Official Road Hongyan

Chapter 934 Tour Guide

Perhaps, for Chen Mengqi, the harmony between her and Ye Ming is really a kind of "rain and dew nourishment", and the effect of this nourishment is quite obvious: that night, even though she was like a greedy child, she gave Ye Ming I asked for it several times, and the two of them barely slept for one night.But the next morning at seven o'clock, when they woke up, Chen Mengqi was radiant and full of energy, without any tiredness, which made Ye Ming, who was a little worried that she would "laze in the bridal chamber" today, was puzzled...

Although Chen Mengqi doesn't know how to cook, she does other housework very quickly.After waking up, she quickly packed her and Ye Ming's suitcases, and even made the beds in the room neatly, leaving no trace of last night's upheaval...

When they arrived at the hotel lobby, as Ye Ming expected, the "P City Youth Travel Agency" arranged business personnel, put up a sign with a tourist route map, and solicited various "one-day tours" and "travel tours" in the lobby. Red boutique tour" passengers.

Ye Ming stood in front of the sign, looked at the routes and quotations on it, and felt that there was a route that was very suitable for him: depart from P City at [-] am, return to Huangling County first, and visit Qiaoshan and the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor; in the afternoon Drive directly from Huangling County to Yan'an, and visit Yangjialing, Baota Mountain, Zaoyuan, and Qingliang Mountain the next day; drive from Yan'an to N County of Luchuan City at [-]:[-] pm, visit the Northwest Folk Culture Village, and experience the folk culture of the Northwest. Enjoy Xintianyou songs.If you are interested, you can also go to the farmhouse near the folk culture village to eat "roasted whole lamb" at your own expense, live in authentic loess cave dwellings with local villagers, and learn about the food, clothing, housing and transportation of the people on the loess high slope...

Ye Ming took a fancy to this route at a glance: because this route not only includes the two scenic spots he most wants to see, the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor and Yan'an, but also the tour group will go to County n of Luchuan City tomorrow afternoon, and will and rest there.In this case, I can rush to Lujiazhuang the day after tomorrow, that is, in the early morning of October 10th, contact and wait for Li Wuan, secretary of the Luchuan Municipal Party Committee, to come over...

So, Ye Ming began to discuss the specific travel details with the salesman.He knows: the current tourism market is very chaotic. Many tour guides of travel agencies basically do not have any salary income in the company. .In this case, many tourists will be slaughtered, hacked, and cheated, and such examples appear endlessly on the Internet and in the news media.

Therefore, he first asked the very young salesman: "Sir, how many self-funded attractions are there in your route? How many shopping spots are there? Are the self-funded attractions voluntarily visited by passengers?"

As soon as the salesman heard Ye Ming's question, he knew that he was a veteran who often participated in group tours, so he put on a very frank look and said with a smile: "Sir, we don't hide it from you: we Although the tour guides of the company do not rely entirely on tourist attractions at their own expense and shopping commissions, their basic salary is actually very low. Therefore, in each tourist route, we will arrange one or two attractions at their own expense and several shopping attractions, Let the tour guides get a little extra subsidy. I believe that you, sir, are a well-informed VIP who has traveled in groups many times, so you should understand our company and our hard-working tour guides, right?"

Ye Ming heard that what he said was more honest and sincere, so he nodded and said, "I understand this. However, I hope that in such a short period of two days, there will not be too many shopping attractions, and tourists will not be forced to pay for their own attractions. You must see it. As long as it is not too much, I am willing to go with your group!"

"Definitely, definitely! Don't worry, if our tour guide takes tourists to shop in black stores that slaughter people, or forces tourists to visit scenic spots at their own expense, sir, you can complain to our company or to the tourism supervision department. No matter what Wherever you complain, those black tour guides will be dealt with seriously!"

Next, Ye Ming hastily signed a travel service agreement with the salesman, and then came to the Youth Travel Agency in P City, boarded a 25-seat tourist bus, and rushed to the [-]-kilometer trip at around ten o'clock Huangling County outside.

Since it is the National Day holiday now, the business of travel agencies is relatively good.The group that Ye Ming joined today, although it was a small group with a short route, there were about [-] tourists, most of them were middle-aged and elderly couples, and there were also a few couples dressed like students. Only Ye Ming and Chen Mengqi saw it. They looked like a young married couple.

Today, the leader of the tour group is a woman who looks very sophisticated and smooth. She is about 27 or [-] years old. As soon as she gets in the car, she introduces herself with a smile on her face. Pay attention to the tone of the word "Guide", don't pronounce it as the fourth tone, because in that case, she will become a "grave path" in everyone's mouth-only this sentence made many tourists on the bus laugh.

Next, I enthusiastically sang a song "Xintianyou" to everyone, and told everyone to speak some of the most typical northern Shaanxi dialects, such as "I" reads "hungry" and "Where did it come from" is read as "La Lai" , all children are called "baby", and so on.

Ye Ming travels with a group almost every year, and has seen all kinds of tour guides.Looking at the face of the tour guide surnamed Mu and her words and deeds, he judged that this is a very experienced old fritter who is also very good at digging out wealth from tourists' pockets.Like this kind of tour guide, she will not use tricks, abductions or threats to force tourists to spend money, but she will try to use her penetrating skills to persuade tourists, so that some tourists will willingly follow her guidelines and hints , go to some scenic spots at her own expense that she can get kickbacks, or go shopping at some shopping spots she has contacted.

Moreover, a tour guide like her will basically judge which tourists are rich and which are not rich based on the clothes, dresses, words and deeds of the tourists she brings; which tourists are generous and like to shop, and which tourists are stingy; Tourists can create maximum profits for themselves, and which tourists will make themselves difficult...

Based on this judgment, the tour guide will treat them differently: those who are rich and can bring her generous kickbacks, she will try her best to curry favor; and those who are unwilling to listen to her instructions and don’t take anything away, she will obviously do nothing. But secretly, he despises them, and treats them with indifference...

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