Yan Changgeng knew that the purpose of Qiu Yixing and Huang Jixiang was to make Ye Ming unable to pass the evaluation of the teacher and the class committee, and to get rid of this strong competitor.That's why they were of one mind and one mind with themselves, and jointly dug out Ye Ming's old background, trying to defeat him in one fell swoop.

Therefore, after listening to Qiu Yixing's analysis, he nodded and said darkly: "Xiaoqiu, quickly copy these two articles on a USB flash drive and give them to me. I know the dirty and scandalous things about Ye Ming."

Qiu Yixing asked with great interest: "District Chief Yan, what can you do? Can you tell me a little bit? We are people in the trenches now. If you have any good ideas, there is no need to hide them from us. Maybe, Minister Huang and I can give you some reference!"

Yan Changgeng nodded and said, "Next Tuesday at eleven o'clock in the morning, after we finish Professor Wang's public management class, the school will arrange for all the students in our young cadre class to go to Xinghai Development Zone to inspect the eco-city and livable city in our development zone. Construction. At that time, the mayor of our city, Qing Tao, and the deputy mayor, She Chuming, who is in charge of urban construction and land, will go to the development zone to hold an on-site meeting. They will rush to the development zone during lunch and meet all the students in our youth class , and have lunch with everyone. At that time, I will have a way to let the leaders, teachers and classmates present see these scandals of Ye Ming. Don't ask so many questions, you will naturally understand when the time comes. "

Hearing what he said, Qiu Yixing was very sure. Although he didn't know what kind of medicine he would sell in the gourd, he didn't continue to ask. He just told him to keep things confidential and safe...

Ye Ming and Xu Lizhong made an appointment to meet Secretary Lu at 09:30 on Saturday morning.At around nine o'clock, Ye Ming took Xiao Jin and Zhang Lingzhi to the gate of the Provincial Party Committee. Xu Lizhong came to pick them up and asked them to stay in his office for a while. At 09:30, he took them to Lu Office of the Secretary.

When sitting in Xu Lizhong's office, Xiao Jin and Zhang Lingzhi were a little nervous.Although the air conditioner was turned on in the office, fine beads of sweat still appeared on their faces, and they were anxiously imagining what they would say, what to do when they saw Secretary Lu, and how to impress Secretary Lu. Make a good first impression.

Ye Ming has been to Secretary Lu's office several times, and he is now an old acquaintance with Secretary Lu, so he is in a relatively relaxed mood. While drinking a cup of Tieguanyin tea that Xu Lizhong made for him, he chatted with Xu Lizhong with a smile .

Although Zhang Lingzhi and Xiao Jin were nervous and apprehensive, they didn't want to lose this opportunity to make friends with the closest people around Secretary Lu.Therefore, when Ye Ming and Xu Lizhong were talking, they inserted a sentence or two from time to time, and kept expressing their thanks to Xu Lizhong.

Xu Lizhong is a person who doesn't talk much and is cautious in his words and deeds, so he didn't show much interest in the flattery of Zhang Lingzhi and Xiao Jin. When they expressed their thanks to him, he just smiled lightly. There are no superfluous words.On the contrary, he almost always answered Ye Ming's questions - this made Xiao Jin and Zhang Lingzhi feel the weight of Ye Ming in Xu Lizhong's heart even more.

When Yu Yeming was talking, Xu Lizhong glanced at the clock hanging on the wall opposite the desk from time to time.When the minute hand on the clock pointed to 29:[-], he immediately stood up, took Ye Ming and the other three out of his office, and went to the door of Secretary Lu's office next door. After opening the door, he carefully pushed the door open after hearing the voice of "Please come in" from Secretary Lu inside, took Ye Ming and the other three inside, stood still in front of Secretary Lu's desk, respectfully Respectfully said: "Chief, several comrades from the Youth Cadre Class of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee are here."

Secretary Lu stopped the pen that was signing the document, nodded, looked at Ye Ming kindly, and said with a smile, "Xiao Ye, I don't know these two comrades, please introduce me."

Xiao Jin and Zhang Lingzhi hurriedly took a step when they heard Secretary Lu's words, and stood shoulder to shoulder with Ye Ming.Both of them were a little embarrassed, waiting for Ye Ming to introduce them to Secretary Lu.

Ye Ming first pointed to Xiao Jin and said to Secretary Lu: "Secretary Lu, this is Comrade Xiao Jin, Director of the Cadre Education Division of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and is now the head teacher of our No.40 eighth youth cadre class."

Then, he pointed to Zhang Lingzhi and introduced: "This is Comrade Zhang Lingzhi, the county magistrate of Zijiang County, K City, and the monitor of our young cadre squad."

Secretary Lu nodded, pointed to the sofa opposite, and said to the three of Ye Ming, "Sit down, let's chat casually first."

As he said that, he also came out from behind the desk, and sat down on the single armchair on the west side, forming a right angle with Ye Ming and others who were sitting side by side on the south couch, instead of sitting face to face——Deer When meeting with subordinates with lower positions, the secretary generally does not choose to sit face to face with them.Because if they were sitting face to face, the other party would probably not dare to look up at him, the secretary of the provincial party committee, which would also cause the other party to feel uneasy and panicky.In that case, the conversation will be more tense, and the atmosphere will not be too good.

On the contrary, if they are sitting at right angles like now, the other party can hold their chests up and look up without being oppressed by their own eyes, and they can also talk easily.This is the thoughtfulness and meticulousness of Secretary Lu...

Next, Secretary Lu spent half an hour inquiring about Xiao Jin's work in the Organization Department, and also asked Zhang Lingzhi about some of the main tasks in Zijiang County this year.

Secretary Lu is a master who knows people and appearances. After talking with Xiao Jin and Zhang Lingzhi, he observed their behavior and demeanor when they talked with him, and he had a deep understanding of their personalities and attitudes. There is a basic judgment on work ability and comprehensive quality.

Regarding Xiao Jin, Secretary Lu's judgment is: this is a man of action who is dull, upright and simple, with a lot of talent and ability.He doesn't speak many flattering and beautiful words, but he is absolutely loyal, reliable and trustworthy.

As for Zhang Lingzhi, Secretary Lu's judgment is: this young county magistrate is ambitious, refined and magnanimous, very knowledgeable and cultivated, and also very innovative and hard-working, and will be of great use in the future!

In short, Secretary Lu is quite satisfied with the two department-level cadres brought by Ye Ming today, and at the same time, he is also sincerely happy that his son can make such a good friend with both ability and political integrity in a short period of time—as the saying goes Said: Things flock together, people are divided into groups;If Ye Ming's handover in the future is the same as the two cadres he brought today, then under their guidance, he will definitely be able to embark on a bright and open career path in the future.And this is exactly the fundamental purpose that Secretary Lu must send Ye Ming to the Provincial Party School for training for a few months.

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