Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 881 The Man's Body

After the two walked out of the TV station compound, Ye Ming glanced around with his eyes, and sure enough, he saw three or four dubious young people wandering around the gate of the compound. When they saw Qu Yu coming out, their eyes immediately aligned. Swipe to this side.

However, these people did not move closer to Ye Ming and Qu Yu, and there was no sign of preparing to kidnap Qu Yu.Therefore, Ye Ming guessed: These people were arranged by Yan Changgeng to monitor Qu Yu, in order to find out who Qu Yu had close contacts with...

Ye Ming's guess was correct: after Qu Yu formally proposed to him to break up, Yan Changgeng didn't look for reasons from himself, but took it for granted that Qu Yu definitely found someone with a higher position than him, or someone who was better than him. He was a young and handsome man, that's why he wanted to break up with him so heartlessly.

For this reason, he hated the "third party" in his fantasy who took away his beloved woman.Moreover, he reckoned: that man is probably one of Zhang Yingzhi or Ye Ming!If it is really Ye Ming, then it will be a new grudge on top of the old grudge, and when the time comes, it will be settled with his new and old ones...

After guessing Yan Changgeng's state of mind, Ye Ming decided to use his tricks to add fuel to the fire: he simply pretended to pursue Qu Yu, and came to Qu Yu several times in the past few days. On the one hand, do Qu Yu's ideological work, remove her ideological burden, try to persuade her to break with Yan Changgeng completely, and bravely stand up to expose his corruption, bribery, and violation of discipline and law.

On the other hand, Ye Ming also wants the people Yan Changgeng arranged to monitor Qu Yu to have the illusion that he is the new "boyfriend" Qu Yu made, and then let them report to Yan Changgeng.He believes that as long as Yan Changgeng is convinced that he is Qu Yu's "new love", then he will never let it go, will definitely lose his mind, and will soon take crazy revenge actions against himself and Qu Yu.And as long as he does this, no matter what the consequences are, Qu Yu will definitely let go of his mental burden and expose his scandals and evils one by one.At that time, it will be the end of Yan Changgeng...

After such a calculation, Ye Ming deliberately moved his body closer to Qu Yu, and at the same time pretended not to see the gangsters who were monitoring the two of them. He talked and laughed with Qu Yu and walked towards a very romantic western restaurant near the TV station.

After they walked into the western restaurant, Ye Ming turned his head slightly, glanced at the people following him from the corner of his eye, and saw that one of the gangsters took out an Apple mobile phone and was secretly giving himself Taking a photo with Qu Yu, he sneered in his heart, and walked into the western restaurant with Qu Yu Shi Shiran.

The watchers didn't dare to follow the western restaurant, so they had to stand on the side of the road outside the western restaurant in the heat of [-] degrees in the summer evening, waiting for Ye Ming and Qu Yu to come out...

In the past few years, Qu Yu followed Yan Changgeng and ate all the delicacies in the provincial capital, and he has a soft spot for Western food.

Therefore, after she and Ye Ming went in and sat down, they ordered a "French Snail", a "Stone Pot Oyster, Squid and Tofu Soup", a "French Black Pepper Steak", two "Fried Rice with Bacon, Mixed Vegetables and Eggs" ", ordered another bottle of red wine, and waved to tell the waiter to hurry up and call the kitchen to serve the food.

Ye Ming smiled and said, "Miss Qu, it's too wasteful for you to order so many dishes!"It's both snails and oysters. To me, it's a wild meat! "

Qu Yu smiled and said: "Mr. Ye, you have helped me so much, I can't ask you too much. Besides, I know that people with martial arts skills are all big-bellied men. The quantity of each serving of this Western-style food It’s too little, I’m afraid it won’t be enough for you to eat by then!”

Ye Ming nodded and admitted: "That's true. I can eat four large bowls of rice for a meal. Even if I drink alcohol, I must eat two large bowls of rice to fill my stomach, otherwise I will be so hungry."

"That's right, I've heard people say that a man can only do what he can if he eats! Those men who only eat a small bowl of food are mostly men who are thin and weak. I also heard-"

As soon as she said this, she saw a weird smile on the face of Ye Ming, who was opposite her, and she quickly stopped talking, and asked strangely: "Mr. Ye, what are you laughing at? Did I say something wrong just now?" gone?"

Ye Ming hurriedly smiled and said, "No! You didn't say anything wrong! I'm listening carefully to your high talk!"

Qu Yu didn't believe his words. After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly realized that he had just said "a man can only do what he can do if he eats". Ye Ming must have misunderstood this sentence, and his face turned red all of a sudden. , glanced at Ye Ming with a smile, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Ye, you look serious, but you often think in the wrong way! I was telling the truth just now, a man, look at him Whether he is healthy or not, and whether his physical strength is good, can indeed be measured by the amount of food he eats every meal!"

Ye Ming was really thinking wrong just now: because once he had dinner with a few buddies, one of them, who was in his thirties, said such a point of view: whether a man is good in bed, whether he can satisfy a woman, often It can be seen from his appetite.Those who eat a lot, have enough physical strength, and have good endurance, can not only be alive and well in bed, but can last for a long time.On the contrary, those men who only eat a small bowl for a meal are definitely cowards in bed, or they will shrivel up, or they will be "Brother Minutes"...

The reason why Ye Ming suddenly couldn't help laughing when he heard Qu Yu's words "A man can only do what he can do if he eats" is because he thought of the theory of "eating and sleeping" that his friend said...

Now, when he realized that Qu Yu had guessed his thoughts, he felt a little embarrassed, and hurriedly took her words and said: "Miss Qu, you are right! A man's body is strong or not, it is true that by observing his body You can make a basic judgment based on your appetite. Xin Qiji's famous phrase 'Lian Po is old, but he can still eat' is actually the best footnote to your point of view. Hehehe!"

After the two chatted for a few more words and made some harmless jokes, Ye Ming decided to get down to business.

So, after toasting Qu Yu with a glass of red wine, Ye Ming suddenly asked seriously: "Miss Qu Yu, I don't know if I should say something or not!"

As soon as Qu Yu heard his serious tone, he knew what he was going to say next, his face blushed again, and after a moment of coyness, he whispered: "Mr. Ye, I know what you want to say. You can just say it, I won't have any ideas. Anyway, my surname Yan and I've basically become an open secret now. I know you're doing it for my own good now, so just go straight That said, I wouldn't mind."

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