Ye Ming's judgment was absolutely correct: as soon as the Mu guide got into the car, he began to secretly observe each tourist, and analyzed and judged the "gold content" of the tourists in this car.

Ordinary tour guides like three types of guests the most: the first type is those young and middle-aged men who wear thick gold necklaces and rings and like to bluff, especially those "local tyrants" who bring lovers or wives.This kind of local tyrants like to talk about face and show off their wealth. Therefore, they will take the initiative to sign up for general self-funded items; when they go to shopping spots, they don’t need tour guides to promote them, and they will rush to buy things that they may not need at all. Souvenirs, luxury goods.

The second category is officials who secretly take mistress out for a trip.This kind of person, some experienced tour guides can also see it at a glance.These officials usually don't have much time to spend with their mistresses at home, so they try their best to make it up to them when they travel abroad.Also, they have endless money to spend.Therefore, this kind of people are also very generous when viewing attractions and shopping at their own expense, and can often bring extra surprises to tour guides;

The third category is those cadres and workers of rich government agencies, public institutions, or state-owned enterprises with particularly good returns.These people generally want to save face, and many self-funded tours are public funds, so they don't need to pay for it personally, so generally as long as the tour guide introduces a certain self-funded tour, they will go to see it.Moreover, when shopping, they also like to engage in "group buying". As long as someone in a unit takes the lead in shopping, the rest of the people will basically buy a little. This way, the guides will get a lot of rebates...

The guests that tour guides dislike most are those middle-aged and elderly couples, student tour groups, and individual tourists who travel by one or two people.Unfortunately, the tour guide surnamed Mu today is basically a "poor group" mainly middle-aged and elderly couples, with a few students and individual tourists.Therefore, although out of her professional habits, she greeted everyone enthusiastically, joked, and sang about Tianyou when she came up, but after carefully observing the composition of these tourists on the bus, her face showed an obvious look of disappointment—— — This point cannot escape Ye Ming's eyes...

There is no expressway from P City to Huangling County, and there is only a provincial road with potholes, so the driving speed is relatively slow.After the tourist bus drove for about half an hour, the tour guide surnamed Mu suddenly said to everyone: "Tourists and friends, our bus master will stop in front of a bamboo charcoal products store in a moment. Toilets, by the way, take a look at the unique, green and environmentally friendly bamboo charcoal products. Please note: before entering the mall, you must first go to the mall staff to get a visit ticket, otherwise you will not be able to go to the toilet! "

Ye Ming knew that what the tour guide said about going to the toilet was actually leading everyone to go shopping. He thought that the tour guide had arranged for everyone to go shopping just after the car drove out. , Is this bamboo charcoal products store a shopping spot for our group? It is written in our contract: for this three-day, two-night trip, at most two self-funded items and three shopping attractions will be arranged. If There are too many shopping attractions, which will delay our time.”

The tour guide surnamed Mu was stunned for a moment, glanced at Ye Ming, and said dissatisfiedly: "Sir, I just said: I will let everyone go to the toilet in that shopping mall, and take a look at the products in the shopping mall by the way. Buy a little, this is not a shopping attraction!"

Ye Ming heard her say that this is not a shopping attraction, and knew that she wanted to take advantage of the contract, so he sneered and said, "Director Mu, since this mall is not a shopping attraction, my friend and I won't go in later. because we don't want to go to the bathroom."

The reason why Ye Ming said this is because he knew that the tour guide tricked everyone into going to the toilet with the "visit ticket", but in fact the "visit ticket" was the basis for her and the minibus driver's commission - because many tourists in tourist areas Shopping malls use this method to attract customers: tour guides and drivers bring tourists to the mall, no matter whether tourists spend or not, as long as they enter the mall, the tour guide and driver can receive a "guide fee" of 3-5 yuan per person. ...

As soon as the Mu guide heard Ye Ming's words, he knew that he was a well-informed "veteran tourist" who had participated in group tours many times, and he was also the kind of "stabbing tourist" that tour guides hate and are least willing to bring: Because this kind of "veteran oil tourists" and "stabbing tourists" have traveled a lot outside and are used to the tricks of the tour guides, they will not buy the products recommended by the tour guides no matter where they go.Not only that, they will also persuade other tourists not to buy things, directly damaging the interests of tour guides.

But now, Director Mu discovered that this young man who questioned himself must be a "veteran" and "thorn".

In order not to let other tourists be affected by this "veteran oily person", Director Mu immediately put down his smiling face and said with a little dissatisfaction: "Sir, if you don't go to the toilet, that's your freedom. I can't force you either. However, I hope you don't talk nonsense and affect the mood of other tourists and friends. We as tour guides get up early and work in the dark every day to serve tourists and friends. It is not easy to make some money. I hope you will understand us, don't Let’s talk about those provocative and inflammatory words!”

At this time, the tough-looking driver also slowed down the car, turned his head and glared at Ye Ming, and said, "Little brother, the economic situation is sluggish now, and it's not easy for us to make a living. So, some You can understand the matter in your heart, and don’t make everyone unhappy. I believe that most tourists still understand us and support us. Therefore, please try your best to understand and cooperate with our work during the next travel time. Don't stir up trouble."

The purpose of the tour guide and the driver is to suppress Ye Ming, so that he will stop questioning the issue of taking tourists to shopping spots, so as not to affect other tourists and cause a collective confrontation, then their trip will be in vain...

Ye Ming heard that the director Mu and the driver sounded a little threatening, and felt even more angry. Just about to refute them a few more words, Chen Mengqi, who was sitting beside him, quickly pulled his hand and said in a low voice: "Brother, They are local snakes, so stop arguing with them, it will make everyone unhappy. She arranged for us to go to the toilet in the mall, and we just go down and walk around the mall, as long as we don't buy anything, there's nothing they can do, right? Why bother with them like this?"

Ye Ming thought about it, and felt that what Chen Mengqi said was right, so he didn't make another sound.

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