Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 897 Injured

After answering Guo Guangwei's call, Chen Guitian said in a hurry: "Director Guo, I would like to report an emergency to you: tonight, Comrade Ye Ming invited me to work together with Director Zhang of the Provincial TV Station and Deputy Director Gu Jiachen in the hall. Director General, Deputy Captain Li Zeping, Director Qi Tong, Deputy Director Wan Youliang, and Deputy Director Gu Hansheng of Daxing District Bureau had dinner together. After the meal, at the invitation of Director Ye, we went to the Golden Years Entertainment City in Xinghai Development Zone to sing together But unexpectedly, just now, the box where we were singing was suddenly surrounded by dozens of gangsters armed with weapons. These gangsters came aggressively, and some of them were armed with guns, and wounded Director Qi Tong of the Daxing District Bureau.

"Our analysis: this incident of besieging us should be a premeditated, organized, and planned action. According to my estimation, the target of these people is probably Comrade Ye Ming—"

As soon as he said this, Guo Guangwei said "ah" in surprise on the phone, interrupted him and asked, "How did you come to this conclusion? Why do you think these gangsters are targeting Comrade Ye Ming? "

Chen Guitian said: "Director Guo, I just thought about it carefully, and I have the following two reasons: First, I have heard from Comrade Liu Ziliang that as soon as Ye Ming reported to the party school, a person named Yan who shared the dormitory with them that night There was a fight with the deputy head of the district, and Ye Ming kicked down the door of the dormitory, and punished him on the spot. For this reason, this guy surnamed Yan hated Comrade Ye Ming to the bone, and always wanted to take revenge on him. According to Liu Ziliang , that guy surnamed Yan is the deputy head of Daxing District, and also the director of Xinghai Development Zone. Moreover, it is said that this so-called deputy head is an upstart and a domineering toubob. So, I suspect Tonight's incident was organized and planned by the deputy district chief named Yan.

"Second, in our box tonight, except Comrade Ye Ming, Director Zhang of the provincial TV station, and two other lesbians, everyone else is from our public security system, and all of them are leaders with positions. Cadres. I believe that no matter how courageous and arrogant the person who planned and organized this incident is, he would never dare to blatantly attack one or several leaders of the public security organs. Therefore, the biggest possibility is that they I didn’t know that there were me and several other colleagues in the system in this box, and I thought we were all ordinary guests. Therefore, their target should not be the few of us in the public security system, and it should not be Director Zhang. As for Those two lesbians, if someone wanted to teach them a lesson, they shouldn’t be so violent. So, I guess: their only possible target is Comrade Ye Ming!”

After listening to his analysis, Guo Guangwei pondered for a while, and then said decisively: "Guitian, I will give you a task now: you, Gu Jiachen, Li Zeping, and the comrades from the Daxing District Bureau must do everything possible to ensure that Ye Ming Comrade’s safety, don’t let him have any accidents. I know that Comrade Ye Ming has kung fu, but since the other party has a gun, no matter how good his kung fu is, no matter how fast his skills are, he will always be faster than the bullets. He is a young man with a strong blood. I am afraid of him If you want to fight for strength, you risk your life. If you are injured or your life is in danger, you and I will not be able to explain to Secretary Li. Therefore, you and a few other comrades must dissuade him from fighting those gangsters. have you understood?"

Chen Guitian hurriedly replied: "Understood!"

Guo Guangwei added: "You stay in the private room to withstand the attacks of the gangsters outside. I immediately ordered that the police from the special police detachment and the criminal investigation team come over to assist the police from the local public security organ to surround the entertainment hall where you are. Rescue you within a short period of time, and arrest all the gangsters!"

After hanging up Director Guo's phone call, Chen Guitian saw that Ye Ming was still guarding the door of the box, swung the iron rod, and waved it with all his strength to resist the wave of fierce attacks outside.Because the door is narrow and the door of the box is very thick, the gangsters outside who wanted to break into the box were unable to succeed for a while. Instead, Ye Ming knocked down seven or eight of them, and all of them were beaten to death. The carpet was stained red with blood.

When Ye Ming rushed out of the box to rescue Qi Tong and came back, because he had to protect the injured Qi Tong, he was unable to support himself. He was cut once or twice on the shoulder and back respectively. Although the cuts were not deep, they were still dripping with blood. .After struggling to resist, due to excessive blood loss, his wound began to ache, and his arm was a little weak...

Seeing this, Chen Guitian hurried over to stand opposite Ye Ming at the door, and shouted to Ye Ming: "Director Ye, you go into the box and bandage the wound. Leave it to me and Captain Li... Captain Li, hurry up and stand there." Go to Director Ye's position, and the two of us will guard this door."

Li Zeping responded, and hurried over to pull Ye Ming away, took an iron trash can from the box, and waved it at the door to block the gleaming knives outside...

Ye Ming knew that Chen Guitian and Li Zeping were both skilled people, so it should be no problem to guard the half-open and half-closed narrow box door.Moreover, he himself felt that the wound was bleeding too much, and he was a little powerless, so he handed the iron rod in Chen Guitian's hand, and returned to the box by himself.

Xia Jiao and Qu Yu, who had been nervously watching Ye Ming fighting with the gangsters outside, saw Ye Ming retreating to the box with blood on his shoulders and back, they couldn't help but screamed, and they rushed over to check on Ye Ming at the same time. injury.

Xia Jiao saw that Ye Ming's wounds were not deep, but the flesh was turned out and dripping with blood, which looked very scary. She was so distressed that she burst into tears. While crying, she pulled out a large handful of tissues from the paper box on the table , frantically trying to wipe the blood off Ye Ming's body.

Qu Yu hurriedly said, "Miss Xia, don't wipe with paper towels. There are many bacteria on these paper towels. If you wipe, it may cause wound infection."

Ye Ming nodded and said, "Jiaojiao, Miss Qu, don't bother with me, and don't worry. I can handle this little injury myself."

As he spoke, he took off his shirt, tore him into strips, and bound up the wound on his shoulder first.Then, Xia Jiao was asked to bandage the wound on her back according to the method she taught, temporarily stopping the blood flowing out.

At the same time, on the other side of the box, Qi Tong, who was so angry that his seven orifices were smoking, was giving orders to Wan Youliang and Gu Hansheng: "Old Wan, Lao Gu, please pass on my order immediately: all those on duty in the district bureau The policemen and co-policemen who go out to perform tasks, including the personnel of the police stations, must all rush to the Liujinshuiyue Entertainment City within 10 minutes, surround the place, and not let anyone go. Moreover, all frontline policemen must bring Weapons, if anyone resists, they can be killed on the spot!"

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