Provincial news media such as "Tianjiang Daily" and Tianjiang TV Station should also go to Zijiang Interview and report. Hasn’t the Propaganda Department of the Zijiang County Party Committee made any efforts in this regard?”

When Zhang Lingzhi heard that Ye Ming was talking about these things, he seemed to be very knowledgeable and well-versed in routines. He couldn't help but glanced at him in surprise, and his inner affection for him increased a bit: It seems that this person was rejected from the very beginning. The young man who thought he was reckless and prickly seemed to have something in his stomach.Moreover, judging from his words and deeds tonight, this young man is quite sensible and polite, and he is not the kind of willful and reckless boy who specializes in going against the leader...

Therefore, when Ye Ming asked whether he was promoting on the provincial TV station or the provincial daily newspaper, he didn't feel that he was asking presumptuously, but shook his head seriously and said, "Xiaoye, you may not Clearly: News units like the Provincial TV Station and the Provincial Daily are very cautious and rigorous when reporting the advanced deeds of the following cities and counties. Especially for personal propaganda, they are even more cautious, and there will be many Strict approval procedures. I think you should be able to understand the reasons for this. Therefore, our county party committee propaganda department once wanted the provincial TV station or the provincial daily newspaper to go to our county to report and do some positive publicity, but these two All the media rejected our deeds as not typical and not outstanding enough. So, I have no plans to do this now."

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