At the same time, Guo Guangwei, Director of the Provincial Public Security Department, also issued orders to the Criminal Investigation Corps and the Special Police Detachment of the Provincial Department, requiring them to rush to the Golden Years Entertainment City in the Xinghai Development Zone in full armor to help the local police surround the entertainment city.If anyone resists with a gun, they can be killed on the spot.

A few minutes after Director Guo, Qi Tong and others issued the order, the alarm bells and sirens blared near the Xinghai Development Zone, and rows of police cars with red and blue lights flashing rushed towards the golden years. The location of the entertainment city.When these police cars arrived at the entertainment city, teams of heavily armed policemen jumped out of the police cars and quickly dispersed according to the instructions, encircling the entire Golden Years Entertainment City.

At the same time, from both sides of the road in front of the entertainment city, police cars roared and sped over.Careful citizens also found that among these police cars, there was actually an Iveco police car marked with the words "SWAT".When these police cars stopped, dozens of special police officers with submachine guns or sniper rifles rushed down from Ivekoli.Among them, those special police officers with sniper rifles quickly occupied several commanding heights near the entertainment city, and the dark muzzles aimed at several entrances and exits of the entertainment city.In addition, the dozens of special policemen rushed into the entertainment city under the gesture command of their commander...

At this time, in the general manager's office on the sixth floor of the entertainment city, Yan Changgeng, who was still ignorant of the outside situation, was still furious and angrily scolding the manager surnamed Du: "You bastards, it's useless for me to support you." If you have one, why not raise a group of dogs! I have a group of dogs, and at least I can guard the house and drive away strangers. How about you? What can you do? Seven or eighty people go to besiege a few people, and they all carry weapons. Can't get in after half an hour?

"I see, Xiong Xiazi's subordinates are all people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, and they are all timid tortoises! There are so many of you, even if you squeeze through together, you should squeeze them to death! It's good now, not only did you not cut Turn over one person, and more than a dozen of your own people were injured. Isn’t this a joke? Go down and tell Xiong Xiazi: Don’t worry about the door of the Wanghai box, and arrange some strong people for me to split the box door with an axe , everyone rushed in together. His surname is Ye, the third prince of Nezha. He has three heads and six arms. He can't fly into the sky, he can't be invulnerable! I can't believe he really has such a body of steel!"

As soon as he said this, the door of the manager's room was knocked open with a "bang". Blind Xiong stumbled in with a frightened face and staring eyes, and stammered, "Yan... District Chief Yan!" , Big... big things are not good! We may be in big trouble today!"

Both Yan Changgeng and Manager Du were taken aback by his panicked appearance.Yan Changgeng stared, and shouted: "Blind Xiong, what are you shouting about? What's wrong? In the Xinghai Development Zone, who would dare to rebel? Let me ask you: Those bastards in the Wanghai box, have you taken care of it?" How many people were cut down? Did that little boy surnamed Ye escape?"

Xiong Xiazi was so anxious that he jumped on his feet, pointed to the downstairs, and shouted with a red face: "District Chief Yan, suddenly many, many policemen came outside and surrounded the entire entertainment city. The brothers guarding outside told me : There are also many special police among these policemen, all holding sniper rifles with scopes, occupying the surrounding commanding heights. A few brothers saw that the situation was not good, and wanted to rush out from the door, but they were blocked by those policemen. This building is now only allowed to enter but not to exit. District Chief Yan, please think of a way and ask your friends in the Public Security Bureau to see what happened? If you don’t think about it, we will be wiped out! "

When Yan Changgeng heard Xiong Xiazi say that the building was surrounded by the police, he was so frightened that he was so frightened that he was more than half sober from the wine. He hurried to the window of the manager's office, pushed open the glass window and looked behind the entertainment city.

Seeing this, Yan Changgeng's soul was almost scared away: near the parking pad behind the entertainment city, there were heavily armed policemen everywhere, blocking the openings on both sides of the parking pad tightly.On the opening where the parking pad connects to the Entertainment City building, policemen are constantly rushing in.At the same time, on the road outside, police cars with flashing police lights roared past...

When Yan Changgeng saw the situation, even though he was bold, he was still in a cold sweat from fright, and his body couldn't help shaking like a wobble!

Seeing Yan Changgeng's appearance, Xiong Xiazi knew that he didn't understand what happened, so he quickly reminded him: "District Chief Yan, please call your friend in the Public Security Bureau and ask what's going on!"

Yan Changgeng woke up suddenly, quickly took out his mobile phone, and called the director of the Xinghai Development Zone Police Station.

After the call was connected, before Yan Changgeng could speak, the director of the police station asked angrily inside: "District Chief Yan, what happened to your entertainment city? I just received a call from Wan Youliang, Director of our District Bureau Call, let me call all the policemen and joint defense personnel in our office, and rush to the Entertainment City to surround the entire building. We have now arrived at the Entertainment City and have surrounded the entire building. In a few minutes, we will be ready to assault the gangsters on the third floor. You tell me: what is the origin of this group of gangsters? Why are they so arrogant? Do you know about this?"

It turned out that the director of the police station had just received an order to lead people to surround Liujinshuiyue Entertainment City, without knowing that the instigator of this incident was Yan Changgeng.

Yan Changgeng has a very good relationship with the director, and also has friendship with Qi Tong, Wan Youliang, Gu Hansheng and others from the Daxing Development Zone Bureau.At this moment, when I heard what the director said, I was a little surprised and asked: "You mean that it is Director Wan of the Daxing District Bureau who gave you the order today? Well, I will call you Director Qi and Director Wan right now and ask What's going on!"

Upon hearing Yan Changgeng's words, the director immediately understood that this matter was related to him, and when he heard that he wanted to call Director Qi Tong and Deputy Director Wan Youliang, he shouted angrily: "District Chief Yan, you don't need to call. Yes. Let me ask you: Did you organize and plan the siege of guests in your entertainment city today? Don’t hide it! Let me tell you: If you organized and directed this incident today, you will be in big trouble And I can tell you responsibly: What you caused was not an ordinary disaster, but a heinous disaster!"

Yan Changgeng trembled even more when he heard the director's words, and he stammered and asked, "Director Qin, tell me clearly: what is the catastrophe? Why are there so many policemen rushing over to surround me?" Entertainment City?"

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