Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 880 Nightmare

After learning from Chen Yufei that Yan Changgeng was going to sue himself to the higher authorities, Ye Ming finally gritted his teeth and made a decision: If he wanted to avoid such consequences, he wanted to protect Chen Yi. And Xiao Benben, now there is only one way to go to Huashan, which is to put Yan Changgeng in a cell and lock him up.As long as he enters the cell, no matter how much money he has and how determined he is to sue himself, it will be useless!

And to get him into the cell, Qu Yu is the most critical factor.

Thinking of this, he called Qu Yu at noon.

Qu Yu has now been officially transferred to the provincial TV station as she wished, so she is now very grateful and admires Ye Ming.So, seeing that it was Ye Ming's call, she pressed the answer button as soon as the call was connected, and said enthusiastically, "Director Ye, hello!"

Ye Ming also greeted her, and then asked in a chatty tone: "Miss Qu, how are you doing now? Is work going well?"

Qu Yu hurriedly replied: "Thanks to Director Ye, my work is going very smoothly, and my life is considered good. It's just—"

Speaking of this, she hesitated a little, as if she had some unspeakable difficulties, she didn't know whether she should tell Ye Ming or not.

Ye Ming just wanted to hear her complain now, so he cheered her up and said: "Miss Qu, do you have something difficult to say? You just say it. If you have any difficulties and problems in life, as long as I can help you If you get it, I will definitely help you. If you need the TV station to come forward, I can also call Director Zhang and ask your unit to come forward to solve it for you."

Hearing his generous words, Qu Yu felt a burst of warmth and gratitude in his heart, so he stopped hesitating and said in a worried tone: "Director Ye, I was embarrassed to tell you about this kind of thing. After all, , This is a scandal of mine. Although you already know about it, I don't want to bother you too much. However, since you ask now, there is no need for me to hide it. Let me tell you about it!

"I remember the last time I had dinner at the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee. After you taught that bastard Yan Changgeng a lesson, you reminded me to beware of Yan Changgeng's revenge in the future and to prevent him from plotting against me. At that time, I was still a little nervous. I believe what you say, and think that you may be too cautious, and think too badly of Yan. So, at that time, I didn't take your words to heart. I always felt that no matter what this Yan said, he A deputy director-level cadre with a certain level and a certain social status should not be so dirty as you said, and should not dare to lay hands on me.

"But it turns out that your thoughts and worries are correct. On the contrary, I have been with him for so long. Although I know that he is very angry and gangster, and has a strong revenge mentality, I haven't really realized it. His ruthless, cruel nature! Alas, this is also my fault for being too ignorant and trusting others!"

Having said that, she sighed heavily, obviously falling into a sad mood.

Ye Ming happened to hear the most important point, but when she suddenly stopped talking, he felt a little anxious, and hurriedly advised her: "Miss Qu, I can't say that you are ignorant, you were also fooled by that guy Yan Changgeng He coerced him because he couldn't help himself, I understand this very well. But now you must draw a clear line with him, and never have any involvement with him again. Otherwise, your whole life may be ruined in his hands. "

Speaking of this, he thought for a while, and asked: "Just now, I heard what you said, and it seems that you have encountered something embarrassing. Is it true that Yan Changgeng really started to plot against you and take revenge on you? If there is such a thing, You can tell me, and I will give you an idea."

Hearing what Ye Ming said, Qu Yu finally made up his mind and said: "Mr. Ye, I am indeed in trouble now. In the past few days, I have been around the temporary residence of the TV station, and there are often dubious people wandering around. I come and go, and every time these people see me, they look fierce. But, every time I follow your instructions last time, I commute with my colleagues. And my temporary residence is in the courtyard of the TV station family. These people did not dare to start.

"I'm guessing that these dubious people are thugs raised by Yan Changgeng's subordinates. It is likely that he arranged to come over and monitor me to see if I had an affair with any other men. Or, they may also be Yan Changgeng. Some sent over to kidnap me or teach me a lesson. However, because of my strict precautions, they haven't found a suitable opportunity to attack.

"Mr. Ye, I'm really worried and scared now! During this period of time, I almost didn't even dare to step out of the gate of the TV station, for fear of encountering accidents. Every time I go out to discuss business, I have to call several male colleagues It’s only when I’m with you that I dare to go out. Such a day is really difficult! So, I want to ask Mr. Ye to find a way for me to see if I can get rid of this nightmare life.”

What Ye Ming was waiting for was her words, so he said to her: "Miss Qu, are you sure someone is following you now? How about this, I will come to see you at night and observe those who are following you by the way. You Don't worry, with me by my side, no one dares to hurt you, nor can anyone hurt you!"

Qu Yu knew that Ye Ming was excellent in martial arts, if he could come out to accompany him, it would be foolproof.What's more, now she also wants to try her best to climb up Ye Ming, a big tree who is both talented in civil and military affairs, but also has a strong background.Therefore, when Ye Ming offered to accompany her to see the situation, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly thanked him and said, "Thank you, Mr. Ye! Then I will wait for you at the provincial station in the evening. I will tell Wenwen later, and I will invite you tonight." You two eat!"

Ye Ming didn't want to involve Wenwen. At the same time, he also wanted to deliberately cause a misunderstanding for Yan Changgeng, thinking that he was pursuing Qu Yu, and deliberately stimulated him in this way, so that he could deal with Qu Yu earlier.As long as he makes a move against Qu Yu, he will have a chance to knock him down in one fell swoop...

So, he quickly stopped Qu Yu and said, "Miss Qu, I told you before: Wenwen and I are just ordinary friends. So, I don't want to involve her in things like this. Let's go out for dinner alone at night." ,I invite you!"

Hearing what Ye Ming said, Qu Yu misunderstood what he meant, thinking that he wanted to date her alone, she couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in her heart, she was silent for a long time before whispering: " Well, my name is not Wenwen anymore, let's go out to eat alone."

After class in the afternoon, Ye Ming took a taxi and came to the entrance of the provincial TV station. Then he walked into the TV station compound and saw Qu Yu waiting for him at the door of the TV station office building.

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