Seeing Yan Changgeng's ferocious face and red eyes, Qiu Yixing was a little surprised and asked, "District Chief Yan, what's the matter? Did you get into a fight with that kid surnamed Ye again?"

Yan Changgeng had just suffered from Ye Ming, and he didn't want to talk more, so he said impatiently: "Don't ask so many questions. Just tell me: you and Huang Jixiang collected and sorted out the kid's bad deeds, and how is the progress now?" Did you dig out anything lethal? If you dig it out, give me a copy. I want to see what kind of guy this kid is so rampant. Xiao Jin and Zhang Lingzhi praised him so much. He, what is it for?"

Qiu Yixing smiled and said, "District Chief Yan, come in with me, and I'll show you something good."

As he spoke, he dragged Yan Changgeng into the dormitory, entered the bedroom where he and another classmate who played well together, turned on the laptop, pointed to it and said, "District Chief Yan, take a look: Are these things useful?" ? Can it cause lethality to Ye?"

Yan Changgeng glanced at the content on the computer screen, his eyes widened instantly, and a surprised and happy expression appeared on his face: I saw two articles pasted on the document that Qiu Yixing opened.The title of the first article is "Why Gong Zhichao, the leader of the new cold underworld, has been able to get away with it for so many years", and the title of the second article is "A Director of the Local Taxation Bureau with all five poisons".

The first article mainly exposed Ye Ming's cover-up of Gong Zhichao, the leader of the new cold underworld, and said that Ye Ming also participated in Gong Zhichao's underworld organization, and "had trouble" for Gong Zhichao's gang many times.In the end, it directly triggered the Xinleng "5.16" murder case.

And the second article said that Ye Ming was morally corrupt, had an affair with Chen, a married woman in their unit, and caused that woman to become pregnant.The woman's husband reported to the relevant departments with his real name many times, but because Ye Ming had a background in the province, he was never investigated and dealt with, and the husband had no place to appeal for grievances; Taking advantage of one's position to accept bribes in tax work.Among them, there is evidence that when investigating the tax evasion problem of Qingquan Hotel in Xinleng County last year, he and the county bureau chief jointly accepted a bribe of 10 yuan.Moreover, in the same case, Ye Ming also accepted sexual bribery, and the hotel paid 1 yuan to spend with a prostitute...

These two articles were the two "calls" that Li Botang and his son ordered a secretary of their company to write to slander Ye Ming.Originally, these two articles were deleted from the online platform.However, at that time, many bloggers and small forums reposted these two posts, and the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee could not delete them all.Therefore, Qiu Yixing, who is relatively proficient in computers, tried his best to dig out the original text of these two posts based on some clues.

After seeing these two posts with factual basis, names and surnames and evidence, Yan Changgeng was ecstatic. He sat in front of the computer and read these two posts over and over again, muttering words, wishing he could Memorize them all.

Qiu Yixing saw that Yan Changgeng was in high spirits, as if he had already grasped Ye Ming's handle and seven inches, so he reminded him from the side: "District Chief Yan, don't be too happy too soon. Don't read these two posts. The facts are clear, the evidence is conclusive, and it seems to be very lethal, but there are complicated things behind it, which you may not have thought of!"

Yan Changgeng raised his head, his eyes bulged, and said, "What's so complicated about this? We just need to sort out these things and send them to the school committee, the provincial discipline inspection committee, and the organization department of the provincial party committee, and ask them to investigate Ye Ming's past. We should investigate his misdeeds so as not to damage the image of the young cadre class of our Provincial Party School Party School. Even if he cannot be eliminated, at least the school can expel him, or make him notorious and unable to hold his head up again!"

Although Qiu Yixing was young, he was scheming and well-established in the city. After hearing Yan Changgeng's words, he shook his head disapprovingly and said, "District Chief Yan, your thinking is too simple. You should analyze it this way: according to these two According to the exposure of this post, Ye Ming not only has a corrupt style, has an affair with a married woman, and also participates in prostitution, but also takes bribes and participates in gangster activities. Why is his serious violation of discipline and law not punished by any organization? Why? Will he still be eligible to participate in the recruitment examination run by the provincial party committee?

"Moreover, what is even more strange is: why is he, a small bureau chief of the Land Taxation Bureau, able to get away with so many scandals and clues of violations of law and discipline? Also, the exposing posts on these portals, Who deleted it for him? You know, if you want to delete posts on these sites, you don't even think about it without the intervention of the propaganda department above the provincial level.

"So, Minister Huang and I discussed and analyzed it, and felt that Ye Ming is not a simple person, and the water behind him is very deep. It is estimated that even if we take these things to sue him, there will be no results. If If it was really useful, this person surnamed Ye would have fallen long ago, and it is not our turn to punish him."

Yan Changgeng tilted his head and thought for a while, and felt that what Qiu Yixing said made a lot of sense.Moreover, judging from the several fights between him and Ye Ming these days, this kid seems to be a bit of a backer.Not to mention anything else, but he can have dinner with the director of the provincial TV station and the director of the provincial land and resources department at the same time, which shows that he has a good relationship in the province.

However, he hated Ye Ming too deeply, even though he knew it was impossible, he wanted to try it.Therefore, he said to Qiu Yixing unwillingly: "Xiao Qiu, what do you think we should do? Don't we just watch the materials we collected go unused?"

Qiu Yixing smiled inscrutably, and said: "District Chief Yan, we don't need these materials, but we need to see how to use them and how to be the most effective. I discussed with Minister Huang: These materials, together with the leaves we sorted out before Ming's evil deeds of kicking the dormitory door lock and beating his classmates must be delivered to the relevant departments. Even if Ye Ming cannot be brought down, he must try to ruin his reputation. It is best to let all the students in our youth class, including some teachers , We all know Ye Ming's bad things and dirty things in the past, and we all know that he violated discipline and law in the first place, but because of his relationship, these bad things of his were settled in the end.

"You know: the party school is a pure land. The teachers and classmates here look down on the cadres who are burdened with stains the most. As long as the teachers and classmates in the class know that Ye Ming is such a rotten person, then even if the above If you don’t deal with him, he will be isolated in the class. What’s more important: His old affairs will affect the teachers and class committee members’ evaluation and scoring of him in the future. If there are teachers or class committee members, because Knowing about his past, if you give him a failing grade, then he will not be able to enter the Provincial Party Committee Office, and may not even be able to enter other provincial organs. In that case, our goal will be achieved, and your hatred It counts. What do you think?"

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